The Chaotic Myriad Dao City

Gu Xiangfei looked at the fighting monks in front of him speechlessly. The Wan Dao City Master is quite useless, but he probably can’t stop him. There is no master in the world of Vientiane now, and several third-step immortals are vying for the position of master. I’ll take care of these things.

Turning around and leaving here, he thought it was better to find a place outside the city. There were so many people in the city, and there were monks fighting, he probably wouldn’t be at peace in the cave, and he didn’t want to kill all these monks. There is no obligation to help the city enforce the law.

In the wilderness plain outside the city, where the battle for fruit status took place, tens of millions of monks had already gathered here. Cave houses stood upright in a disorderly manner. These monks set up cave houses at will, and no one planned it.

Gu Xiangfei found an open space on the outskirts, sacrificed a cave, arranged a simple defensive formation around it, and then entered the cave. This time he didn’t practice, this chaotic danxia pulp was not enough for him to break through to the second step of immortality .

He was going to deduce the way of formation. After entering the realm of immortality, he has not improved his level of formation. The rules of heaven and earth here are stronger than those of the holy world. The Dao in the Immortal Realm is simply not enough to see.

In the past, every time he went to a new place, he would improve his formation and use the formation to protect himself.

Since he came to the Immortal Realm, he discovered the chaotic area before he had time to improve the formation. He only focused on using the energy of chaos to improve his cultivation. The formation was temporarily put on hold by him. Now that he has no training resources, he decided to improve his formation. Dao level.

The higher his cultivation level is, the faster he can deduce the way of formation. After all, he is already the first step in the immortal realm, and he has a relatively clear understanding of the rules of heaven and earth, and his attainment of way of formation is also improving rapidly.

Karma Daozu opened his eyes and looked at the treasure fragments in his hands. The power of law contained in them was thoroughly understood by him. He felt that his strength was several times stronger than before, and he had the power to escape even against Shanggu Xiangfei. As for beheading Gu Xiangfei, he never thought about it. Although he felt that he was much stronger, he might not be Gu Xiangfei’s opponent, but he was confident that he would not admit defeat with one move like before, and at least he could persist in four face-to-face encounters. , and flee.

After taking a few steps, he came to the periphery of the chaotic area. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he didn’t see Gu Xiangfei, so he took out the communication beads to check. As soon as he took out the communication beads, he saw two messages from Gu Xiangfei.

The first message is to ask where is he? Gu Xiangfei was waiting for him outside the chaotic area. The second message was to tell him that he had heard the news about the battle for fruit status, and now he had returned to the Vientiane World. If he wanted to find him, he had to come to the Vientiane World.

Daoist Karma looked at the two messages in shock. He was not shocked by the content of the messages, but by Gu Xiangfei’s strength.

These two messages have been sent for a hundred years. Now that he took out the communication bead, these two messages can still find the location of his communication bead and send the message to him.

This requires a thorough understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, so that these two messages can find his position in an instant, and these two messages have been waiting for him in this space without a trace of collapse.

At this moment Daoist Karma felt that he had comprehended the power of the law of the treasure fragments, and he was not Gu Xiangfei’s opponent. Not to mention four face-to-face encounters, he might be able to kill him instantly with one move. He was ill, so without even thinking about it, he immediately launched the escape technique and fled to the Vientiane World.

He reckoned that Gu Xiangfei might win the master position in this competition for fruit status, so if he follows him, he will get one of the thirty-six great fruit positions! Thinking about it, I feel excited. With a great fruit position, it is recognized by the heavens, and I can live forever.

Gu Xiangfei doesn’t know how the formation realms of the Immortal Realm are arranged, but he has now arranged a sixth-level formation according to the heaven and earth rules of the Immortal Realm, and is continuing to develop a seventh-level formation.

It took only a hundred years for Daoist Karma to come to the world of Vientiane this time. He felt that after he realized the fragment, his cultivation base had increased by more than several times. It took hundreds of years to come to the world of Vientiane before.

As soon as Karma Daozu entered Wandao City, he saw chaos in the city. There were monks fighting everywhere. Countless buildings in the city were destroyed. The city was almost shattered in half.

Daoist Karma saw this situation, he estimated that Gu Xiangfei must not be in the city, otherwise he would have killed these monks long ago.

Just as he took out the communication beads and was about to send a message to Gu Xiangfei, a huge spatial fluctuation came and bombarded him.

Daoist Karma was furious. He practiced Karma Kungfu, and he never took the initiative to cause trouble. He was afraid of being contaminated by the power of Karma, but if a monk bombarded him first, then there was a causal relationship with this monk.

He raised his hand and blasted out a burst of Yuan force, blocking this huge Yuan force, boom! With a loud bang, the two Yuan forces collided and dissipated one after another. The space exploded, and ripples continued to spread outward.

“Okay! That’s right! Since you have a causal relationship with me now, then you can go to reincarnation!” After finishing speaking, Daoist Daoist Karma raised his hand and blasted out a great magical power of Karma.

The third step of the immortal realm was originally fighting with another third step of the immortal realm. Unexpectedly, this cultivator dodged his magical bombardment.Bu monk, seeing that monk blocked his bombardment, he didn’t care, and wanted to continue to fight with his previous opponent, but he didn’t expect the words of this monk who was bombarded by him to make him turn pale with fright, the ancestor of Karma!

The great karma magic channel rhyme directly shattered the third-step powerhouse. The other monk was overjoyed when he saw his opponent was shattered. Just as he was about to leave here, he did not expect to be enveloped by a huge karma magic power. In an instant, his body was shattered, and his soul turned into a phantom and fled here.

“Do you think you have no causal relationship? You didn’t dodge, how could he hit me, since you dodged, you have a causal relationship with me, and you, why are you following me? Do you want to eat farts? If you eat my fart, you will have a causal relationship with me. Naturally, this fart cannot be eaten in vain, and you will have to pay a price.” Karma Taoist tried the third step of the strong man, and killed him with one move. He was overjoyed, his Immediately full of confidence, after comprehending the fragment, his cultivation base was indeed several times stronger, and his speech became arrogant.

The monks around were shocked when they saw that he had killed two third-step powerhouses one after another. It turned out that this powerhouse was the Taoist ancestor of Karma. To provoke him, especially to have a causal relationship with him, is considered unlucky.

These monks were in shock, and when they heard the words of Daoist Daoist Karma, they immediately stayed away from him, and it was not good to follow him. Who would eat your farts, and I don’t want to be contaminated by the causal relationship of this kind of farts.

The whole Wan Dao City knew that Karma Daozu had entered the city in an instant. It seems that he said that it is not good to follow him, and it is even worse to be in front of him. Causal relationship, as long as there is a causal relationship with him, then reincarnation is not far away.

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