Collecting the Five Elements Flag

The senior brothers and sisters were overjoyed when they saw so many innate treasures, and immediately chose the treasures they liked. The fourth senior sister Mei Yuting even chose two and received them in her ring, making the other three envious.

Gu Xiangfei smiled, and gave everyone another ring, “It’s best not to use the spar in this ring at ordinary times, and use it after breaking through to the God Emperor Realm. Your current cultivation is unbearable, you can use the divine veins to cultivate first.”

The four of them took the ring, and after scanning their spiritual sense, they immediately felt the powerful vitality of heaven and earth in the spar. Although they hadn’t absorbed the vitality in the spar, they all felt that it was not ordinary powerful, and it was estimated that the god emperor realm was only Even if they can use one spar, their own body can’t bear such a strong vitality. The high-level domain of the holy world is indeed many times stronger than the gods, which makes them yearn for the holy world even more.

Sitting in the elder brother’s cave and communicating with them for three days, they said it was an exchange, basically they were asking questions, and Gu Xiangfei was explaining, and Gu Xiangfei explained to them clearly one by one what they didn’t understand in terms of cultivation. In these three days, I have benefited a lot.

After bidding farewell to senior brother and senior sister, Gu Xiangfei returned to his cave. He decided to take his parents and second uncle to the holy world. In Xuantian Academy.

Before leaving, Gu Xiangfei wanted to rearrange the formation of Xuantian Academy and take away his five-element flag. Although the five-element flag is an innate treasure, once it is promoted to a chaotic treasure, the role of the five-element flag will be revealed The horns of the head are many times stronger than the array flags I refined.

The current dean is Emperor Changning, who came out of the Zhendao branch. When Gu Xiangfei was in the Zhendao branch, he had not yet joined the Zhendao branch. , After a thousand years, he was promoted to Emperor of the God Array.

The previous dean saw his talent and aptitude and promoted him to be the dean. He has served as the dean of the college for a hundred years, and now the college is developing very well. Compared with when Gu Xiangfei was here, the overall strength is several times stronger.

Gu Xiangfei came to the main hall of the dean, and the guard disciples bowed excitedly when they saw him coming. This is a strong man who came back from the holy world, and Gu Xiangfei used to have a good reputation in Xuantian Academy. Now they see the holy land The strong man was so close to them, and he was even more excited.

“Elder Gu, please come in. The dean and other elders are discussing matters.” The four guard disciples respectfully saluted and invited him in without notification at all.

Gu Xiangfei nodded, “Okay, thank you for your hard work.” Lifting his legs and entering the hall, the four guard disciples heard Gu Xiangfei’s praise, and felt that the bones of his whole body were numb. They had heard that Elder Gu was amiable, fair, and treated everyone equally. Today, seeing this The general scene was indeed the same as in the legend.

When Dean Changning and other elders saw Gu Xiangfei coming in, they all stood up and bowed to salute, “Elder Gu, please sit down.”

“Forget it!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t even move his hand, everyone felt a peaceful force to support them, this huge vitality made them feel that the meridians all over their bodies were unblocked in an instant, and their cultivation base was faintly rising. Knowing Gu Xiangfei’s It is to help them repair the hidden diseases in their bodies, and the speed of cultivation will be more enjoyable in the future.

“I’m here to tell the dean that I’m going to rearrange the academy’s defensive formation, a defensive formation that even the ancestors of the holy world can’t break through.” Gu Xiangfei told the dean of his intention to come, God Emperor Changning, After all, he is the dean now, and the college has its own rules, so he still needs to ask for instructions. If Dean Qiao Tian is there, there is no need to ask for instructions based on the relationship between the two, just send a message.

“Thank you, Elder Gu, please go ahead and set up a big formation.” Divine Emperor Changning and the other elders of the academy were overjoyed, the ancestors of the holy world! That is the most powerful person in the holy world, a defensive formation that even the ancestors of Dao couldn’t break through. The formation of Elder Gu is too powerful. After that, Xuantian Academy will be even more impenetrable. It is estimated that the Five Elements universe collapsed. Xuantian Colleges can also exist on their own.

“Okay! You guys continue!” Gu Xiangfei turned and left the principal’s hall after finishing speaking. He didn’t want to know about the things here. He had already left Xuantian Academy, so he would not participate in it again. Help out, let them worry about other affairs!

Dean Changning led all the elders and sent Gu Xiangfei out of the main hall. He returned to the main hall after seeing him go away, and continued to discuss the affairs of the college.

Gu Xiangfei came to the square outside the college. The monks here came and went, and it was a bit more lively than before.

“Well, there are also protoss here? No! It’s just a trace of protoss. Could it be that the protoss also has descendants in the Five Elements universe?” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, looking at a monk in the crowd, wandering around.

The aura emanating from his body was caught by Gu Xiangfei in an instant, and he raised his hand and struck a mark of divine consciousness, which landed on the god monk. One breath, Gu Xiangfei can find hisLocation.

After entering the mark of divine consciousness, Gu Xiangfei no longer pays attention to this protoss cultivator. Before leaving the Five Elements Universe, he wants to find out the details of this protoss cultivator. Now he decides to deploy the academy’s defensive array first.

When he came to the defensive formation of the academy, he raised his hand and took out a bunch of formation flags. These formation flags are not formation flags containing the energy of chaos. God Realm does not have the energy of chaos. There is no need to use the Chaos Formation Banner to set up a large defensive formation.

He raised his hand and grabbed the innate five-element flag in the defensive formation. After checking it, he put it on the chaotic vein inside the star bead. Seeing that the innate five-element flag was absorbing the energy of chaos, he was overjoyed. These innate treasures really can be promoted Yes, the legendary five-element flag on the earth is a kind of innate treasure that was transformed into countless innate treasures after the chaotic green lotus collapsed. Originally, they were all transformed by chaotic treasures. to the original state.

Three months later, a nine-level defensive array was set up. Gu Xiangfei used two innate treasures as the core of the array, and implanted three top-grade divine veins to provide divine energy for the array, and injected millions of crystals next to each divine vein. Stone, once it encounters bombardment, the spar will replace the spiritual energy of the divine veins and turn it into a higher-order pure vitality, which provides the vitality for the defense and counterattack of the formation, and instantly transforms the defense formation of the ninth-level god realm It is a ninth-level Holy Formation.

After the defense formation was completed, Gu Xiangfei wanted to return to the Holy Realm. Before leaving, he had to figure out the origin of this God Clan monk so as not to leave hidden dangers to the God Realm.

Checking the location of the imprint of divine consciousness, I found that this protoss monk had already left the square of Xuantian College, and was sitting on a giant spaceship across the endless sea. It seemed that he was about to leave the Central God Realm. Gu Xiangfei estimated that it would take more than a year. Only a giant spaceship can reach the other side of the Endless Sea. He didn’t have so much time to wait for him. He raised his hand and blasted out a large space magic power. Ripples appeared in the space of the Endless Sea, and the space folded, instantly bringing the giant spaceship to Chang on the other side. Haicheng site.

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