Chaos Nest

“Brother Fei, I have collected all the ores with the aura of chaos here, and this pond should also be put away! I feel that this pond is also a treasure of chaos.” The golden-winged roc saw the chaotic spirit-gathering beast Refining the Chaos spar, in order to be able to compare with the Chaos Gathering Beast, it had no choice but to look for the ore with the energy of Chaos.

“That’s right, you’re right, this pond must be a treasure of chaos, get out of the way, I’ll set up a dragging formation.” Gu Xiangfei praised the golden-winged roc, who looked at the chaotic gathering with complacent eyes. Spirit beast, what do you mean? Brother Fei, please listen to me!

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast didn’t see the Garuda Roc’s eyes at all. It was looking at the pond. This made the Garuda Roc very upset, and raised its claws to pull it aside.

“Didn’t you hear Brother Fei telling us to get out of the way? You stupid pig.”

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast got up dissatisfied, and was about to bark at it, but Garuda raised its paw to hold its mouth, “Don’t bark! Otherwise, I’ll swallow you, and I’ll let you go if you nod. ”

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast was pressed to the ground by it, unable to move at all. How could it even nod its head? The Golden-winged Roc didn’t nod when it saw it. The body kept shaking outside.

“It turns out that you don’t know how to nod with your head, you only nod with your butt.” Garuda saw the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast’s butt shaking non-stop before raising its paw.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast raised its head and shook the dirt on its head a few times, “You press my head, how do you want me to nod? You only nod with your butt.”

The golden-winged roc felt right when he heard the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast’s words, “Then I was wrong this time. As long as you don’t bark next time, I won’t hold your head down.”

“Boom!” With a loud noise, Gu Xiangfei dragged the pond into the star bead, and a big pit appeared on the ground.

“Not good, this place is going to collapse.” The golden-winged roc bird saw that the gravel and soil around the black hole continued to fall, and it would soon bury it. If the tens of thousands of feet deep black hole collapsed, they would all be buried. buried below.

“Let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and received the golden-winged roc bird and the chaotic spirit-gathering beast into the star beads, and he used the rule escape technique to fly over the black hole.

Boom! Boom! The gravel and soil were continuously washed away by him. The gravel and soil here had already been nirvana by the air of chaos. Now after the collapse, it was like an avalanche. A large amount of gravel and soil kept rushing into the black hole. .

Boom! With a bang, the black hole cracked open, and after Gu Xiangfei swept his consciousness, he found that the void here had collapsed, and millions of void blade blade bees chrysalis came. I am afraid of these void blades, but I don’t want to be ravaged by the void blades.

“Damn it, what is this pond? How could it cause the void to collapse?” Gu Xiangfei stepped forward and came to the edge of the pond.

Now that the pond has entered the Star Bead, the soil around it has fallen off, revealing a large iron pot with a radius of several feet. Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the cauldron, wanting to see the bottom of the cauldron, but found that it was not moving at all. He was shocked, it was so heavy!

He circulated the Dao Yuan in his body again, and with a sudden force, he lifted the cauldron, and saw that the underside of the cauldron was as smooth as a mirror, and the three large characters clearly appeared in front of his eyes, Chaos Nest.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t know what the Chaos Nest was for, so he turned his head and asked the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast, “Do you know what the Chaos Nest is?”

The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast was arguing with the Golden-winged Roc, and the inside of the star bead was safe and calm, which was a good place to quarrel. When Gu Xiangfei asked it, it quickly ran over with four thick legs.

“Is this big pot going to cook? Bungy pig can definitely eat a pot, and I will let Bungy pig carry it in the future. This is the guy it eats.” Before the golden-winged roc could speak, it first Talk nonsense.

“This Chaos Nest is a treasure used to condense Danxia Porridge. The Chaos Nest absorbs the Qi of Chaos, throws out the dross and leaves the essence, and then condenses the Danxia Porridge. Master, hurry up and refine this Chaos Nest! later we findIn the chaotic area, it can be used to condense Danxia pulp. “The Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast ignored the taunt of the golden-winged roc, and quickly explained the usefulness of the Chaos Nest.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard the words of the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast. It turned out to be this thing. No wonder the Mieshi Heilian chose to fall into the Chaos Nest. It turned out that it was all to absorb the Chaos Danxia Porridge and help him grow.

He immediately sat down cross-legged, sprayed out a stream of blood essence, and refined the Chaos Nest.

Refining the Chaos Nest is much easier than refining the Mieshi Black Lotus. After all, the Mieshi Black Lotus has already developed spirituality, and the Chaos Nest is just a Chaos Treasure. His regular skills are working, and the regular breath of the Chaos Nest is extracted bit by bit. Come out to refine.

After Gu Xiangfei’s realm has improved, refining any item is much faster than before, but he is still very careful about refining chaotic treasures. He can refine innate treasures in a few breaths, and the rules of chaotic treasures are higher than innate treasures. For the sake of safety, he is always very careful. Once he draws too much regular energy from Chaos Treasures, he may be backlashed by Chaos Treasures. These are the experiences he has gained from refining Treasures frequently.

A year later, the Chaos Nest turned into a small bowl and appeared in Gu Xiangfei’s hands from a few feet in size, with streaks of purple light all over his body. Gu Xiangfei held up the Chaos Nest with his hands, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it. Treasures are different, you can feel its power and thickness just by looking at its appearance.

With a wave of his hand, the Chaos Nest turned into a ray of purple light and entered the Purple Mansion to warm up.

The golden-winged roc and the chaotic spirit-gathering beast are all practicing on the Jianmu Dao tree. The Jianmu Dao tree has now absorbed the energy of chaos and has reached tens of thousands of feet. With a large amount of energy of chaos entering the star beads, the star beads The space inside is constantly expanding, and now it is vast, and only in this way can the Jianmu Dao tree grow without limit.

After sweeping outside with his spiritual sense, he found that the star beads were already gliding in the void. He raised his legs and left the star beads, floating in the void. There was no direction, no light, and occasionally there were sparks caused by meteorites colliding with each other, which also disappeared in a flash. .

Gu Xiangfei had the experience of wandering in the void, and he was no longer so helpless to the void. He raised his hand to grab the void, and at the same time circulated the Dao Yuan in his body, boom! With a sound, the void didn’t move at all, and he didn’t tear it apart, “The powerful void rules are indeed worthy of the immortal world, even the void rules are so powerful and thick.” Since you can’t tear the void, then use other methods, Gu Xiangfei murmured A few words.

With a wave of his hand, he sacrificed the Mieshi Heilian. He sat on the lotus platform, and his spiritual consciousness communicated with the Mieshi Heilian to rush in one direction.

Although the Mieshi Heilian is weak now, it is the accompanying treasure of the beginning of chaos. It smashed into the meteorite blocking the way in an instant, tore apart the rules of the void, and left here in a flash, and the light outside suddenly shone.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. This black lotus is indeed a treasure of chaos. Not only is its speed boundless, but its destructive power and penetrating power are even stronger. The Heavenly Dao Wheel is not qualified to be its younger brother, and even the powerful rules of heaven and earth in the immortal world can block it. Can’t stand its rampage.

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