The Shock of Daoist Daoist Karma

The Primordial Spirit of Space Dao Ancestor was even more shocked. This cultivator is so powerful that he tore apart his own world. You must know that it is impossible for the ruler to tear apart his world so quickly. He is extremely regretful now, he is really blind, Why do you want to provoke such a strong man against the sky? Don’t seek revenge on this monk after reincarnation, unless you want to reincarnate again.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sweep away the things in his world, waved his hand to grab the shattered body of the Space Dao Ancestor, drew out a drop of blood essence, and raised his hand to blast out another magical power.

“A drop of blood!” After seeing Gu Xiangfei blasting out a drop of blood, the Dao Patriarch of Space immediately languished. He knew that he couldn’t even do reincarnation.

“Ask to kill with a drop of blood!” Daoist Karma was shocked again, and he was shocked again in his heart. This is to completely wipe out Daozu of Space.

Over the years, only today has surprised Daoist Daoist Karma the most times. The few magical powers that Gu Xiangfei learned surprised him a lot. However, within two breaths, a world of the third-step powerhouse of the immortal state was torn open. This is something that even the master can’t do, and Gu Xiangfei managed to do it.

With a wave of his hand, Gu Xiangfei turned the primordial spirit of the Space Dao Ancestor into nothingness, and then took out a pile of chaotic ore and handed it to the Karma Dao Ancestor.

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist Gu.” Daoist Karma was overjoyed. There are a lot of chaotic ore in the world of Daoist Space, and now Gu Xiangfei gave him a bunch, which shows that Gu Xiangfei has treated him as a friend.

“What’s Daoist Yu’s plan? I think we’re almost in Yuyun World, so I might as well go to the Chaos Region.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t talk nonsense with Daoist Karma, and directly expressed his intentions.

“Okay! Since it’s almost here, let’s go over and have a look, no matter what, we are here.” Karma Daozu has made up his mind to follow Gu Xiangfei, so naturally he will not leave him, he will follow Gu Xiangfei wherever he goes, with such a heaven-defying helper , who is willing to leave, unless there is a problem with the brain.

When Gu Xiangfei saw that Daoist Karma wanted to follow him, he didn’t refuse him. It would be nice to have a helper in the world of immortality, not to mention that Daoist Karma practiced great karma, and he didn’t have to worry about him harming himself unless he wanted to break up. If he has broken his own way, besides, he can’t beat himself.

Mie Shi Hei Lian flew for more than two months, and the two came to the edge of the chaotic area of ​​Yuyun World.

Gu Xiangfei put away the Black Lotus, and saw that there were many monks coming in and out of the edge of the chaotic area here. After scanning the chaotic area with his consciousness, he found that the chaotic area here was larger than the chaotic area on the Vientiane World. .

Here he feels the boundless chaotic air. The chaotic air outside this chaotic area is a little thin, but inside it is extremely rich. However, the chaotic air here seems lifeless. Obviously, the chaotic area in this place has been around for a long time, and the more accumulated The air of chaos is more dignified and thicker.

“Fellow Daoist Yu, I’m going to have a look inside. If you still want to find Chaos Ore, you can also look for it here. If I find it, I will put it away. Send me a message if you have anything to do.”

Karma Taoist knew that after entering the chaotic region, two people could not be together. If two people were together, who would be the one to find the treasure of chaos? Since everyone is here, it’s up to chance, and he naturally agrees with Gu Xiangfei’s arrangement.

There are many monks in the outskirts. There are few dangers here, but there are also few opportunities. If you want to find the treasure of chaos, you must enter the depths of the chaos area, but if you enter the depths of the chaos area, there are many crises. Nirvana, it’s easy to get lost when you think about it. You have to know that there is no sense of direction in the chaotic area, and the spiritual sense can only see the distance of several feet.

Gu Xiangfei stepped into the chaotic area in one step, then entered the chaotic area in a few more steps, and then fled away from the edge area in a flash.

The monks who entered the chaotic area saw a figure flying in the chaotic area. Everyone was shocked and couldn’t help admiring, it’s so powerful!

You must know that in the chaotic area, besides walking, you can’t even run, not to mention using the evasion technique in the chaotic area, almost no one can do it, because there are no rules in the chaotic area, and the use of escapism must be done. You have to be in a regular space to fly away, such as the space escape technique and the five elements escape technique.There needs to be a regular space in order to launch the escape technique flying escape.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the shock of those monks. After flying for a stick of incense, he had already entered the deepest part of the chaotic area. There was hardly a monk here, and the atmosphere of chaos was even stronger.

With a wave of his hand, he let the Chaos Gathering Spirit Beast come out. It is needed here to find the place where Chaos originated, and then he took out the Chaos Nest to condense Danxia Porridge. He can use Danxia Porridge to practice again. Using the energy of chaos to practice is labor-saving and time-saving.

“Master, is this a chaotic area again? Great, we found another chaotic area.” The Chaos Gathering Beast itself is a product of chaos, and it likes to live in a chaotic area.

“Well, go find the location where Chaos originated, and let’s go there to practice.”

“Okay! Come with me.”

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast is very fast in the chaotic area. It is as if it has returned to its hometown. It knows where the chaotic atmosphere is strong, and it knows better than anyone else.

This time, the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast didn’t run very far, but after a quarter of an hour, it stopped in a rolling valley.

“Master, this is the place where Chaos originated. Let’s practice here!” After the Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast finished speaking, it jumped into the mountain depression, breathing out the energy of Chaos here.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to sacrifice the Chaos Nest, put it in the mountain depression, and brought out the golden-winged roc to prevent it from absorbing the Chaos Qi in the star bead. Since there is Chaos Qi outside, save the star inside the beads.

After the golden-winged roc came out, he felt the energy of chaos here, and he didn’t express his dissatisfaction. He knew that Gu Xiangfei must have found the area of ​​chaos again. Its current state has improved rapidly, all because of the strong supply of energy of chaos.

The Chaos Nest began to absorb the Qi of Chaos, and soon condensed a drop of Danxia Syrup. After Gu Xiangfei saw the condensed drop of Danxia Syrup, he was overjoyed, and immediately sat down cross-legged and performed regular exercises to absorb the Qi of Chaos, refining it into his own Dao Yuan , Only when the Dao Yuan in the body accumulates more and more, becomes more and more solid, and reaches the Dao Yuan needed to break through the realm, can it break through the barrier and enter the next realm.

Karma Daozu’s cultivation base is strong, and no blind monk in the chaotic area dares to provoke him. Other monks basically avoid him when they see him. No one wants to be a strong third-level immortal approach him.

Karma Daozu entered the chaotic area deeper and deeper, and got more and more chaotic ores. There are very few third-step powerhouses here, which made him quickly find a lot of chaotic ores. He wanted to find some more chaotic ores. The treasure also refines a chaotic flying treasure. Although it is not required to surpass Gu Xiangfei’s lotus platform, it must be much stronger than other flying tools!

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