: News of the Competition for Fruit Status

Gu Xiangfei stepped out to the periphery of the chaotic area in a few steps. Now that his cultivation base has been upgraded to the first step of the immortal state, he is full of confidence. It is time for him to come out arrogant. Let’s see who is unlucky!

Arriving at the outskirts of the chaotic area, there is a market formed spontaneously by monks. It covers a small area. The monks here rarely buy and sell, and basically exchange what they have with each other.

Cultivators who have cultivated to the realm of immortality basically don’t pay much attention to crystal stones. They use Dao veins to trade. Every monk who has cultivated to the realm of immortality is very rich. He doesn’t have a hundred or ten Dao veins on his body, so how dare he make a move.

In the cosmic world with higher rules, the formation of Dao veins is much faster. The vitality of heaven and earth here is more intense. Some Dao fruits that are rare in the holy world are everywhere here. Of course, the top Dao fruits are still very rare.

Gu Xiangfei wandered around the market, and he didn’t pay attention to the items traded here. As his cultivation base became higher and higher, many resources that monks could use were almost useless to him. What he needed were rare Dao fruit, or top-level chaos.

Walking to another exit of Fangshi, there is a group of people discussing something, Gu Xiangfei walked over and stood on the periphery.

“The eight masters of the eight worlds jointly issued a notice that after a thousand years, one master will be selected in the Vientiane world, and thirty-six fruit positions will be selected, as well as many small fruit positions.. ”

“I hope this time it won’t be the same as last time. In the end, all the rulers will be killed by someone, let alone the fruit status. Which one of the immortals who won the fruit status will have a miserable end.”

“Whatever he does! Let’s go and see the excitement, anyway, I don’t want to take any fruit status, so it’s okay to watch the excitement!”

“It will take hundreds of years from here to the Vientiane World. If you want to go, start now. If you are lucky, you can grab a small fruit position.”

“Then let’s go! We will have a companion when we walk together.”

After Gu Xiangfei saw these monks leave, this news moved him. If he could win the position of master and become the master of the Vientiane World, then his family members, relatives and friends in the holy world could practice in the Vientiane World in the future. He is still full of confidence in the position of master.

Thinking of this, he took out the communication beads and sent another message to the Daoist of Karma, and then sacrificed the Mieshi Heilian. After so many years of nurturing, the Mieshiheilian has become several times stronger than before. Although it has not yet grown to its peak, but It is not comparable to other Chaos Treasures.

The Mieshi Heilian turned into a purple-black light and disappeared in a flash. There was no fluctuation in the space. A figure in the distance landed at the place where the Mieshi Heilian disappeared, and he could not feel a wave of aura. “What a powerful treasure of chaos, this A monk is the first step in immortality, and to possess such a powerful chaotic treasure, he must be a strong person. Even if such a person cannot make friends, he cannot become an enemy.”

Karma Daozu was originally in the inner circle of the chaotic area. As Gu Xiangfei absorbed a large amount of chaotic air, he felt that the chaotic air here became thinner, and continued to rush deeper. The deeper the chaotic area, the more chaotic The more treasures there are.

Here he found some top-level ores, and also got a fragment of a chaotic treasure. This fragment contained a huge power of law. He felt that the powerhouse who used this treasure might surpass the master’s cultivation.

For such a powerful monk, his treasures were actually smashed into pieces, so how powerful is his opponent?

Karma Daozu became more terrifying the more he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt insignificant. If he faced such a great power, he would probably be instantly killed by others.

He didn’t go further into the chaotic region, but came to a place where he felt he could still adapt, raised his hand to sacrifice a cave, entered the cave, and felt the power of the law of the treasure fragment in his hand. He felt that if If he can comprehend the power of law of this treasure fragment, his strength will go up a step or even a few steps.

Gu Xiangfei is driving the Black Lotus, and fortunately he has the map jade slip given by the Taoist ancestor of Karma. He has walked the route to the world of Vientiane once again, so he doesn’t have to worry about going the wrong way, just gallop all the way.

A year later, Gu Xiangfei came to the world of Vientiane again, but this time he did not go to the chaotic area, which has now collapsed and turned into a void. He came to Wandao City, the central star field of the world of Vientiane.

Since the eight masters of the eternal life world issued a notice, many monks without fruit status, or those who want to compete for the eternal life status, have come to Wandao City, the central star field of the Vientiane World. On a wild plain outside Wan Dao City.

Wandao City is already overcrowded. The city that could have accommodated more than 200 million monks now has 500 to 600 million monks. As more and more monks enter, it will become more crowded.

All the caves in the city have been rented by the monks. Each cave was originally settled with crystals, but now it is traded with Dao veins. One Dao vein can be rented for a hundred years, and ten Dao veins are needed for a thousand years. The price of the cave here is also rented out by the monks.

In the city lord’s mansion, Zhundi Haoze revealed a sad face again. He just said that he had solved the problem of nirvana in the chaotic area, but now the eight masters are going to choose a master for the Vientiane World. They have held this kind of thing several times, but none of them have been successful.

Zhundi Haoze suspects that these eight masters are consuming the resources of the Vientiane World. Unfortunately, the masters of the Vientiane World are missing now. Otherwise, there is no room for them. They are gesticulating in the Vientiane World.

When there are too many monks, there will inevitably be disputes. Some monks with fiery personality will fight if they disagree. There are hundreds of fights in Wandao City every day, and the law enforcement team in the city is too busy.

These fighting cultivators are almost all above the Immortal Realm level, and cultivators with low cultivation levels will not cause trouble, even if they suffer some grievances, they will not cause trouble.

Wandao City is in chaos every day. The law enforcement disciples of the law enforcement team don’t dare to be unreasonable to those monks who are fighting.

But some monks simply ignored the advice of the disciples of the law enforcement team. Sometimes they talked too much and were photographed seriously injured by them. chaos.

Seeing the miserable conditions of the disciples of the law enforcement team, the city lord Haoze no longer let them go out to enforce the law. Anyway, the ones who died were not his own. After passing this competition, everything will be fine.

Gu Xiangfei had just entered Wandao City, and saw a group of monks forming a circle from a distance, and two monks inside were fighting. Fortunately, these surrounding monks protected themselves with magic weapons, and protected the fighting site. Some of the buildings in the building were not smashed by the two fighting monks.

“Is there no one here? How can you fight at will?” Gu Xiangfei asked a monk who was watching.

“Take care? Who dares to take care of it? These are all immortal monks, and the law enforcement team in the city is only good luck.”Even if the city lord can’t beat these third-step powerhouses in the immortal realm, who would dare to come out and take care of them? Fellow Daoists, stay away! In order not to hurt the innocent, when the time comes to seek revenge, there will be no one to find. “

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