: Entrance to the Immortal Realm

The moment he saw the rank eight sage, he also became eager to win, and the rules of escapism unfolded, and he came to the stairs on the second floor of the Fengsheng Tower in an instant, raised his legs and stepped up the stairs, feeling a strong resistance coming from the stairs , was almost pushed down by this resistance, quickly let go of the domain, separated this resistance, and entered the second floor of the Sealing Tower.

After stepping into the second floor, I felt that the vitality of heaven and earth inside was suddenly thickened. The vitality of heaven and earth on the first floor was similar to the vitality outside, but the vitality of heaven and earth on the second floor was actually several times stronger than that on the first floor.

After scanning with his consciousness, he didn’t see Gu Xiaoyu. He guessed that she might have entered the third floor. The rank eight sage was still on the second floor. It seemed that he was looking for the stairs to the third floor. Gu Xiangfei felt relieved after seeing this rank eight saint. At least, his regular exercises have assimilated the heaven and earth rules of the Fengsheng Pagoda, and he can use his consciousness. This eighth-rank saint obviously does not know how to regulate the exercises and cannot assimilate the heaven and earth rules here. His consciousness cannot be used in the Fengsheng Tower.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t pay attention to this rank-eight saint, and came to the stairs on the third floor of the Fengsheng Tower. This time, he was prepared, let go of his own domain, separated the resistance of the stairs, and stepped up the stairs step by step. The third floor of the Holy Sealing Tower.

The heaven and earth vitality on the third floor is more than several times stronger than that on the second floor. Unfortunately, such a rich heaven and earth vitality has no effect on him. Otherwise, if he cultivates here, his cultivation base will definitely improve faster.

After scanning the third floor with his consciousness, he saw that Gu Xiaoyu was standing at the stairs on the third floor, about to enter the fourth floor of the Fengsheng Tower, but he didn’t know how he stopped there.

“What’s going on?” Gu Xiangfei came to the stairs in a flash.

Seeing him coming, Gu Xiaoyu said, “Father, I feel that there will be stronger resistance on the fourth floor. I tried it just now, and I felt a huge resistance before I stepped on the stairs. Could it be that the floors here are getting stronger? High, the resistance will increase exponentially?”

“Oh! I’ll try it first, and then follow me up after I go up, and carefully check how I got up.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t wait for Gu Xiaoyu to speak, he raised his leg and stepped up the stairs, a huge thrust suddenly pushed himCome.

Gu Xiangfei’s domain expanded, colliding with this thrust, there were layers of ripples in the space, continuous fluctuations, Gu Xiangfei didn’t wait for the fluctuations to disperse, and stepped into the fourth floor in a few steps.

Gu Xiaoyu also followed, taking advantage of the ripples in the space, and easily stepped into the fourth floor.

A rank eight sage in the distance, saw the two of them stepping up the stairs on the fourth floor, came here in a flash, stepped up the stairs in one step, a huge thrust hit his domain, almost pushed him down the stairs, he Quickly strengthen your own domain to stabilize your figure.

“It’s so powerful.” The eighth-rank saint couldn’t help admiring, obviously admiring the two saints who entered the fourth floor. His own skills are already very powerful. He thought that no one in the holy world could compare his skills. He didn’t expect to see two saints easily enter the fourth floor of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda today. He couldn’t help being shocked. He thought that the martial arts he thought were powerful were just watching the sky from a well. It’s a powerful skill, but I didn’t see it.

Every time the Fengsheng Pagoda goes up, the vitality of the world becomes stronger several times or even more than several times. Of course, this huge thrust is also multiplying. No wonder Taoist Xuankong said that he was pushed when he entered the seventh floor of the Fengsheng Pagoda. Down, no chance to enter the ninth floor of the Sealing Tower.

It is said that the saints who can step into the ninth floor will have unlimited achievements in the future, but so far in the holy world, no one has been able to set foot on the ninth floor of the Holy Sealing Tower.

Gu Xiaoyu took advantage of her father’s powerful domain and followed closely behind. She followed her father, Gu Xiangfei, to the eighth floor of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda without much effort.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the eighth floor of the Sealing Tower, he felt that the Dao Yuan in his body was a little too much. He didn’t expect that the thrust of the eighth floor of the Sealing Tower was comparable to that of Daozu, and even stronger. On the last step of the stairs on the eighth floor, it wasn’t him who forcibly burned the Dao Yuan in his body and was almost pushed down.

On the eighth floor, he actually felt a trace of chaotic energy. He raised his hand and took out a dao fruit to swallow. While recovering the Dao Yuan in his body, he operated regular exercises to absorb and refine this trace of chaotic energy.

Gu Xiaoyu saw his father recovering his cultivation skills, and knew that his father would not hesitate to burn his Daoyuan in order to open a passage for himself. Seeing his father’s tall back, Gu Xiaoyu was deeply moved.

After half a stick of incense, Gu Xiangfei felt that the Dao Yuan in his body had returned to its peak, and his realm had improved slightly. He opened his eyes and said to his daughter Xiaoyu, “Let’s go! This is the last floor.”

Turning around and stepping up the stairs on the ninth floor, the Dao Yuan domain of the whole body unfolded, directly colliding with the pushing force, boom! With a loud bang, the space exploded inch by inch, continuously shattering, like layers of waves sweeping in, Gu Xiangfei raised his leg and stepped up the stairs, using his own Dao Yuan domain to continuously collide with layers of thrust, his bones cracked It made a noise, thanks to the fact that he had already cultivated to the holy body, otherwise the bones of his whole body would be smashed into pieces by this huge thrust.

Raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of cutting, boom! With a bang, this huge thrust was cut by the magical power of the great cutting technique. Gu Xiangfei felt a sudden light in front of him, and took a few steps up the last few steps of the stairs to the ninth floor of the Fengsheng Tower.

An incomparably rich and pure chaotic air permeated the ninth floor of the Sealing Tower, turning this space into rain and mist. The sound of rain and mist came and poured on him instantly, enveloping him. Cengceng rose, and soon broke through to the late stage of the eighth rank, and then broke through to the peak of the eighth rank.

Gu Xiaoyu also entered the ninth floor of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda, where the dense aura of chaos also enveloped her, and her cultivation also increased rapidly.

A month later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes. His cultivation level had reached the level of perfection at rank eight, and he was only one step away from becoming a rank nine saint.

He felt that the rules of heaven and earth in the Holy Sealing Pagoda lacked a lot of rules compared to those in the holy world. This place is suitable for cultivating a stable state. He decided to break through to the rank nine realm in the holy world after leaving the Holy Sealing Tower.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he found that there were still nine steps of stairs above the ninth floor of the Fengsheng Pagoda. Could it be that there is another floor above this?

Gu Xiangfei decided to go up and have a look. Now that he has come, he has to check it out. Now that his realm has broken through again, and the Dao Yuan in his body has become dozens of times stronger, he has the confidence to step up the nine-step staircase.

Running the Dao Yuan in his body, letting go of the domain and stepping up the stairs, he stopped suddenly, without feeling a strong thrust, trying to slowly retract the domain, and found that the nine-step staircase was no different from ordinary stairs, and it was easy to step on it. Go up nine steps to the top floor of the Saint-Conferring Pagoda. The space here is not large, only a few feet in radius. There is a space vortex in the middle, which circulates continuously. Obviously, this is a transmission channel.

Gu Xiangfei was very surprised. He didn’t expect that there was a teleportation channel on the top floor. What is this space teleportation channel for? After entering it, where will it be teleported?

The space on the top floor is not big, so it’s almost clear at a glance. Except for the space transmission channel, there is nothing else. When I looked up suddenly, I saw the top of the tower. There was a sign on it with two lines of big characters, the entrance to the world of immortality, no one can enter unless it is a good fortune.

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