: The Voice of the Fallen Dao Ancestor

Gu Xiangfei was also stunned when he saw the things in the world of the ancestors of the gods. The undulating veins formed mountains, and the crystal stones were all peaks. Crashed, quickly raised his hand and waved, wow! With a sound, less than half of the things in this world were swept away by him, and they collapsed.

Gu Xiangfei secretly yelled a pity, raised his hand and shot out a flame to turn the primordial spirit into nothingness, a sound of mourning suddenly resounded in the void of the holy world, and the monks in the whole holy world were startled by the sound of mourning.

“This is the sound of the Dao ancestor’s fall. There was such a mournful sound when the Dao ancestor of the human race also fell. Which Dao ancestor fell this time?”

“The Dao ancestors have all fallen! Which race’s Dao ancestors is this?”

The monks in the entire holy world soon knew which Taoist ancestor had fallen.

“Human ants, how dare you bombard and kill my God Race ancestor, I will swallow you.” A violent shout came from the void with a furious voice.

“The saints of the human race actually killed the Taoist ancestor of the god race? Was this done by the Taoist ancestor of the human race? Could it be that the human race is about to rise?” The saints of many races in the holy world began to speculate, but the next moment, a voice interrupted their speculation.

“Old man of the Protoss, your grandfather slaughtered a Taoist ancestor of the Protoss today, I will go to you immediately, wash your neck and wait! There are also ants of the Protoss, wait to be exterminated!” The Taoist ancestor of the Protoss did not speak anymore. The saints in the holy world understood at this moment that the Taoist of the Protoss was afraid.

yes! These human saints can bombard and kill one God Race ancestor, and they can kill the second God Race Taoist ancestor. Previously, the God Race Taoist ancestor only made the sound of the Dao in anger. People were all jubilant, and they sent messages to ask which human saint was so powerful that he killed the protoss Yingshan Daozu.

The saints of the human race in Jusheng City cheered loudly, especially the saint Xuankong and his friends, who were even more shocked. When the handprints of the Taoist ancestors of the gods were taken, they thought they were finished, but Gu Xiangfei unexpectedly He can still move, not only can he move, but he also took the initiative to meet and fight Daozu. They are all grateful for Gu Xiangfei’s actions. If it was him, he would definitely escape first if he could move.

Dang Gu XiangfeiIn the battle with the Taoist ancestors of the God Race, from the beginning of being evenly matched, to the crushing later, and then to the Taoist ancestors of the God Race trying to escape, the expressions on their faces changed from worry to surprise, then from surprise to surprise, and then to Shocked, the expression on his face kept changing.

After Gu Xiangfei killed the Taoist ancestor of the Shenzu, his confidence increased greatly. It turned out that the Taoist ancestor was nothing more than that, but he did not take it lightly, and knew that he could kill the Taoist ancestor of the Shenzu this time. The dao yuan refined with the energy of chaos, and the underestimation of the gods’ dao ancestors, the reason for these factors made him let the gods’ dao ancestors kill him in one fell swoop.

After hearing the sound of the Great Dao from another Taoist ancestor of the God Race, he immediately fought back. He decided to break through to the realm of a seventh-rank saint and wipe out the God Race saints in the holy world. This way, the chances and chances will be greater.

Gu Xiangfei landed in Jusheng City, and was greeted with cheers from everyone in the city. The human race could finally rise up, and all the saints of the human race looked at him with adoring and grateful eyes.

“Fellow daoists, the crisis has been resolved. Now go back and practice hard. The day I leave the customs again will be the time when the gods will be extinct.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted everyone after finishing speaking.

Everyone was even more grateful to Gu Xiangfei. Such a powerful saint treated them all equally without showing the slightest hint of arrogance.

“Brother Xuankong, Brother Maolie, and a few other brothers, let’s go to the City Lord’s Mansion!” After Gu Xiangfei saw the saints in Jusheng City returning to their respective caves, only Saint Xuankong and the others were here. A few, knowing that they have something to say to themselves, they proposed to go to the city lord’s mansion.

Saint Xuankong and several nine-rank saints even smiled at Gu Xiangfei. Everyone returned to the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion. After everyone sat down, Saint Xuankong took out Holy Spirit tea and poured it for everyone.

“Brother Gu was able to kill the Taoist ancestor of the gods this time. It’s really gratifying and congratulatory, and I was surprised! I didn’t expect that brother Gu is stronger now. I don’t know what the next step is for brother Gu?” Saint Xuankong and Gu Xiangfei The two are the most familiar, the two have cooperated several times, and built the Jusheng City together, so he was the first to ask.

“I’m going to practice in seclusion. After breaking through to rank seven saints, I will first kill the ancestors of the gods, and then destroy the gods, so that my human race will always stand on the top of the holy world.” Gu Xiangfei’s bold words made Xuankong saint and several other rank nines The sage, immediately excited, nodded in response.

“We have had enough of the bird spirit of the human race. When Brother Gu leaves the customs, we will attack the God Clan’s Xiayu Starfield together. First open the access channel to the God Realm, and then destroy the God Clan.” The character of the saint Maolie Impatience, but he is not a reckless person. He can cultivate to the realm of a nine-turn saint, and no one is a simple person.

“Okay! When the time comes, we will attack Xiayu Starfield together.” Saint Huiwen is also ambitious, and Saint Qingyuan and Saint Fengming also nodded in agreement.

Gu Xiangfei returned to the cave, Gu Xiaoyu was still practicing, and the golden-winged roc was lying next to her. When the God Race Taoist came to attack, it immediately flew into the cave, trembling, and kept muttering, “Brother Fei wants to attack!” Beat him away! Next time I will work hard to cultivate, this ancestor is too powerful, my ancestors bless me for immortality!”

Seeing Gu Xiangfei return to the cave, Gold-winged Dapeng looked at him in surprise, and asked, “Brother Fei, what about the Dao ancestor of the protoss?”

“You idiot, what are you talking about here? Don’t go out to help! It took me a lot of effort to get rid of it. Next time I go to attack the Protoss, you will be the first one. Don’t embarrass me, no! You are not human, Don’t lose the bird’s face.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and slapped it. If the golden-winged roc was by his side to assist him in attacking the ancestor of the gods, the world of the ancestors of the gods would not collapse, and his loss would not be so huge. .

“I can’t beat him! My good fellow, I can only escape here first after the huge coercive aura is suppressed. I originally wanted to escape with Xiao Yu, but she is breaking through the realm, so I have no choice but to wait for her here.” Jin The Winged Peng heard that Gu Xiangfei had killed the Taoist ancestor of the God Race, and immediately became excited and talked more, but it was still thinking about Xiao Yu at the critical moment, and it was very good to be able to live and die with Xiao Yu here, coexist and die, With the powerful talent of the golden-winged roc, even if it can’t beat the ancestor of the gods, it can escape here, and Gu Xiangfei is not teaching it.

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