: Dao Ancestor of Karma Shows His Power

Ever since Dao Patriarch Karma entered the city, Wandao City has become peaceful in an instant. No monk dares to fight anymore, for fear of provoking Dao Patriarch Karma and having a causal relationship with him.

This is the most peaceful time in Wan Dao City for hundreds of years. Some monks dare not even speak out loudly. Many monks began to leave Wan Dao City one after another. There is an eerie silence in the city right now.

Karma Daozu didn’t expect that what he said would calm down Wandao City in an instant. The monks would no longer fight, and even the voices of these monks became softer. He took out the communication beads and sent a message to Gu Xiangfei.

After hundreds of years of derivation of formation dao, Gu Xiangfei feels that his current formation dao attainments are much stronger, and he does not know how many times stronger than the ninth-level formation daoist in the holy world.

The communication bead placed next to it emitted a vibrating light. After Gu Xiangfei swept it with his divine sense, he stood up, opened the restriction of the cave, and stepped out of the cave in one step.

When he was here, the surroundings were empty, but now the surroundings of his cave are filled with various caves.

After scanning with his spiritual sense, he was overjoyed when he saw Dao Patriarch Karma. This guy also came, and the sound transmission told him his location.

“Haha… Fellow Daoist Gu is here, so I went to the city to look for it again.” Karma Daozu laughed when he saw Gu Xiangfei. A realm, why don’t you know the hidden realm? You are already so powerful, do you want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?

He didn’t know that Gu Xiangfei had just broken through the first step of the eternal life realm. He always thought that Gu Xiangfei was in the hidden realm, otherwise, how could he kill the Space Dao Ancestor and open up his world again, right! It turns out that Hidden Realm is really pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, and it turns out that it wants to open up other people’s worlds.

Karma Daozu thought that he had thought of Gu Xiangfei’s purpose of hiding the realm. This guy was insidious enough. He didn’t know that the third-step powerhouse of his cultivation was only the first step when he saw him. Naturally, he would not take it to heart. Miss your world.

“Fellow Daoist Yu is finally here. I couldn’t find you in the Yuyun World, so I had to send a message to wait for you here. Please come in!” Gu Xiangfei saw that the aura of Daoist Daoist Karma was huge, and his cultivation had improved a lot compared to before. Maybe he also got a chance in the chaotic area.

The two entered the cave one after the other. Gu Xiangfei took out the spiritual tea, and the two chatted while drinking.

“This battle for fruit status, I think Fellow Daoist Gu already knows that the eight masters are clearly out of good intentions. They hope that the Vientiane World will have a master, so that the Vientiane World can calm down. In fact, they are consuming the resources of the Vientiane World. How could they do that? Let the Vientiane world calm down, a chaotic Vientiane world is much easier to deal with than a peaceful Vientiane world.”

Daoist Karma took a sip of spiritual tea at this point, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t intervene. He didn’t know anything about the competition for fruit status in the Vientiane World, and he didn’t know how to intervene.

“The eight masters have already held several battles for the position of masters in Vientiane World. Every time the monks who get the position of masters will be killed, it is just because this master is not recognized by the heavens. Every time there will be a large number of third-party battles. Those who are not strong enough are bombarded and killed, there are fewer and fewer immortal-level strong people in the world of Vientiane, and their strength is getting weaker and weaker, and the world of the other eight masters is getting stronger and stronger, so that the world of Vientiane can be trampled by them at will.”

“The Vientiane World is very weak now, why don’t they let the Vientiane World go?” Gu Xiangfei felt a little confused about the intentions of the Eight Masters.

“Wanxiang Daoist, the ruler of the Vientiane world, was very powerful in the past. He has dealt with the other eight masters. Now that the Vientiane Taoist is missing, the world under his jurisdiction is naturally regarded as a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh by the eight masters.They dare not destroy the Vientiane World for fear of being bombarded by the Dao of Heaven, so they can only find a way to weaken the Vientiane World. Even if the Vientiane Taoist returns in the future, it will be a dilapidated Vientiane World, and will no longer have the power to be equal to them. ”

The words of Daoist Daoist Karma made Gu Xiangfei suddenly realize that there is also a causal relationship. At the beginning, the Taoist master of Vientiane was too strong and offended the eight masters. Now that he is missing, others will naturally not let his world go. Way to leave him a mess.

This is the same as the ordinary people in the mortal world. When the head of the family is gone, others will naturally bully his family. This kind of thing will happen no matter where it is, but there is still heaven in the world of immortality. If it is The mortal world has long been wiped out.

“Which one of the eight masters is the most powerful?” Gu Xiangfei asked.

“The most powerful one is Taoist Master Wangjie, followed by Taoist Master Xilu. The remaining Taoist masters are all about the same strength. What is Daoist Gu’s plan?” Daoist Karma didn’t know why Gu Xiangfei asked these questions? But he said it anyway.

“Of course, we should kill the most powerful Daoist first. In this way, whoever dares to covet the world of Vientiane, we will have a chance to be the master.” Gu Xiangfei’s words surprised Daoist Karma, good guy! You actually want to kill the most powerful Daoist Wangjie, it is estimated that the two of us will be bombarded and killed by him together.

“This… this is not a good joke. Fellow Daoist Gu can’t make such a joke.” Karma Daozu looked at him in surprise, this guy is right in his head! Want to kill the Taoist?

“I’m not joking. Of course, I think it may be difficult for the two of us to compete with the Taoist master of Shangwangjie with our current strength, but I can use the array to trap him and kill him.” Gu Xiangfei smiled slightly. At that time, when the battle for the position of master begins, he will have the opportunity to trap and kill the Daoist Wangjie.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is a Daoist?” Karma Daozu asked in surprise. If it is Dao Zhenzun, maybe you will be sure, but there are only two Dao Zhenzun in the world of immortality, one of which is Bule Dao Zhenzun in Vientiane World, and the other is just a big fruit holder under Wangjie Taoist.

“Not yet, but it will be when the battle begins.” Gu Xiangfei is very sure that he will raise the Taoist Dao to the Dao Zhenzun mentioned by the Taoist ancestor of Karma, and he is practicing regular skills. I believe that his formation is better than the Taoist Zun is several times stronger.

Karma Taoist grinned, and thought in his heart, it turned out that he is not Dao Zhenzun, and the battle is less than five hundred years away. No matter how powerful your talent is, it is impossible to advance to Dao Zhenzun! Besides, the improvement of the formation method is not the improvement of the realm. As long as the vitality is strong, it can be improved quickly. What this formation method requires is continuous derivation, and it is necessary to have a strong talent for facing the way to break through the formation.

“Fellow Daoist Yu may not believe it now. You can find a training room in the cave. I want to deduce the way of formation, and try to break through the realm of way of formation when the battle begins.” Gu Xiangfei saw the expression of Daoist Karma, and he knew what he thought He was bragging, but he didn’t care. He wanted to deduce the way of formation and improve his level of way of formation. By the way, he would also draw out the pattern of the void formation, and set up a formation of void strangulation. If he didn’t believe it, he couldn’t kill a master.

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