Fighting against the Spatial Dao Ancestor

“I want to refine a magic weapon with the energy of chaos. Fellow Daoist Gu, if you want to go to Yuyun World, I can take you to see it. Fellow Daoist Gu’s lotus platform flies fast, and it probably won’t take long to get there. Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed by the words of Taoist Karma, but Gu Xiangfei guessed that he wanted to go to Yuyun World to find ores in the chaotic area, and wanted to take the opportunity to ride the Black Lotus, so he agreed to take him to see it, as if he was giving himself a big favor .

“Forget it, I don’t want to find any ore of Chaos Qi, and I don’t want to go there to see it.It’s not like I haven’t seen anything good about Qi. “Gu Xiangfei won’t let him take advantage of himself, since you want to go, you still don’t come to beg me, insist on taking me to see it, I don’t want to see it.

“Ah! Let’s do this! Fellow Daoist Gu, you go with me, and I owe you a favor, how about that?” Daoist Karma became anxious when he heard that Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to go, and immediately said another condition.

“Okay! Since Fellow Daoist Yu said so, I also want your favor, so let’s go!” Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, but with a reluctant expression on his face, he raised his hand and sacrificed the Black Lotus.

Karma Daozu sat on the lotus platform, looked at the scene of the Mieshi Heilian galloping forward, and instantly retreated, and was even more amazed at the speed of this lotus platform. In time, they will be able to reach Yuyun World.

The more he looked at it, the hotter his heart became. If he had such a flying treasure, he could come and go anywhere in the world of immortality freely. Unfortunately, this fellow Daoist Gu is too powerful, and he can’t beat him. This kind of flying treasure is really greedy. what!

Gu Xiangfei looked at the jade slip of the map given to him by Daoist Karma, and flew straight to the location of Yuyun World. This speed is fast, and there is no need to detour, and he gallops all the way.

When passing by the city, it was directly above the city, passing through the city, the air-forbidden formation was penetrated by the Mieshi Heilian, causing chaos in the city, and by the time the city lord chased him out, there was no sign of the lotus platform. .

Karma Daozu saw that the lotus platform had penetrated the forbidden air formation without a single pause, and his eyes became more and more envious of Gu Xiangfei, a flying treasure of chaos, thinking about what he could exchange for this flying treasure with him.

After looking at the treasures in my world, I felt that none of the Chaos treasures could compare to the value of this flying treasure, and my heart immediately cooled down.

But after he thought about it, he came up with another idea. From now on, he would follow Gu Xiangfei, and follow him wherever he went. After talking with Gu Xiangfei, he found that Gu Xiangfei was relatively easy to talk to. As long as he could make friends with Gu Xiangfei, what would he do? Place is not a matter of a word, and Gu Xiangfei is powerful, and he is also a good helper in fighting. Thinking of this, his heart became hot, and he admired his cleverness so much.

The world of eternal life is vast and boundless. The two sat on the lotus platform and talked about some things in the world of eternal life. If the causal Taoist ancestor wanted to befriend Gu Xiangfei, he would naturally talk about everything. As long as Gu Xiangfei asked him, he would be patient and talk to him. He explained that the more they chatted, the more speculative they became. One made friends sincerely, while the other looked at each other honestly, and soon became friends.

Gu Xiangfei also learned that there are nine big worlds in the world of immortality, and almost every world has a master. There are thirty-six major fruit positions under the master, and there are countless small fruit positions under each big fruit position. Finally, they will compete to win their fruit status, which is the battle of fruit status.

There are also some monks who don’t want to live under the fence and don’t compete for fruit status. They think that one day they will compete with the master for the position of master after they become stronger. After defeating the master, they can win the position of master and gain immortality. Being not tolerated by the law of heaven, he fell to Jiuxiao to exterminate Thunder Tribulation, blasting him into reincarnation.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that even after becoming a master, he would face the crisis of being robbed of his position as a master. As for what state is above a master, no one in the world of immortality can cultivate to that state.

The more he learned about the realm of immortality, Gu Xiangfei felt that Juggernaut might not be the highest realm, and that Heavenly Dao could kill Juggernaut, which proves that there are realms above Juggernaut, at least it must be on an equal footing with Heavenly Dao, or even surpass Heavenly Dao, just like in the legend of the earth, Jumping out of the Three Realms and not being in the Five Elements can be regarded as an end point.

There was a spatial fluctuation coming from the front, the two of them stopped chatting, they both stood up and looked at the location where the spatial fluctuation came from. After two breaths, a huge spatial fluctuation came, and a third-step immortal strongman raised his hand and blasted a With the supernatural power of the large space technique, it is obvious that they want to stop them.

“Space Dao Ancestor!” Karma Dao Ancestor exclaimed when he saw the supernatural power of the large space technique coming from him. The space immediately turned into layers of space dislocations, and ripples continued to spread.

“Good job!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a large space magic power, and two huge space dao rhymes blasted together, rumbling! There was a loud noise, and this space suddenly turned into countless waves of space that exploded, shattered inch by inch, and turned into a void.

“Again!” Gu Xiangfei saw the big space technique clash, and neither of them got any advantage. He was furious in his heart. I flew well, and I didn’t provoke you, so I suddenly attacked me with a big space technique supernatural power.

He raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of the big cutting technique, and then blasted out a big time technique. His meaning was obvious. He used the supernatural power of the big cutting technique to cut a large space, and then used the supernatural power of the big time technique to stop the space, and finally Then use the supernatural power of the thunderbolt to kill him.

“Large cutting technique supernatural power!” The Space Dao ancestor who used the large space technique supernatural power was surprised when he saw that the other party also had the large space technique supernatural power. It’s a big surprise, a monk who can display two supernatural powers in the world of immortality is almost invincible, who did he provoke today!

Daoist Karma was also surprised when he saw that Gu Xiangfei used the supernatural power of cutting technique again, good guy! Thanks to being friends with Daoist Gu now, this guy actually knows three ways to open the sky, no! It is the four magical powers of opening the sky, and there is also the magical power of the Great Years Art.

space roadWhen Zu saw the supernatural power of the big cutting technique blasting towards him, he quickly blasted out another supernatural power of the large space technique. However, just as his supernatural power of the large space technique bombarded over, the space suddenly stopped, and he was shocked. This is the supernatural power of the great years technique. No matter how powerful the space magic power is, it still takes time to activate the space, and then I saw a terrifying lightning arc, which came in a flash, and I knew in my heart that this was another magic power, the great thunder magic power.

“Boom! Click!” The supernatural power of the big cutting technique cut through the supernatural power of the large space technique, and the supernatural power of the great years technique made this space stand still. The big thunder technique blasted the space Taoist ancestor into pieces. Wanting to escape, a big handprint directly imprisoned his primordial spirit.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and played out countless complicated hand formulas. The Space Dao Ancestor didn’t know why he was grabbing his soul? After his physical body was shattered, he had long thought of going to reincarnation, and came back to take revenge after he was successful in cultivation.

Karma Daozu was even more shocked when he saw Gu Xiangfei blast out another thunderous magic power in just a few breaths, and then he saw Gu Xiangfei play countless complicated moves. He was wondering why Gu Xiangfei played the move. , click! With a soft sound, Gu Xiangfei actually tore apart the world of Dao Ancestor of Space, which made Dao Ancestor Karma’s jaw drop in shock.

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