Karma Dao Ancestor

“What a treasure! I want it. This is 10,000 crystals. I bought it. I can’t sell it!” A voice came, and then Gu Xiangfei saw a storage bag fall in front of him.

“Get out! Uncle is in a good mood now, I will forgive you once today.” Gu Xiangfei almost laughed angrily. It takes a lot of power to say such a thing, and he can’t sell it.

“I have already paid for the spar, and this lotus platform is mine. Now that you have robbed my lotus platform, we have a causal relationship. Even if you sue the master, this is also my lotus platform.” The orator appeared in front of him with the voice.

“Oh, it turns out that the karma technique you practiced is good! I’ll see how far you have cultivated in the great karma technique.” Gu Xiangfei heard that the monk actually talked to him about the causal relationship, and immediately understood the great karma he practiced. magical powers.

“Haha, no one in the world of eternal life dares to talk about causality with me. You are the first one, and I hope you won’t be the last.” Supernatural powers.

“Good time!” Gu Xiangfei also wanted to try his supernatural power of karma, and by the way, see if his Dao Yuan could block the third step of immortality.

Boom! There was a loud bang, two terrifying auras clashed together, dissipated one after another, the space made a crackling sound, and then exploded continuously, the great karma magic channel rhyme continued to shatter in this space, turning into countless karma channels Rhyme eroded towards the two of them.

“You also know the supernatural power of great karma?” Daoist Daoist Karma was blown away by Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of great karma. The rhyme is solid, not inferior to his supernatural power of karma.

“There’s a lot of nonsense, and then I have a supernatural power.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted a supernatural power of destruction. The terrifying aura of destruction rules smashed the causal dao rhymes around him into nothingness, and blasted at the causal Taoist ancestor.

“The supernatural power of destruction! You are the ancestor of destruction? No! Stop! I admit defeat.” Karma Daozu was frightened by Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of destruction and quickly surrendered. Otherwise, this supernatural power of destruction will turn him into nothingness. Although he can use soul splitting to cultivate, it will take time, not to mention that he and this monk have no deep hatred, and it is not shameful to admit defeat. It is true that he can save his life.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that this guy would take the initiative to admit defeat. He surrendered when he saw that he couldn’t beat him, and he surrendered without a bottom line, regardless of embarrassment or not.With a wave of his hand, he shattered the divine passage rhyme of the great destruction technique, so as not to turn this space into nothingness and create a void.

“Fellow Daoist is really strong, and Yu admires it. Our causal relationship is over, but you have to return the spar to me.” Seeing Gu Xiangfei withdrawing his supernatural power, Daoist Karma gave him a thumbs up to express his admiration. Forget his storage bag.

The storage bag fell on the ground, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t even move it. The Taoist ancestor of Karma could put it away, but he didn’t do it. Instead, he asked Gu Xiangfei to return it to him. under the trace.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, and the storage bag landed in front of Daoist Karma.

“Thank you, fellow daoist, you are a fastidious person. Yu has recognized you as a friend, but he hasn’t asked fellow daoist for his Dharma name yet.” Daoist Karma saw Gu Xiangfei return the storage bag to him, and his affection for Gu Xiangfei immediately increased.

If you switch to another monk, turn around and leave, his causal relationship will always be involved with this monk, causing cracks in his avenue. Once there is a crack in his avenue, this is his weakness, and other monks know his weakness Afterwards, he will specifically look for his weaknesses to start, and it is estimated that someone with a heart will kill him soon.

“My name is Gu Xiangfei, and I am a saint according to the title rule. I am not yet the ancestor of Taoism.” Gu Xiangfei has arrived in the world of eternal life. He knows that the rules of heaven and earth here do not allow anyone to conceal his identity. A monk can not reveal his identity, but he cannot hide his identity.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is strong enough to become the Patriarch of Taoism, but you want to keep a low profile, Fellow Daoist Gu, but your Chaos Treasure is not low-key.” Daoist Karma pointed to his World-Exterminating Black Lotus, this lotus platform can be seen by any monk as a piece of chaos treasure.

Gu Xiangfei chuckled, raised his hand and put away the Mieshi Heilian, “No one knows now, if Fellow Daoist Yu speaks out, it will be a cause and effect relationship.”

“You…” Gu Xiangfei’s words made Daoist Karma choke, thinking, why are you so busy? Now as long as he tells others about this lotus platform, he will understand the cause and effect relationship, and only he can know this secret.

“Your causal relationship has been eliminated, but mine has not been resolved. How do you think my causal relationship can be resolved, Yu Daoyou? It won’t work unless it is resolved!” Gu Xiangfei will not be a kind person, since the causal ancestor cannot beat him , the premise of buying his world-destroying black lotus causality depends on how he undoes it for himself, at worst, fight again, now that he has the confidence, the power of the third step of the eternal life is smashed by his dao yuan, In addition to Juggernaut, he estimated that the strong in the immortal state could kill them.

“This… This is my compensation. Fellow Daoist Gu can see if he can help you resolve the causal relationship?” Daoist Daoist Karma took out a jade box and handed it to him.

“Okay, our causal relationship is now resolved, hello, hello, hello everyone, fellow daoist Yu, where are we going!” Gu Xiangfei took the jade box, and after scanning it with his spiritual sense, he saw a gray dao fruit inside, sending out The huge soul breath turned out to be a Dao Soul Fruit, and I was overjoyed. This is one of the rare Dao Fruits in the world of immortality. I didn’t expect the Daoist Daoist of Karma to be so generous, and he naturally agreed to dissolve the causal relationship.

“I’m going to the Vientiane World. I heard that the chaotic area there is dissipating. Go in and look for some ores with the energy of chaos. Where are you going, Daoist Gu?” Karma Daozu felt at ease when he heard Gu Xiangfei say that the causal relationship was resolved. , the cultivation level revealed by Daoist Gu is the third step of Immortality Realm. It is possible that he has hidden the Realm, otherwise how can he be able to suppress himself even though he is a few big realms behind him? This is just a guess in his mind, so He didn’t hide his whereabouts.

“Oh! Forget it! The chaotic area of ​​the Vientiane World has collapsed, and now there may be a void, and there is nothing there. You should go to other chaotic areas to find it!” Gu Xiangfei reminded Daoist Karma, but he is With a purpose, he wanted to see if Daoist Karma knew if there was a chaotic area. He couldn’t ask him, lest Daoist Karma suspected that he could enter the chaotic area, so he had to beat around the bush.

“Ah! How could this be? It seems that I have no choice but to go to the chaotic area of ​​Yuyun World, but the distance there is too far away, and I can’t reach it in hundreds of years. What should I do?” The words of Daoist Karma made Gu Xiangfei feel anxious Yixi, it turns out that there is a chaotic area in the Yuyun world. I wonder how the chaotic air in that chaotic area is?

“Why is Daoist Yu looking for Chaos Ore? I have never been to Yuyun World. I am not familiar with it. I don’t know if the chaotic area is big there?” Gu Xiangfei asked him why he was looking for Chaos Ore. When he got up, it seemed that he said something casually, but he didn’t know that Gu Xiangfei was trying to trick him.

He thought that Gu Xiangfei also wanted to go and see it. He thought that Gu Xiangfei had a chaotic flying treasure, and his heart became hot. The flying speed of the chaotic treasure is very fast. It is estimated that it will not take a hundred years to reach Yuyun World. If Gu Xiangfei can be persuaded to follow him It would be great to go to Yuyun World.

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