Pure Chaos Qi

Zhundi Haoze, as the Lord of Wandao City in the central star field in the Vientiane Great World, is now sitting in the main hall with a sad face, the atmosphere of chaos is constantly eroding the Vientiane Great World, and it will take another thousand years for him to be nirvana Arrived at his Myriad Dao City.

He estimated that this chaotic breath nirvana might be a small amount of calamity in the vast universe. If this small amount of calamity cannot be stopped in time, it may become a large amount of calamity, and then the entire immortal world will be turned into chaos , and even the vast universe will restart the era.

There are nine big worlds in the world of immortality, and each big world is composed of three thousand small worlds. The master governs the big world, and then assigns his subordinates to set up fruit positions to manage the three thousand small worlds.

Zhundi Haoze is in charge of managing the central star field, and Wandao City is the largest city in the central star field.

“City Lord, Emperor Lian Yi Zhun and Emperor Wentai Zhun are visiting outside.” A deacon in the City Lord’s Mansion came to report.

“Please, oh, no! I will invite you in person.” Zhundi Haoze stood up and stepped out of the main hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

“Haha… Fellow Daoist Lianyi, Fellow Daoist Wentai, please, please.” Zhundi Haoze said to the two of them.Greet them, and invite them to enter the main hall of the city lord.

“Where did the two fellow daoists come from?” After the three of them sat down, Zhundi Haoze asked quickly. It can be said that it is right next to his star field, and this time he came here probably because of the nirvana of the chaotic breath.

“Fellow Daoist Hao Ze, fellow Daoist Lian Yi and I came from the edge of the chaotic area. I went to check the chaotic area, and I happened to meet fellow Daoist Lian Yi. Now the chaotic area is constantly being transformed into nirvana. The aura of transformation may be eroded, and the two of us are looking for you to discuss matters in the chaotic region.” After Wentai Zhundi told the story of their visit, a solemn expression appeared on his face, and the time of thousands of years will soon pass, and they Have to pay attention to it.

“I’m going to lead the array Taoist to set up the isolation formation, but I heard that the formation flags refined from the ore containing the energy of chaos are needed to arrange the isolation formation. Other formation flags will still be nirvana by the energy of chaos. Now I am collecting chaos ore here, but the quantity is scarce, so I have to wait until the collection is complete before setting up the isolation formation.” Zhundi Haoze was also very anxious when he saw these two people, and he expressed his plan, the meaning is very clear, you guys Help collect Chaos Ore too!

“Oh, is this method effective? Can it block the erosion of Chaos breath? If possible, we will help collect Chaos ore when we go back.” Emperor Wentai Zhun asked quickly.

“This is what I heard from the Taoist Master Buhler. If he collects all the chaotic ore for refining the formation flag, he will make a move to arrange the formation.” When mentioning the Taoist priest of Bulezhen, almost everyone knows it, and everyone knows his words. Lian Yi Zhundi and Wentai Zhundi naturally believe in his words.


In the past thousand years in the star bead, Gu Xiangfei broke through to the second step of the good fortune realm. After stabilizing the realm, looking at the remaining fifteen chaotic veins, he felt more and more that he was looking for the chaotic veins. This time he broke through the realm, unexpectedly Eight chaotic veins are used, so the next time he breaks through the realm, the fifteen chaotic veins may not be enough.

He flashed out of the star bead, launched the rule escape technique, and flew away to the world of Vientiane. After breaking through the realm, his rule escape technique was several times faster than before. Calculated at this speed, it is estimated that it will take less than a hundred years. Can reach Vientiane world.

A hundred years has almost passed by in the world of immortality. Gu Xiangfei feels that his rule evasion technique is faster than the wheel of heaven, but it is still much slower than that of the golden-winged roc. Let Garuda come out.

Along the way, he avoided and detoured several fighting scenes. The closer he was to the Vientiane World, the more monks he saw here. Almost all of them were evacuated from the Vientiane World. None of the monks flew in the direction of the Vientiane World like him. .

These monks saw him fleeing towards the Vientiane World, but no one stopped him. Everyone was busy evacuating, so no one had time to ask him.

It was originally planned that it would take a hundred years to reach the Vientiane World, but it took him only sixty years to get here. After scanning with his divine sense, he saw the edge of the chaotic area. He was overjoyed and flew towards the chaotic area.

“Fellow Daoist, get out of here quickly, there is a chaotic aura coming over from the front.” A figure suddenly appeared in front of him, obviously this cultivator’s cultivation base is strong, only after Gu Xiangfei was stopped did the spatial fluctuation come.

“So powerful!” Gu Xiangfei secretly praised in his heart.

“I want to go inside and have a look.” Gu Xiangfei knew that this monk had good intentions, but he just came to the chaotic area, and this monk wouldn’t let him in. Isn’t that the way to block him?

“Little friend, hurry up and leave! I estimate that in another hundred years, this place will be nirvana by the Qi of Chaos. I am going to set up an isolation formation here to see if I can stop the erosion of the Qi of Chaos.” The old man with white beard and hair , instead of relying on his strength to drive him away, but to persuade him to leave, Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help but have a good impression of the old man.

“Thank you for letting me know, senior, but I still want to enter here and say goodbye.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he clasped his fists together and fled towards the chaotic area in a flash.

“Hey, another person who doesn’t listen to dissuasion, always thinks that there are treasures in the chaotic area, but it’s so easy to find treasure in the chaotic area, I hope you won’t be nirvana by the chaotic air.” The old man sighed, hard to say Persuade the damn ghost, he just tried his best.

After Gu Xiangfei entered the chaotic area, the regular exercises started to work, and he found that the energy of chaos here was richer and purer, and it contained several times more energy of chaos than the Dao veins refined by the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, Xin Dao, this is the real energy of chaos!

He had the experience of assimilating the chaotic and irregular air, and he was like a fish in water here, constantly assimilating the pure chaotic air here, and his cultivation level gradually increased, and he was overjoyed to go deeper into the chaos. Okay, the more you go in, the stronger and purer the chaotic air becomes.

In the chaos, Gu Xiangfei continued to assimilate the irregular atmosphere in the chaos, and his escapism was several times faster than before.

In the chaotic area, a second-level immortal man was walking with difficulty. He found a few pieces of ore in the chaotic area. When he wanted to go back, he lost his way. All the marks he made before were nirvana by the chaos.

The surrounding area is full of gray mist, and his spiritual sense can only see a few feet away, and he doesn’t know where is the way out. He is shocked. If he stays here for a long time, he will be overwhelmed by the chaos here. Nirvana, thinking that he, a quasi-emperor of the immortal state, would fall here for a few pieces of chaotic ore, his heart became more and more intense.Get anxious.

A figure suddenly flashed before his eyes, but within a short time, it disappeared into the mist in the chaos.

“It’s so powerful! Fellow Daoist, please stay.” He couldn’t help shouting, this was the only chance he could get out, and he was like grabbing a life-saving straw.

“What’s the matter?” The figure suddenly appeared in front of his eyes without a trace of space fluctuation.

“Fellow Daoist, please help me. I’m lost here and I can’t get out.” After seeing the figure appear, he found that it was a young man, and he couldn’t feel the breath on his body.

“Oh, so that’s how it is. You take this jade slip with you. I’ve carved out the way out.” The young man raised his hand and threw him a jade slip, and then disappeared again.

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