The Saint Who Executed the Great Destruction Technique

Yan Yixue heard Xiaoyu tell about the deeds of the golden-winged roc, and she couldn’t help but lament its powerful talent. Some monks can’t break through to the god realm in their entire life, but the promotion of the golden-winged roc is as simple as drinking water. It can be seen that with a strong talent, how much time can be saved in hard work, and the mood is wandering around, listening to the flattery of the saints.

“Mother, let’s practice here! First convert your divine essence into Daoyuan. My father and I are both cultivating Daoyuan, which is more than a hundred times stronger than the Yuanli in the holy world. Otherwise, how can we kill Daozu! “Gu Xiaoyu naturally wouldn’t hide it from her own mother, and explained the system of cultivation in the holy world to her mother clearly.

After listening to her daughter’s introduction, Yan Yixue came to the cave to convert Dao Yuan, and Gu XiaoyuHe came outside the cave again and observed the monks who were led to the holy world by the holy light.

The golden-winged roc goes out early and returns late every day, wandering around Xuanyuan City, and saints honor its dao fruits every day. Although these dao fruits are not very valuable, what it wants is this face.

After shopping around today, I came back again, “Yeah! There is a breath of a stranger, no, this is the breath of the mistress. The mistress has gone to the holy world, and Brother Fei will be back soon. When he comes back, let the piglet go. Come out, let the little pigs see how I get along in the holy world, um, and the little boy begging with a small bowl, let them see the majesty of Lord Jin, and envy them to death.”

The golden-winged roc was immersed in its own fantasies. The more it thought about it, the more excited it became.

Gu Xiaoyu did not practice, she was deriving the talisman of the holy world, and obtained a large number of jade slips from the saint world of the gods and the sea clan, among which there were many talisman jade slips. Jane left it to Gu Xiaoyu.

I don’t know how long it took, Gu Xiaoyu felt the breath of leading the holy light, and knew that someone was being led to the holy world again.

“Well, it turned out to be Aunt Jiaojiao.” Gu Xiaoyu thought of teasing her again.

Jiaojiao was brought to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light. She felt the huge aura of heaven and earth rules in the Holy Realm. She was closing her eyes to feel it. Suddenly, someone hugged her and kissed her on the face.

Jiaojiao screamed in fright, opened her eyes and saw Gu Xiaoyu making a face and smiling at her, Jiaojiao patted her chest, took a deep breath, reached out and grabbed Gu Xiaoyu’s crystal clear ears and said, “Don’t you dare to scare me?” , See if I don’t punish you.”

When Gu Xiaoyu was young, Jiaojiao took time to come out to hold her and play with her every day. Gu Xiaoyu’s small mouth seemed to be smeared with honey, and her aunts and aunts were short. She was so coaxed that Jiaojiao couldn’t bear to let her go to practice. Xiaoyu is much bigger, but Niuniu didn’t like to talk when she was a child, she was like a little adult, she was more calm, her elder brother Gu Xianghai was a son, and Jiaojiao didn’t like him either, that boy was too naughty and was spoiled by her mother.

Gu Xiaoyu is different, she has been likable since she was a child, and everyone in her family likes her, especially the aunt, who hugs her every day and is reluctant to let her go half a step away. She is the youngest, and she speaks nicely, but Niuniu doesn’t love her. The speaker is also willing to talk to Gu Xiaoyu.

“Wait, your elder brother is going to the Holy Realm too, and I’ll clean you up later.” Jiaojiao saw the colorful rays of the Holy Light, and knew that Gu Yunjie must have been brought to the Holy Realm this time.

“Ah! It’s really the big brother.” Gu Xiaoyu is younger than Jiaojiao, but her cultivation is many times stronger than Jiaojiao’s. She quickly found the figure of big brother Gu Yunjie.

Gu Yunjie was very happy to see his younger sister Xiaoyu waiting for him when he came up. He also liked this little sister very much.

Gu Xiaoyu arranged them in a cave near her side, and asked them to convert Dao Yuan and Yuan Li.

In the next few days, the elders of Xuantian Academy were brought to the holy world by the holy light. Gu Xiaoyu took them to the cave of the old dean and handed them over to the old dean. Some of these elders did not see each other. I have been to the old dean, but I have heard of the deeds of the old dean, and I have seen the old dean bow and salute.

The old dean was also very happy to see that the elders of Xuantian Academy were led to the Holy Realm by the Holy Light. He decided to establish the Xuantian Holy Way sect in the Holy Realm after he reached the level of seven ranks. The elders of Xuantian Academy have a place to stay when they arrive in the Holy Realm. After all, these people are all from Xuantian Academy in the lower realm, and everyone is relatively familiar with them.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the holy world, he drove the wheel of heaven and came to the forbidden area of ​​Xuanyuan City. When Gu Xiaoyu saw his grandparents and grandparents, he happily pulled them along and chatted non-stop. The old lady also smiled happily when she saw her granddaughter From ear to ear.

Gu Xiaoyu and Gu Xiaoyu are enough to settle the old lady, and Gu Xiangfei doesn’t have to worry about it. He came to the city lord’s mansion and asked Taoist Xuankong to find out if there are any saints or Taoist ancestors who practiced the supernatural power of the Great Destruction Technique in the holy world, and what is adjacent to the holy world? star field or universe.

He has to figure out these things, otherwise the sudden appearance of a saint who uses the supernatural power of the great destruction technique may destroy the entire holy world. Only the more he understands, the more he can decide what to do and which step is the best. result.

When he came to the City Lord’s Mansion, Taoist Xuankong and several other Taoist ancestors were waiting for him, along with Saint Qingyuan.

We are all acquaintances and there are not so many polites. After sitting down, Gu Xiangfei asked, “I want to ask, brothers, does anyone of you know the saint who can perform the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, and what star field is adjacent to the holy world?” ?”

Taoist Xuankong and the other Taoist ancestors were stunned for a moment. They didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei raised these two questions. They had never heard of a person who could perform the supernatural power of the great destruction technique in the holy world, and the star adjacent to the holy world They don’t even know the domain, because they have never found the end of the holy world.

The vast universe is boundless, and there are many places in the holy world that do not have the vitality of heaven and earth. The positions occupied by the major races are all places where the vitality of heaven and earth is relatively strong. Those places without vitality of heaven and earth, no one will wander around boringly.

“Brother Gu raised these two questions, we really don’t know, is there still someone in the holy world who can use the supernatural power of the Great Destruction?” Daozu Xuankong and the others heard that there are still people who can use the supernatural power of the Great Destruction, and they were all puzzled. Surprisingly, this kind of heaven-opening supernatural power technique is very difficult to obtain, unless there is a monk with a great chance, and the Heavenly Dao especially pampers and takes care of him, he will get this kind of great chance.

“I have encountered the Great Destruction Technique Dao Yun in the Extreme Night Universe of the God Realm. The entire Extreme Night UniverseAlmost half of the universe has been destroyed, so I want to know if there are any saints in the holy world who have practiced the supernatural power of the great destruction technique. “After Gu Xiangfei came to the holy world and saw the vast universe, he realized that there are five universes in the god world, at best, five small star fields. It’s just that the monks in the god world have never seen the vast universe of the holy world, so they call themselves The universe, this is just their imagination, just watching the sky from a well.

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