: The Intentions of the Masters

After Wandao City settled down, City Master Haoze also got the news. It turned out that Dao Patriarch Karma had come. He didn’t expect that Dao Patriarch Karma came to suppress these immortal-level powerhouses just by his name.

Since the Dao ancestors of cause and effect all came to the world of Vientiane, other Dao ancestors who cultivated the supernatural powers of the heavens will probably also come to the world of Vientiane. These Dao ancestors are not ordinary immortals. Especially Daozu Daozu, whose supernatural power of destruction can instantly turn Myriad Dao City into nothingness.

Thinking of this, City Master Haoze became worried again. The former monks fought in Wandao City. These are nothing. Only the Dao ancestors who have practiced the supernatural power of opening the sky are the most terrifying.

Gu Xiangfei did not deduce the Dao in the practice room. This time he entered the Star Bead to deduce the Dao. The time in the Star Bead was thirty times that of the outside world, enough for him to advance to Daoist Dao.

The level of his formation is constantly improving. After five hundred years in the star beads, his formation has been upgraded to Zhendao Zun, and then he began to deduce and describe the void formation pattern.

After 300 years in the outside world, Gu Xiangfei came out of the star beads and continued to draw void patterns. The rules of the outside world are different from those of the star beads. He needs to adapt to the rules of the world of immortality to raise the realm of the formation. , It was not until all the formation patterns were mastered that he stood up and stepped out of the cave.

When he came outside the cave, he saw that all the caves around him had been put away by the monks, leaving only his lonely cave standing here.

In the distance, a huge platform has been built by Taoist formations, and the surroundings are maintained by formations. You can see this huge platform without spiritual awareness. There is a cave on each side of the platform, and there are many monks standing there. Line up there to receive the jade medal for the competition.

It seems that the competition for the fruit position is about to start. Gu Xiangfei sent a message to the ancestors of Karma.

After the Taoist ancestor of Karma came out, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and put away the cave.

“Let’s go get the jade medal for the competition!” Gu Xiangfei pointed to the monks lining up around the platform. There are millions of strong people from the first step to the third step of immortality. These strong people of eternal life want to try their own skills. Strength, even if you can’t win the fruit position, you still have to participate in the battle for the fruit position. Some monks have hope, and some monks have the attitude of challenging their own strength.

“Don’t worry, let’s wait until the end to get the jade medal for the competition. The previous monks like to join in the fun, and their strength is not very good. Look at the monks standing still behind. These third-level immortals are the main characters in the battle. Daozu Karma pointed to the third step of some immortal realms scattered in the distance. None of these monks went to collect the jade medals for the competition. The familiar monks were talking, and there was also a single monk standing aside, obviously disdainful to queue up with those monks Receive the jade medal for the competition.

Gu Xiangfei smiled. No matter where you are, there will always be some people who are arrogant. According to what Gu Yunhao said on Earth, they are a group of pretenders.

“I’ll sign up first, and you can go later.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to put on a show, and no matter where he was, he didn’t need to put on a show.

Daoist Karma saw Gu Xiangfei queuing up, but didn’t follow him. He didn’t bother to queue up with a group of monks. After all, he was also Daoist karma. It was a bit embarrassing for him to be seen queuing, but Gu Xiangfei was different. No one knew he was He is the most powerful, and likes to do things like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

“In this competition for fruit status, I saw several third-step powerhouses. If I face them, I will take the initiative to admit defeat.” Gu Xiangfei heard that the monks lining up in front were talking to the monks he knew well.

“Then you have to try it, otherwise how will you know the gap between your own strength and theirs? If the gap is too big, it’s not too late to admit defeat, you can’t be frightened by them!” The acquainted monk held the attitude of giving it a try , encouraging the monks next to him.

“I’m afraid it’s too late for you to admit defeat, and besides, these strong men will give you a chance to admit defeat.” The previous monk seemed to be very careful in his life, he still followed his own ideas and did not listen to the advice of his companions .

“What’s the point of you cultivating like this? There is a crack in your Dao heart, and you will have no hope of running towards the Dao of Eternal Life.” The latter is still encouraging him.

“I… Forget it! I’ll give it a try too. At worst, I’ll start over again.” The previous monks were moved by what he said. If they were still timid after reaching the immortal state, why would they still practice? It’s better to go home to chop firewood and plant the land.

Gu Xiangfei listened to the conversation between these two people, and his heart was full of emotions. When he came here step by step from Gujia Village, he almost fell down countless times during the period. It was because of the determination of immortality in his heart that he was strong and kept on the road of cultivation Going down, running towards his own avenue of eternal life, now that this wish is finally coming true, his mood is even more turbulent and excited.

Report your name and receive a piece numbered

The jade card means that there are more than six million monks in front of him. With so many monks competing for thirty-six fruit ranks, it is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack to get a fruit rank from them.

After receiving the jade card, Gu Xiangfei found another open space, sacrificed to the cave, and continued to deduce the way in it, waiting for the battle for the fruit position to start.

Daoist Karma waited until the last moment to collect the jade medal. Now there are still ten years before the competition for the fruit position, and monks will come one after another to receive the jade medal for the competition.

Ten years passed in a flash, Gu Xiangfei came out of the cave, and saw that the surrounding platform in the distance was surrounded by many monks participating in the battle, densely packed with human heads, there were tens of millions of monks, and these monks were not necessarily all If you want to participate in the battle for fruit status, you may be watching the excitement.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is out.” Karma Daozu came to Gu Xiangfei’s side. According to their jade plate numbers, it is estimated that they will not be able to participate in the battle until the end.

“Fellow Daoist Yu, how did this competition for fruit status take place? Where did it start?” Gu Xiangfei participated in the competition for fruit status for the first time, and he had no clue at all. He is well-informed and has more knowledge than him, so he must know some of the rules.

“Although there are so many monks, there are only a few thousand people who actually participated in the competition for fruit status. There are many monks who come here to test their own strength. If they can’t beat them, they will take the initiative to admit defeat. Hundreds of monks played at the same time, divided into 50 teams to compete, and every time a monk was defeated, he would get one point, and the person with the highest score would get the fruit position.” Karma Daozu really knew these rules, and he didn’t know if he had participated in it before, and Gu Xiangfei didn’t either. Ask him this question.

“Then what if there are casualties?” Gu Xiangfei saw so many monks, it was inevitable that some monks couldn’t hold back and killed their opponents.

“Casualties? As long as you enter the platform, participate in the battle for fruit status, and live and die in peace, this is the intention of the eight masters, to consume the strength of the immortal monks and kill a group of elite monks, so that their positions can be done Safe and stable.” The words of the causal Taoist ancestor made Gu Xiangfei instantly understand the intention of the eight masters. It turned out that they organized the battle for the fruit position to consume the elite monks in the immortal world. It’s even more chaotic, and its strength will always fall behind the eight worlds. It’s really well-intentioned!

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