: Bombarding the Remnants of the Protoss

It turns out that this is the case, the protoss of the polar night universe are related to the protoss of the holy world! Could it be that there is still a passage to the holy world here, or how did the saints of the gods come down? There are ways to resist the suppression of the rules of heaven and earth. Cultivators can use the rule talisman to enter the low-level universe without being overwhelmed by the rules of heaven and earth.

“But we have no way to enter Xuantian Academy! We can’t do it even if we want to buy Xuantian Academy’s disciples. Now Xuantian Academy’s monitoring formations are arranged everywhere, and we don’t know that the god formation kings of these formation branches, Why are there so many monitoring formations? Almost every monitoring formation is interlocking, and it affects the whole body, so it is impossible to avoid the monitoring of the monitoring formations.” The previous monk of the God King described the situation he observed He told a monk in the later stage of the god emperor who was sitting on the main seat.

“What does the saint think?” The god emperor turned around and asked a position behind the hall.

“If it doesn’t work, I’ll do it myself. It’s just that my rule talisman will explode. Forget it! As long as I can kill Gu Xiangfei’s family, I won’t hesitate even if I die.”

“You can fall now.” A voice came from outside.

Before the words fell, a figure appeared in the hall, and then quickly solidified to reveal the face of a young man.

“You…you are Gu Xiangfei? Boom!” The protoss saint was shocked, how could Gu Xiangfei return to the realm of the gods, and his cultivation was still there, and the huge aura instantly crushed all the protoss monks in the hall. The blood mist exploded, and the hall was shattered by the huge Dao Yuan breath. These protoss monks were blasted to pieces before even being able to escape their Yuanshen.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to grab out a stream of blood essence from the god emperor, performed a few hand formulas, and then shattered the drop of blood essence, and the blood drop magic power was unfolded. As long as the monks with the blood of the gods in the entire sect instantly reversed their divine essence, Clouds of blood mist burst out one after another.

“It turns out that there is a passage to the holy world, no wonder he can escape to the god realm.” After scanning Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual sense, he saw a passage, and there was a trace of the heaven and earth rules in the passage, and he immediately understood that this passage and gathering The passage in the holy city is the same.

He raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of destruction, turning this passage into nothingness and solving the future troubles of this God Realm.He thought to himself, let the golden-winged roc look for it again in the Holy Realm to see if there are any passages leading to the God Realm. As long as these passages are found, they will be smashed, so as not to let saints of other races come down. Xuantian Academy that endangers the Five Elements Universe.

After scanning through the spiritual sense, I saw that there is no monk in the sect here. Except for the monks of the gods who were killed by the supernatural power, the remaining disciples are all low-level disciples. These disciples may have joined this sect not long ago. See After the sect was shattered, they fled out one after another. Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the whereabouts of these disciples, raised his hand to tear open the void, and returned to Xuantian Academy.

It has been a month and a half since he was outside. Gu Yunjie and Jiaojiao have already broken through to the holy realm and were led to the holy realm by the holy light. Xuantian College still has several elders in the peak realm of the god emperor who were picked up by Gu Yunjie. Guided by the heaven and earth rule breath of the holy light, he broke through to the holy realm in one fell swoop, and was also led to the holy realm by the holy light.

Now the disciples and elders of Xuantian Academy are all comprehending the rules of heaven and earth left by the holy world to guide the holy light. The elders of the god emperor have benefited a lot.

Although the disciples of those colleges couldn’t comprehend the rules of heaven and earth in the holy world, the pure vitality left by the introduction of the holy light made them break through the realm and advance one after another.

This time receiving the Holy Light is several times stronger than when Yan Yixue broke through the Holy Realm, the vitality left by the receiving the Holy Light is several times stronger. After all, this time there are six peak god emperors who were brought to him by the Holy Light. The holy world made all the disciples of Xuantian Academy overjoyed.

Gu Yunhao, Lin Ziyu, and Gu Xiangyu broke through to the middle stage of the god emperor with the help of receiving the holy light. There are still a few gods in the family who are in the late stage of the god emperor, and they also broke through to the god emperor stage. Only six old people and Ye Suting are left in the god king stage. Yan Yixue’s master also broke through to the realm of gods.

Yan Yixue’s master is the latest in cultivation. It is said that she will not achieve much at this age, but her Dao heart is firm. Wu wants to be a thousand times stronger, and she is determined to break through the realm as soon as possible. Except for Yan Yixue, who will meet once when she comes to visit her, she hardly sees anyone else, even Gu Xiaoyu. It can be seen that she worked hard and practiced hard.

After Gu Xiangfei came back, he stayed at home for a few more days. In the small square inside the college, he explained the matters related to cultivation to the elders and disciples of the college, and answered some questions raised by the elders and disciples.

Amidst the gratitude of everyone in the academy, Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the Heavenly Dao Wheel, rushed out of the God Realm, and entered the Holy Realm.

Jusheng City has been sealed now, and it has become an empty city. Human saints have come to Xuanyuan City, and Qingyuan Saints have also come to Xuanyuan City. After sealing Jusheng City, Daozu Xuankong and the others admired Gu Xiangfei’s formation. Naturally, he felt at ease when he went to seal the passage in Jusheng City.

After Yan Yixue was led to the holy world by the holy light, she was hugged by a person as soon as she came out of the passage. She was startled, and just about to resist, she immediately felt the breath of this person, raised her hand and patted She shook her head, “How dare you scare my old lady.”

“Mother, you have broken through to the Holy Realm. I’m going to find my dad, hey! Why didn’t you see my dad?” Gu Xiaoyu was practicing in the forbidden area. Someone here was led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light, and she discovered it immediately. Seeing her mother, Yan Yixue, she was naturally overjoyed, and secretly made a joke with Yan Yixue.

“Your father is in the God Realm. He has gone to pick up your grandparents and grandparents. He will probably be back in a few days.” Yan Yixue saw her daughter, pulled her dotingly, and told her about Gu Xiangfei’s recovery. things in the world.

“Oh! I said why I couldn’t see my father with my spiritual sense in the Holy Realm. So my father has gone to the God Realm.”

“Your spiritual sense can see the entire holy world? What level have you cultivated to now?” Yan Yixue asked Xiao Yu in surprise. This daughter’s cultivation speed is too fast! How long has she been in the holy world? Has it been a thousand years?

“No! But I know where Dad is, so I didn’t see him anywhere. My spiritual sense can only check half of the holy world now, but the little golden feather can see more than half of the holy world. Its talent is very powerful. It’s just that I don’t cultivate well, I wander around Xuanyuan City every day, I’m at the peak of Rank 7 now, and it’s estimated that I’ll be able to break through to Rank 8 soon.”

“Oh! Who is the little golden feather you’re talking about? What is it hanging around? It doesn’t cultivate well.”

“Little Golden Feather is the golden-winged roc. Its current cultivation level is similar to mine, but its talent is very powerful, and it has awakened the bloodline inheritance. There are several supernatural powers that are stronger than mine. It likes to listen to flattery, so every day They all ran out and wandered around Xuanyuan City, listening to those saints flattering it.”

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