Entering the Holy Sealing Tower

The human saints in Xuanyuan City saw the long-lost Golden-winged roc again today. This time, not only did it come out for shopping again, but it was followed by a little white pig. The golden-winged roc continued to enjoy the compliments of the saints While talking, he also introduced the various buildings and rare items in Xuanyuan City to the little white pig, and also shared the Dao fruit given to him by the saints with the little white pig.

Many saints have never seen a holy beast like the little white pig, and they don’t know what kind it is, but no matter how they look at it, they can’t see its strength. It’s fleshy and naive, like a mascot.

“Jin Ye, what kind of holy beast is behind you? We have never seen or heard of such a holy beast.” Some saints were curious and couldn’t help asking the golden-winged roc.

“It used to be called Little Black Pig, but it turned white again after breaking through the realm, and now it’s called Little White Pig.” Gold-winged Dapeng would not say that it was a Chaos Spirit-gathering Beast, so let others know about it. It’s not a holy beast, but a beast of chaos, which is probably the only one in the entire holy world.

These saints heard the introduction of the golden-winged roc, but they didn’t see any special talents in this little white pig. Just like the little piglets raised by mortals, they lost their curiosity, but it can make the golden-winged pig grow up. Pengniao is definitely not a fan.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast follows the Golden-winged Dapeng, eating and drinking, and the flattering words of the saints. Although it is not flattering it, it can also eat various Dao fruits. It turns out that it is so fun outside, and it is a little I don’t want to go back.

After Gu Xiangfei broke through to become a rank eight saint, the Saint Conferring Tower just opened, and the seven rank saints of various races came to Xiayu Starfield one after another, preparing to enter the Conferring Saint Tower to check their titles.

He didn’t want to go to the Saint Conferring Pagoda to check his title, but Taoist Xuankong came to his cave, “Brother Gu, this time the Saint Conferring Pagoda is opened, you are already a rank seven saint, and niece Xiaoyu should also check it out.” Your titles are gone.”

“What’s the use of the title of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda? Can’t you go there?” Gu Xiangfei had only heard of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda, so he didn’t think it was necessary to check the titles, they were just false names.

“Brother Gu’s words are wrong. After entering the Saint-Conferring Pagoda and obtaining a title, you will be recognized by the Dao of Heaven and be protected by the Dao of Heaven. It is equivalent to ranking in the cultivation world. Even if you enter a star field with higher rules in the future, you will have a place. “Xuankong Daozu explained the benefits of the title to him, so that he would not miss the opportunity if he didn’t care about the title.

“Oh, it turned out to be like this. Well, I’ll take Xiao Yu with me.” Gu Xiangfei heard the effect of the title, so he decided to go to the Holy Pagoda. After breaking through to the Good Fortune Realm, he will definitely leave the Holy Realm and enter higher rules To pursue his own way, the holy world is not his end.

Now there are four Dao ancestors for the human race in the holy world, one Dao ancestor for the monster race, and no Dao ancestors for other races.

This time the Saint-Conferring Tower is opened, and the seventh-rank saints of each race, as long as they are saints without a title, will enter the Saint-Conferring Tower to check their titles.

The Four Dao Patriarchs of the human race occupy four directions in Xiayu Starfield, and personally guard these seventh-rank saints to prevent ninth-rank saints from taking their innate treasures.

In the past, the Taoist ancestors of the gods would not care about these things, but now the human race does. Every saint cultivates from rank one to rank seven, and the price and hardships paid are self-evident. Killing and looting is tantamount to cultivating to the seventh rank state by oneself, and obtaining innate treasures for others.

Some unruly ninth-rank saints came to the Xiayu Starfield and saw the four great Dao ancestors of the human race occupying four positions. They didn’t even dare to enter the guard formation of the Xiayu Starfield, so they ran away immediately, lest the Human Race Daozu would bombard them in the next moment. Kill, they know that this time the Holy Sealing Tower is opened, those innate treasures cannot be grabbed.

Gu Xiangfei brought Xiao Yu to the bottom of the Fengsheng Pagoda, and saw that the Fengsheng Pagoda was nine stories high.The first floor is hundreds of feet high, and during the period, clouds and mist shrouded the entire Fengsheng Tower, and the spiritual consciousness was blocked by a layer of barriers, so it was impossible to see what was inside the tower.

There are more than 60,000 rank-7 saints who need to enter the Saint-Conferring Pagoda, including two rank-8 saints who can break through from a thousand years to rank-8 saints. It can be seen that their talents are also very strong, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but pay attention These two rank eight saints.

Three days later, a ray of holy light suddenly descended from the sky, covering the entire Saint-Conferring Pagoda, as if it was being baptized by the holy light. After the original cloud-shrouded Pagoda was enveloped by the holy light, the clouds and mists slowly disappeared, revealing the gray body of the tower. Then the holy light flashed away, and the tower door on the first floor slowly opened, like a huge black hole, about to swallow the saints who entered the Holy Sealing Tower.

“The Saint-Conferring Pagoda has opened, let’s go in quickly!” The originally silent crowd boiled up at this moment, and these rank seven saints entered the huge mouth of the tower one after another, as if being swallowed by the Saint-Conferring Pagoda.

“Boom!” A cloud of blood mist exploded, and everyone was shocked. They quickly set up their Yuanli shields to prevent the blood mist from falling on themselves.

“This rank eight saint, the last time the Saint Conferring Tower was opened, he was already in the realm of a rank seven saint, but I don’t know why he didn’t enter the Saint Conferring Tower. Now that he wants to enter, he has been abandoned by the Dao of Heaven, otherwise how could he be killed by the Dao of Heaven.” An experienced sage explained it to the sages next to him.

Another rank eight saint saw that everyone was looking at him, and left a passage for him in front of him, waiting for him to enter the Holy Sealing Tower, to see if he would also be bombarded and killed by the Dao of Heaven?

Seeing that everyone was staring at him, the rank eight sage knew what these rank seven saints meant, smiled slightly, raised his legs and stepped into the tower, the blood mist that everyone imagined did not explode, and everyone immediately I understand that this rank eight saint is a saint who has broken through two realms within a thousand years, and I can’t help admiring his strong talent.

Gu Xiangfei had been paying attention to these two rank-eight saints. He saw that one of the rank-eight saints was killed by the Heavenly Dao, so he realized that he was wrong, and the remaining rank-eight saint was really talented.

After entering the Saint-Conferring Pagoda, Gu Xiangfei and Gu Xiaoyu were teleported away. This teleportation array was scattered for no purpose. Taoist Xuankong had already told them about the situation in the Saint-Conferred Pagoda, so Gu Xiangfei was not worried about his daughter Gu Xiaoyu.

After Gu Xiangfei landed, he tried to use his spiritual sense to check it. Sure enough, as Xuan Kong Daozu said, the spiritual sense would be isolated inside. He immediately performed the regular exercises to assimilate the heaven and earth rules in the Holy Sealing Pagoda.

After breaking through to the eighth-rank realm, the power of the holy world in his body was transformed into dao yuan. The power of the chaotic dao yuan can assimilate any rules almost instantly, and he will never be as cautious as the rules of the assimilation of the gods. assimilation.

After a few breaths, he assimilated the rules in the Tower of Conferring Saints. After sweeping through his spiritual sense, the entire first floor of the Tower of Conferring Saints was covered by his consciousness. He saw that Gu Xiaoyu had entered the second floor of the Tower of Conferring Saints. This girl wants to be the first to reach the top of the tower.

The second person who entered the second floor of the Holy Sealing Pagoda was the rank eight sage. His movement skills were a bit weird, almost on par with his regular escapism. Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but secretly startled, what kind of escapism did this rank eight saint practice? ? The speed is so fast.

He has always believed that his regular evasion technique is the most powerful evasion technique in the holy world, and no evasion technique can compare with his regular evasion technique. Now that he saw the evasion technique of the eighth-rank saint, he realized that there is still a lot of magic in this world. There are more powerful exercises, and I take it for granted.

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