God Clan Monk in the God Realm

All the monks on the giant spaceship were shocked. This situation has not happened in the Endless Sea for so many years. Today, the space suddenly overlapped and compressed. When everyone saw the spaceship arrived in Changhai City, they quickly got off the spaceship and scattered around. Another situation arises.

The protoss monk was also taken aback. He didn’t know that it was all because of him that the spaceship arrived in Changhai City so quickly. After following the monks off the spaceship, the protoss monk came to the teleportation array, got on the teleportation array and left. Changhai City.

After several times of teleportation, this God Clan monk has come to the Western God Realm, and entered the void from the Western God Realm. After Gu Xiangfei saw him entering the void, he guessed that this God Clan God King was not a monk from the Five Elements Universe.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t check the protoss monk again. He waited for the protoss monk to come out of the void, and then went to find his location. Now he went back to the academy to help his family members get to the holy world first.

Xuantian Academy now has more than twenty god emperor elders who are late god emperors. His family now has six god emperors, two sons, daughter-in-law Lin Ziyu, Jiaojiao, Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai, and everyone else is a god. king or god.

Gu Xiangfei called his family together, “I’m going back to the Holy Realm first, and this time I’m going to take my parents, second uncle, aunt, father-in-law and mother-in-law, and anyone else who wants to go can go with me, but I suggest you It is best to rely on your own strength to break through the realm and be led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light, so that you can understand the heaven and earth rules of the Holy Realm, which will be of great help to you in the future when you break through the realm in the Holy Realm.”

The family members originally wanted to follow, but when they heard what Gu Xiangfei said, they hesitated again. They finally cultivated to the God Realm. If they ruined their avenue because of a short-term shortcut, it would not be worth the loss. I am different from these six old people. As long as they can live forever, they have long since lost the idea of ​​pursuing the Dao.

“Brother, I…I want to follow along.” A weak voice said.

The person Gu Xiangfei is talking about is Ye Suting, his sister-in-law. She married Gu Xiangyu in the realm of cultivation. She ascended from the realm of cultivation to the realm of immortals, and then from the realm of immortals to the realm of gods. In Wang’s early stage, if she wanted to cultivate to the peak of the god emperor, she estimated that she would not be able to do it in tens of thousands of years.

Everyone in the family is now higher than her. Even her daughter, Niuniu, is now in the realm of gods. She has been fighting in the cultivation world for many years, and she has long been tired of fighting. Now that she has this opportunity to enter the holy world, she decides to follow her. Eldest brother Gu Xiangfei went to the Holy Realm.

Gu Xiangyu looked at his daughter-in-law Ye Suting, he also knew that Ye Suting had been tired of practicing for a long time, but he had no way to enter the holy world before, now that his elder brother Gu Xiangfei can take his parents and them away, Ye Suting will follow to become a long-lived monk, which is considered the best destination.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t try to persuade them anymore, everyone has their own decision, he won’t influence other people’s thoughts, since Ye Suting wants to go along, it won’t have any effect if he brings one more person along.

“Okay, let mother call you when we leave, let Xiaojie and Jiaojiao break through to the holy realm first, and how much each of you can understand depends on your aptitude.”

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and took out a pile of spars, and set up a spirit gathering array, allowing Gu Yunjie and Jiaojiao to enter separately. Now they are the only two in the family who are at the peak state of the late God Emperor.

After Gu Yunjie and Jiaojiao entered the spirit-gathering array arranged by the spar, they operated their exercises to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth in the spar, and then refined it into Yuanli. After converting the Shenyuan in their bodies into Yuanli, they used Yuanli to attack the holy realm. Shackles, it will be easier that way.

After Gu Xiangfei saw that they had absorbed the crystals for cultivation, he knew how to convert their energyIt will take at least a month. He decided to follow the protoss monk. After finishing the protoss monk, Gu Yunjie and the others will almost complete the transformation of their energy.

Raising his hand, he tore open the void and stepped into the void with one step. Those void blades could not touch his body at all, and they all collapsed into the vitality of heaven and earth after a few feet away.

Two breaths, less than two breaths to be precise, Gu Xiangfei came to the void exit of the Brahma universe, waiting for the Protoss monk to arrive.

Three days later, Gu Xiangfei felt that his imprint of divine consciousness was getting closer and closer to the exit of the void. He performed his exercises to transform himself into a monk in the realm of a god king, exuding the aura of a monk in the Brahma universe.

The protoss monk appeared at the exit of the void just after a cup of tea. After scanning his consciousness, he saw that Gu Xiangfei was a god-king monk from the Brahma universe, so he didn’t bother to provoke him, and sacrificed the spaceship to leave.

Gu Xiangfei saw the direction of his spaceship, which was going to the polar night universe, raised his leg and stepped out, and came to the boundary of the polar night universe, and then transformed into a monk of the extreme night universe’s god king peak realm, The body reveals the breath of the extreme night universe cultivator.

The polar night universe has now recovered. The void that was originally shattered by the Great Destruction Technique has formed a brand new realm after tens of thousands of years of brewing the rules of heaven and earth. If you have mastered the Dao Yun of the great destruction technique, otherwise you may not be able to recover in tens of millions of years.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he saw that there is still a statue of him here. This is to commemorate his contribution to the polar night universe. The monks of the polar night universe spontaneously built a statue for him.

He sighed, no matter where, as long as people who have made contributions to mankind will always be remembered, even after tens of millions of years, they will be passed down.

The protoss cultivator really came to the polar night universe, but after arriving in the polar night universe, the protoss cultivator drove the spaceship and turned to the recovered star field.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t follow it. Sure enough, he used the imprint of his divine consciousness to observe that the god monk entered a star field and came to a sect garrison. This sect was obviously established not long ago, and the defensive formation had not yet been completed.

Gu Xiangfei suddenly remembered, why didn’t he find the Dao ancestor who used the supernatural power of the great destruction technique in the holy world, and he knew who it was when he cut the Dao ancestor? Who is it that casts the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique? Could it be that there are other realms outside the holy realm? Is it a realm or universe as powerful as the holy realm?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, otherwise, whoever bombarded the God Realm with the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, it is possible that someone on the earth would be able to perform the nine great supernatural powers, but he has not discovered it now, and the legendary Hongjun old man in the earth Zu has never heard of it, and it is estimated that they are still in a universe with higher rules.

Ancestor Hongjun! This is the most powerful Taoist ancestor in the legends of the earth. According to the legend, the ancestor Hongjun is a very peaceful ancestor. His disciples are all great figures, and he even got a few treasures distributed by him to the disciples.

Suddenly a voice came through the imprint of divine consciousness, “You said Xuantian College of the Five Elements Universe, the current defensive formation can’t find any flaws at all, and your Tianyan can’t detect the weakness of the formation? Then how can we bombard Xuantian? Academy? Is that the way to go? Our Protoss Daoist was killed by Gu Xiangfei from Xuantian Academy, we can’t deal with Gu Xiangfei, we have to destroy his family in the God Realm, and let him regret it in the Holy Realm for the rest of his life!”

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