: Yan Yixue Enters the Holy Realm

Gu Xiangfei bid farewell to everyone in the academy, came outside his cave, and saw his old lady sitting at a stone table in the courtyard, with a god fruit and a pot of god tea on it, and there was still tea left in several cups. Pick up the teacup and drink the spirit tea.

“Mother, I’m back.” Gu Xiangfei stepped in front of his old lady and held her hand, feeling very excited.

“Brat, you still know how to come back! Where’s my granddaughter Xiaoyu?” The old lady didn’t show any surprise when she saw him, but asked about Xiaoyu instead. It can be seen that Xiaoyu is more important to her than herself.

“Xiao Yu is in the holy world and hasn’t come back. I’ll come back to see you first. Where’s my father?”

“Xiaoyu didn’t come back? She has already gone to the Holy Realm? Good! She is indeed my granddaughter, she is much better than you, she has gone to the Holy Realm, what do you think we are doing? I can’t die, your father and your second uncle are going hunting Oh, I said I want to eat barbecue, I haven’t eaten barbecue in so many years, it’s weird.” The old lady thought he was in Kongwu City, and came back to see them after getting tired of staying there.

Gu Xiangfei said with a smile, “I just came back from the Holy Realm, now I don’t have to worry about someone from the Holy Realm bombarding the God Realm, those saints have been wiped out by me.”

“Ah! You’ve gone to the holy world too, so why didn’t you bring Xiao Yu back?” The old lady raised her hand and patted him on the shoulder.

“Xiao Yu and I are not in the same place. I am also trying to return to the God Realm.” Gu Xiangfei explained to his wife tirelessly. He hadn’t listened to his mother’s nagging for a long time, and now he seemed to be back in Gujia Village. Talking about doing housework.

“Oh, then I also want to go to the holy world, you take me there!” The old lady said veryEffortless, it’s as simple as being at home and going to town.

“Okay, when my father and the others come back, I’ll take you with me.” Gu Xiangfei agreed to the old lady’s request. He has no other requirements, as long as his parents can live a long life. As for whether they practice or not, it doesn’t matter.

It was only when he arrived in the holy world that he discovered that there were also god kings, god gods, and god emperors. Since those god kings and everything can be in the holy world, his parents can also go, and he has many top-level Dao fruits, so he can Let parents cultivate to the holy realm.

“Okay, let’s go after eating the barbecue.” The old lady happily took a sip of the god tea when she heard his agreement, and smiled on her face. She still didn’t forget to eat the barbecue.

“Mother, I’m back.” Yan Yixue came in from outside after talking with her two sons.

“Ah! Xiaoxue is back too? Why didn’t the brat tell me, come and drink tea quickly.” The old lady patted him again.

Gu Xiangfei smiled. This old lady treats Yan Yixue better than herself. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have been together for so many years, and the relationship is very harmonious. The old lady has always treated Yan Yixue as a daughter, obviously better than Xiaoyu’s wife Ye Suting, maybe They have all experienced the world of mortals, came to the world of comprehension, then the world of immortals, and now the world of gods. They have been together for tens of thousands of years, so naturally they should be more cordial.

“Hey! Feifei is back, and Xiaoxue is back too.” Father Gu Fengchi, second uncle Gu Fengcheng, and the old man, the lord of the People’s Congress, came back together. They were a little surprised to see Gu Xiangfei in the courtyard.

When the old lady gave an order, all the family members came out. Seeing Gu Xiangfei came back, everyone asked questions happily. When everyone knew that he came back from the holy world, they asked about the holy world. The family members were very patient and answered one by one.

When everyone knew about the things about the gods in the holy world, they were all very angry at what the gods did, and they also lamented the fact that the human race was not united.

Gu Xiangfei took out a bunch of innate treasures. Everyone was overjoyed to see so many innate treasures, and each of them chose one they liked to refine.

In the evening, she and Yan Yixue entered the star bead. Both of them were born as mortals, so they naturally had emotions and desires. After being separated for so long, the time in the star bead was too long. After a battle, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

The next morning, as soon as Yan Yixue came out of the star beads contentedly, she felt that the spirit in her body had broken through the shackles, her aura suddenly rose, and a huge rule of heaven and earth enveloped Xuantian Academy in an instant.

“Husband, I’m going to the Holy Realm. Father, mother, I’m leaving.” Yan Yixue saw that all the family members had come out, and hurriedly bid farewell to everyone.

A huge seven-colored holy light enveloped Yan Yixue, slowly rose, and was led to the holy world by the holy light.

“Respectfully send off Elder Yan!” Under the leadership of the dean, Xuantian Academy bowed and saluted Yan Yixue who was receiving the holy light.

Everyone in Xuantian Academy felt the incomparably clear rules of heaven and earth at this moment, and they broke through their realms one after another. There were bursts of thunder in the sky, and these monks hurried out to overcome the tribulation.

The entire Xuantian Academy was shrouded in dark clouds, thunder arcs continued to fall, and huge auras of divine essence radiated out, and all the monks broke through the realm one after another to advance.

Gu Xiangfei saw that Yan Yixue was led to the holy world by the holy light, and knew that last night she absorbed the energy of chaos in the star bead, and also absorbed the power of dao yuan in her body, but the star bead isolated the holy world Therefore, as soon as the star bead was released, it was captured by the heaven and earth rules of the holy world, and then it was wrapped up by the holy light and brought to the holy world.

After Yan Yixue arrived in the Holy Realm, he wasn’t worried at all. His daughter Xiao Yu happened to be cultivating in the forbidden area. She would definitely be overjoyed to see her mother, and Taoist Xuankong and the others were guarding Xuanyuan City. It can be said that the Holy Realm Now is the safest place to be.

Gu Yunjie and Gu Yunhao are both god emperor cultivation bases now, but Gu Yunhao is in the early stage of god emperor, and Gu Yunjie is in the late stage of god emperor, and they are still close to the peak state.

Gu Yunhao ascended to the God Realm many years later than his elder brother Gu Yunjie. After he ascended to the God Realm, he saw that his elder brother Gu Yunjie was several realms higher than himself. His desire to win made him warn himself that he must catch up with Gu Yunjie. Their aptitudes were all about the same, and they couldn’t catch up step by step. After Gu Yunjie finally broke through to the God Emperor Realm, his cultivation speed slowed down and Gu Yunhao caught up.

Today, after seeing their mother Yan Yixue being led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light, both of them made up their minds to try to break through to the Holy Realm as soon as possible and enter the Holy Realm. They all heard from their father that their younger sister, Xiao Yu, was about to reach Rank 8. He is a saint, and they admire Xiao Yu’s qualifications even more. He is the youngest and the highest in cultivation.

The disciples and elders in Xuantian Academy, seeing Yan Yixue receiving the holy light, were envious in their hearts. What is the purpose of practicing for so many years? Could it be that one day they will be led to the holy world by the holy light? Before the old dean and the others went to Kongwu City, they didn’t see it when they were led to the holy world by the holy light. Now they all see Yan Yixue was guided by the Holy Light to the Holy Realm. The huge and clear rules of heaven and earth made them yearn even more. After breaking through the realm, they entered the cave to stabilize their cultivation, striving to break through to the Holy Realm and enter the Holy Realm as soon as possible.

Gu Xiangfei set up a spirit-gathering array in his own cave with top-quality divine veins and a few spars. The rich vitality of heaven and earth enveloped this space. The vitality of heaven and earth made the divine essence in their bodies more solid, constantly breaking through the realm.

Gu Xiangfei did not practice, he came to the cave of senior brother Leng Yuandong, now senior brother and fourth senior sister Mei Yuting, eighth senior brother Lin Xing, and Lei Yuxuan have all broken through to the realm of god kings, the Holy Sword Sect is now only the four of them in Xuantian studyIn the courtyard, the other brothers are all practicing in the Holy Sword Sect in the Northern God Realm.

“Brother, Senior Sister, Senior Brother Lin, Senior Brother Lei, I came back from the Holy Realm this time and brought back some innate treasures, which I have already given to my uncle. Let’s see which one of these innate treasures you like, and choose them already!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand. With a wave of his hand, the eight innate treasures floated in the void, exuding a powerful aura.

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