: Emperor Haoze’s Surprise

“It’s so powerful!” The second-step immortal man sighed again. He didn’t know whether he was praising the young man’s cultivation or his escapism.

After Gu Xiangfei casually helped the immortal cultivator, he fled to the depths of the chaotic region.

A few days later, he came to a depression. He felt that the energy of chaos here was purer and more intense. He raised his hand and grabbed the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast, and then released the golden-winged roc.

“Wow! What a strong chaotic air, where is this place? It is so pure that it is more than a hundred times purer than the chaotic air in the Chaos Star Field.” As soon as the Chaos Gathering Beast came out of the star bead, it felt Here comes the air of chaos.

“This place is nice, I like it.” Golden-winged roc was sleeping soundly on the Jianmu Dao tree. After being dragged out by Gu Xiangfei, he was still a little unhappy. After coming out and feeling the pure chaotic energy here, Immediately cheered.

“This is the chaotic area of ​​the eternal life world. It seems that these chaotic qi are nirvanizing this world. Let’s practice here! By the way, refining the chaotic qi here can prevent the chaotic qi from being nirvana.” Gu Xiangfei gave this The two guys explained the nirvana of the air of chaos.

“Okay! I think I will definitely be able to advance to a breakthrough here. By then, the refined dao veins will definitely be purer and better in quality, reaching top-grade or top-grade dao veins.” Gu Xiangfei was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of the chaotic gathering spirit beast. , it turns out that the quality of the Chaos Daomai he used will also improve with the advancement and breakthrough of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast. No wonder he feels that the Chaos Daomai is not as pure and strong as the Chaos Qi here. It turns out that the level of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast is too low , the condensed chaotic dao veins belong to low-grade or middle-grade dao veins.

“You break through and advance first, and then condense the Dao veins. The Dao veins that you strive to condense are all top-grade Dao veins.” Gu Xiangfei gave Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast a proposal. In fact, he thought in his heart that it would be fine if he could condense high-grade Dao veins But who doesn’t want the best!

He took out the futon from the ring and sat down cross-legged, and practiced the rules to absorb the chaotic energy here. The rich and pure chaotic energy followed his kung fu, and instantly wrapped him up, forming a vortex of mist. The pores of his whole body drilled into his body one after another, and he refined it into his own Dao Yuan.

On the second step of the Immortal Realm Avenue, he took the jade slip of the map and walked in the chaotic area for two months. Finally, he walked out of the chaotic area. He breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at the chaotic area with lingering fear.

“Hey! It turns out to be fellow Taoist Wentai. You have finally come out. I was still worried that you would get lost in the chaotic area. I didn’t expect you to have a good sense of direction.” A pleasantly surprised voice came, and the monk at the second step of the immortal realm saw It turned out to be Daoist Bulezhen.

“I’ve seen the Daoist, and I was rescued, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to get out…” Wentai Zhundi told the Daoist Buhler that he got lost in the chaotic area.

“Oh! There is such a strong man? Can he perform escapism in the chaotic area? If he can help us, we can get twice the result with half the effort. Why don’t you invite him over? What a mistake!” Daoist Buhler patted his thigh and complained Wentai Zhundi came.

“At that time, I just wanted to come out earlier, and the young man gave me this jade slip and flew away, never giving me a chance to speak.” Wentai Zhundi now also regrets that he was able to use it in the chaotic area. Escape technique, that is simply powerful and boundless! It is estimated that the Juggernaut cannot perform escapism in the chaotic area! It’s just that the young man’s speed was too fast, and he was not allowed to speak, so he disappeared.

“Forget it, let’s send a message to Fellow Daoist Haoze and arrange an isolation formation!” Dao Zun Bulezhen also had a regretful expression when he saw Emperor Wentai Zhun, and he didn’t complain about him anymore.

Gu Xiangfei was immersed in the rich and pure Primal Chaos Qi. His cultivation quickly broke through to the middle stage of the second step of the Creation Realm. After stabilizing the realm, he continued to practice. The Primal Chaos Qi here is pure and strong. He hasn’t practiced so happily for a long time. A large amount of Primal Chaos Qi was swept over by him, and was continuously absorbed and refined by him.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast and Golden Winged Roc are also absorbing the Qi of Chaos unscrupulously. The Qi of Chaos here is pure and rich. The two of them have no time to quarrel and are both working hard to cultivate.

Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast itself is a product of chaos, and it is like a fish in water here. Its realm has improved the fastest. The fur on its body will change every once in a while, sometimes black, sometimes white, and sometimes brown. .

There is no time to practice, the chaotic energy here has been continuously absorbed and refined by the three of them, and it has begun to decrease, at least it will not be nirvana in the direction of Wandao City, and the chaotic energy has begun to regress.

To set up the isolation formation, you need materials with the spirit of chaos to refine the formation flag, the formation base, and then draw the formation patterns. Daoist Buller is refining the formation flag, Haoze Zhundi, Wentai Zhundi, and Lian Yi Emperor Zhun, The three quasi-emperors are protecting the Dharma for the Taoist priest of Bule array.

Zhundi Haoze looked at the Qi of Chaos with a worried expression on his face, and hoped that Daoist Buller Formation could quickly refine the formation flag, arrange the isolation formation one day earlier, and block the Qi of Chaos one day earlier, but the refinement of the Chaos Formation Flag, It can’t be completed in a day or two, and Daoist Buhler also said that in less than ten years, these formation flags and foundations must not be refined. After all, this is not an ordinary formation flag, and the refining method is also difficult. Ordinary banners are refined differently.

Ten years passed quickly. On this day, Zhundi Haoze came to the chaotic area again. Suddenly, he found that the chaotic energy here had retreated a few feet. After careful inspection, it really retreated a few feet.

He was overjoyed, but he didn’t say anything. He wanted to observe for a few more days before telling Wentai Zhundi and the others.

He came here again the next day, and found that the chaotic area had receded by more than a foot, and on the third day, he had retreated by more than a foot. He was overjoyed, and hurriedly called Wentai Zhundi and the others to come over.

“Sure enough, it has moved back a few feet. I remember being in this position before.” Wentai Zhundi pointed to a place, measured it, and found that the chaotic area had indeed moved back a few feet.

The three quasi-emperors were overjoyed, and Daoist Buhler was alarmed, so he quickly came over to check. He had been observing the chaotic area. It is better to set up an isolation formation to be at ease.

Zhundi Haoze and the others would come to the Chaotic Area to check every day, how much they retreated today, and the reduction was more than one foot every day. Although this place was nirvana, the Chaotic Area has been retreating, so they are not worried anymore , the air of chaos will Nirvana Wandao City.

Suddenly one day, the chaotic area here suddenly retreated more than five feet. For ten days in a row, the chaotic area retreated four or five feet every day. Emperor Haoze and the others were a little surprised, and they didn’t know the reason. , but it is a good sign to be able to step back.

After Gu Xiangfei broke through to the late stage of the second step of the Good Fortune Realm, a large amount of chaotic air came from bee pupae, which he continuously absorbed and refined. The chaotic gathering spirit beast also took the opportunity to break through and advance, and its fur turned grayish purple, looking a little dignified .

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