Title Rule Saint

“It turns out that this is the entrance to the realm of immortality. No wonder Daozu Xuankong and the others feel that the realm of good fortune is not the end of the realm of cultivation. It turns out that there is a realm of immortality above.” Gu Xiangfei muttered to himself.

“It’s no wonder that they don’t know that there is this entrance. You can only see this entrance if you step on the ninth floor of the Holy Sealing Tower. But the saints who can step into the ninth floor rarely appear in the holy world, so no one knows. This entrance is estimated to be largeThe saint with supernatural powers of destruction is in the realm of immortality. ” Gu Xiangfei then thought to himself.

“Father, what is this place?” Gu Xiaoyu’s voice interrupted Gu Xiangfei’s thinking. After she reached the peak in the late stage of Rank 8, she also discovered the nine-step staircase.

“This is the entrance to the Immortal Realm. You can only enter the Immortal Realm after you have cultivated to the Creation Realm in the Holy Realm. It is estimated that this is the end of your cultivation.” Gu Xiangfei pointed to the two rows of characters on the top of the tower and told his daughter Gu Xiaoyu that he was at the top of the tower. found on.

“Ah! So that’s how it is! It looks like I still have to work hard to get into the world of immortality as soon as possible.” Gu Xiaoyu looked up and saw the two rows of big characters on the top of the Fengsheng Pagoda, and clenched her small fists.

“Okay, let’s go down! Once you have a goal, you will have the motivation to move forward.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he raised his leg and stepped out, landing on the ninth floor of the Holy Sealing Tower. There are two large characters in it, rules.

Gu Xiangfei immediately understood that this was the title given to him by the Sealing Tower, and then saw that Gu Xiaoyu was also shrouded in holy light, and the holy light on her body appeared in two large characters, chaos.

“It turns out that Xiao Yu is a Chaos Saint. Is it because of her Chaos Dao Body that she was given the title of Chaos Saint by Heaven.” Gu Xiangfei guessed that his guess was right, so he practiced regular exercises with him, and the title was Regular Saint Similarly, although Gu Xiaoyu is also a regular method of cultivation, Tiandao can only bestow a regular title, and for Gu Xiaoyu’s title, Tiandao gave her the title of Chaos Saint according to her Chaos Dao Body.

After accepting the title of Heavenly Dao, Gu Xiangfei raised his leg and stepped out, ready to go down the stairs and return to the next floor. A strong force wrapped him around him. Just as he was about to break free from this force, he felt that he had been teleported away from the Holy Sealing Tower. Immediately gave up struggling, remembering what Taoist Xuankong told him, the Saint Conferring Pagoda will send the titled saints to any place in Xiayu Starfield.

In just a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei landed on a wilderness plain. He also heard that the saints who received the title would be given an innate treasure, but why didn’t he get the innate treasure? Could it be that Feng Shengta forgot to give it to him? Or did Feng Shengta take it for himself?

He didn’t bother with innate treasures, but he didn’t know why he didn’t give them to himself. There are still a few innate treasures in his world, and he doesn’t care about the one and a half innate treasures given by the Sealing Tower.

“Hey! Brother Gu has teleported out, how is it? What floor did you climb to?” Xuankong Daozu’s voice came, and then a figure landed beside him.

“Brother Xuankong, I discovered a secret in the Fengsheng Pagoda. There is a teleportation space channel on the tenth floor, where you can enter the realm of immortality. It turns out that after entering the realm of good fortune, you have to enter the realm of immortality to live forever.”

“Ah? Really?” Daozu Xuankong showed a surprised expression, and then muttered to himself.

“It turns out that this space passage can only be found by climbing to the tenth floor. No wonder no one in the holy world knows this space passage, because no one can climb to the tenth floor of the Holy Sealing Tower. I don’t know where to look for it, it turns out that Fengsheng Tower can go to a realm with higher rules.” Daozu Xuankong said, and suddenly understood, he bowed to Gu Xiangfei to express his gratitude, this is for them to enter a higher realm. Thanks for the high-level boundaries, but also for the new journey of my avenue.

“Brother Xuankong is polite, you and I don’t need these empty rituals, if you want to go to the Immortal Realm, you can enter from the top of the Holy Conferring Tower now, otherwise you have to wait for thousands of years in the Holy Realm before the Saint Conferring Tower is opened to enter. ”

What Gu Xiangfei meant was that now that the Sealing Tower is open, if you want to go to the Immortal Realm, now is a good opportunity.

“Forget it, we have only cultivated to the early stage of the Creation Realm, and we will go to the Immortal Realm after we have cultivated to the middle or late stage of the Creation Realm. Otherwise, if we enter the Immortal Realm now, I guess we will be like ants there, without even the ability to protect ourselves.” Xuankong Daozu is self-aware. For them, a thousand years is just a time of retreat. The most valuable thing in the holy world is time. Every saint can live hundreds of thousands of years even if he does not practice.

“Okay! Then I’ll go back to Xuanyuan City first, and we’ll get together again when the Holy Sealing Tower is closed.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists together and fled away.

Daozu Xuankong looked at Gu Xiangfei’s disappearing figure, and thought to himself, “When the time comes to enter the realm of immortality, we must follow you! We dare not enter the realm of immortality rashly. Only by following you can we feel at ease.”

Gu Xiangfei returned to Xuanyuan City, and first went to see his parents and the others. After arriving in the Holy Realm, their cultivation had improved. Although it was not very fast, they had already broken through to the peak of the God Emperor, and they were only one step away. sanctuary.

She came to her practice room again, and saw that Yan Yixue had broken through to the realm of a second-rank saint. After a thousand years, she was able to break through the two realms. Her aptitude is not bad.

Gu Xiaoyu has already returned. She was teleported to a place not far from Xuanyuan City, so she returned to Xuanyuan City soon.

The golden-winged roc was also wandering around Xuanyuan City with its chaotic spirit-gathering beasts. A bird and a little white pig were walking up and down the street. From time to time, saints saw them and said a few words of flattery, and gave them some money. A low-level dao fruit. The golden-winged roc was triumphant, and the chaotic spirit-gathering beast just ate it. No matter who gave the dao fruit, it would swallow it in one gulp, and it didn’t feel the slightest flattery to the golden-winged roc.

“You stupid pig knows how to eat, you have to say hello to others! Say thank you! If I weren’t here, who would give you the Dao fruit?” The golden-winged roc saw the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast Don’t speak, only know to swallow the fruit of the Tao, even the saintsIt can’t hear words that flatter itself, which violates its own willingness to show it off.

“I don’t know what to say? Besides, you are talking to those saints, and I can’t get in.” The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast showed an innocent expression.

“Forget it, I won’t take you out next time, let’s go back!” The golden-winged roc was a little depressed by the chaotic gathering spirit beast, turned around and took it back to the forbidden cave, when a voice suddenly came.

“Huh! It turned out to be a chaotic spirit-gathering beast, or a spirit-gathering beast that broke through to the middle stage. What a treasure, what a treasure, come with me!”

After the voice finished, he stretched out a big hand with vitality, and grabbed the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast. The surrounding space was immediately enveloped in his domain.

“Ants!” The golden-winged roc raised its claws and blasted out a huge dao yuan aura.

Boom! There was a loud noise, the domain of that sound was broken inch by inch, the big hand of vitality was shattered by Dao Yuan of the giant claw, he saw a giant claw enveloping him, he pressed him to the ground, all the bones in his body were shattered, and he opened his mouth to spray A bloody arrow with shards of internal organs.

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