: Terran Creation

The news of the fall of Yingshan, the Taoist ancestor of the God Race, quickly spread throughout the entire holy world. The Taoist ancestor Hanhui of the human race, and the Taoist ancestor Wuzhang of the monster race also knew the news.

Daozu Hanhui proved the supernatural power of the great cutting technique, so the saints in the holy world also called him the ancestor of the cutting technique, but Gu Xiangfei found a weakness in his supernatural power of the big cutting technique. His supernatural power of the big cutting technique is not complete, lacking The law of rhyme.

When Gu Xiangfei ascended to the God Realm back then, his ascension path was cut off by his super-cutting technique, and then he landed in the Dry God Realm. Gu Xiangfei has been looking for this saint who performed the big cutting technique, but he hasn’t found him yet.

Daozu Hanhui was fighting against Daozu Yingshan of the protoss. His supernatural power of cutting was smashed by Taoist Yingshan, and a trace of the law of cutting Daoyun appeared in the God Realm through countless planes, which just cut off Gu Xiangfei’s ascension channel , causing him to fall into the Dry God Realm.

Daozu Hanhui was blasted by Daozu Yingshan to shatter the law of cutting Daoyun. Seeing that he was no match for Daozu Yingshan, he had no choice but to escape from here, so that he would not dare to face Daozu Yingshan in the future. The gods suppressed the human race, and they did not dare to help, not to mention that the gods had another Fengtian Daozu, and he would notDare to get ahead.

Now he heard the mournful sound of Daozu’s fall, and he was shocked. Which Daozu had fallen again? Later, he heard the Dao voice from the saint of the human race in the holy world, and then he knew that Daozu Yingshan was bombarded and killed by the saint of the human race. Yes, he was overjoyed, the saint of the human race was able to kill the Taoist ancestor Yingshan of the god race, and he could also kill the Taoist ancestor Fengtian, and the human race was finally about to rise.

Daozu Hanhui knew that after Daozu Yingshan fell, he immediately walked out of the cave. Now that no one can threaten him, he directly tore through the void realm and came to Xiayu Starfield. After scolding countless times, this time he wants to smash the Xiayu Starfield and open the human race’s guiding channel.

Just arrived at the boundary formation of Xiayu Starfield, a voice came, “What is Daozu Hanhui doing in Xiayu Starfield?”

“Fengtian Daozu! Well done! Today I’m going to smash the Xiayu Starfield. Now that you’re here, I don’t have to look for you.”

Daozu Hanhui raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of cutting. He was not sure about dealing with Daozu Yingshan, but he was not afraid of Fengtian, a Daozu who broke through the realm of creation not long ago.

The magic channel rhyme of the great cutting technique blasted out, and this space was immediately cut open by the rhyme of cutting Dao. Ancestor Fengtian raised his hand and blasted out a huge supernatural power of origin force, and the two supernatural powers blasted together, boom! The space that was originally cut by the cutting Daoyun is now being bombarded by two huge yuan forces, and it is instantly shattered. in the void.

“Again!” Daozu Hanhui saw that both his own cutting power and the opponent’s magical power collapsed, he raised his hand and blasted out a big cutting power, and Feng Tian Daozu also raised his hand and blasted out a power of Yuanli without showing weakness. Fight together again.

A huge force of origin suddenly bombarded Daozu Hanhui, “Not good! There are other Daozu sneak attacks, this is the supernatural power of water.” Daozu Hanhui quickly dodged and flew away, bang! With a bang, Daozu Hanhui was blasted into half of his body, and his flesh and bones flew across the sky. Daozu Hanhui raised his hand to activate the Boundary Breaker Talisman, a flash of light flashed, and the Boundary Breaker Talisman rolled him up and disappeared.

“Unfortunately, let him run away.” The figure of Ruifeng Daozu of the Hai Clan appeared next to the big formation of the realm.

“Hmph! It’s lucky for him, but it’s a pity that Taoist Yingshan has fallen, otherwise this time the old man Hanhui will be severely injured if he doesn’t die.” Taoist Fengtian had long thought that Taoist ancestors of the human race would definitely come to attack Xia after hearing that Taoist Yingshan had fallen. Yu Xingyu, after discussing with Ruifeng Daozu, he wanted to kill Hanhui Daozu in one fell swoop in the Jieyu Great Formation, but he escaped unexpectedly.


Gu Xiangfei practiced in the star bead for thousands of years, and finally broke through to the sixth-rank state of Dzogchen. He raised his legs and left the star bead, went outside the cave, continued to practice, and prepared to understand the heaven and earth rules of the holy world outside, and break through to the seventh-rank saint realm.

Jusheng City was bombarded by the ancestors of the gods and Taoists. After being killed, the saints of the human race saw hope and practiced crazily. Almost every day, people broke through. The rules gather here, just like the rain after a long drought, pouring on Jusheng City.

Saint Xuankong even buried ten Dao veins directly in Jusheng City to provide vitality to the monks in the city. The vitality of heaven and earth in Jusheng City turned into rain and mist. The vitality of heaven and earth poured in.

A huge chaotic atmosphere spread from the leading hall to the entire Gathering Holy City, and the human saints in the city suddenly felt the extremely clear rules of heaven and earth. The understanding of the Dao is suddenly penetrated, the cultivation base is improved sharply, and the realm is instantly broken through. Even the saints of the human race who are proving the Dao can instantly understand the rules of the Dao and succeed in proving the Dao.

Saint Xuankong had already cultivated to the peak state of the ninth turn, and the incomparably clear rules of the avenue allowed him to directly break through to the realm of good fortune. Break through the realm of good fortune and become the ancestor of Xuankong Dao of the human race.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that after he broke through to the rank seven saint, the incomparably clear rules of heaven and earth would directly allow the saint Xuankong of the race to break through to the realm of good fortune and become the second Taoist ancestor of the human race.

“Human Huiwen sages broke through to the realm of good fortune, and became the ancestors of human Huiwen Dao.” The Taoist voice came from the sky of the holy world again, and the human saints in the entire Jusheng City felt that the larger rules of heaven and earth gathered at this moment. They broke through the realm one after another, and then successfully proved the Tao successfully.

You must know that it is easy to break through the realm in the holy world, but to prove the Dao, you must have a thorough understanding of the rules of the Dao before you can prove your own supernatural power rules. With the help of the top-level attribute Dao fruit perception, you can succeed in proving the Tao and become a sage of proving the Tao.

This time, two Dao ancestors appeared in Jusheng City, and the huge rules of heaven and earth gathered together, allowing them to perceive the incomparably clear rules of heaven and earth, and successfully proved the Dao in one fell swoop.

The saints of the human race in the entire holy world cheered loudly. This time, two saints of the human race broke through to the Good Fortune Realm and became Taoist ancestors. They were all very pleasantly surprised. Some old saints of the human race even faced the sky and knelt down piously on the ground , couldn’t help thanking Heaven, “The human race has finally risen, and the human race is about to become stronger…”

The other races were surprised by the sudden appearance of two Dao ancestors on the human race. The races that did not conflict with the human race felt at ease. Will take them two races, there may be a crisis of genocide, some alert saints,They all fled from their respective races.

Daozu Fengtian and Daozu Ruifeng were even more shocked. Now that two Daozu suddenly appeared in the human race, they would definitely come to destroy the gods and the sea. For so many years, these two races have set many unequal rules against the human race, and He also took the opportunity to kill many saints of the human race. Now if they don’t come back with revenge, they will become human races.

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