: Battle for Fruit Status

A huge breath of space fluctuations came, and then a phantom fell on the platform, and then several huge breaths of space fluctuations came, and eight phantoms appeared on the platform, and then these phantoms revealed their real bodies.

And the huge spatial fluctuations disappeared in an instant, and none of the monks around the platform was suppressed by the spatial fluctuations. It can be seen how well these eight people understand the rules of space.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the eight phantoms that appeared on the platform from a distance, and thought in his heart, these may be the eight masters, who is the master of Wangjie?

“I have waited to meet the Taoist…” With a loud cry, the monks around the platform clasped their fists and saluted, see the eight masters.

Seeing that Daoist Karma also cupped his fists in salute, Gu Xiangfei hurriedly cupped his fists in salute as well.

“All fellow daoists, please forgive me. Now I announce the start of the competition for the fruit position. Fellow daoist Tianyuan, please tell all fellow daoists a rule of competition.” One of the eight masters, an old man with eagle eyes and raised eyebrows, said Although he said please, his tone was clearly instructive.

“This is Daoist Wangjie. The smiling Buddha on his right is Daoist Xilu. The old man on his left is Daoist Lintian. The one just now is Daoist Tianyuan. He is the least powerful among the eight masters. He is the running dog of Taoist Wangjie, and he will obey the advice of Taoist Wangjie.” Karma Daozu sent a voice transmission to Gu Xiangfei, introducing several powerful Taoist masters among the eight masters.

Gu Xiangfei nodded. If he wanted to be the Daoist of Wangjie, he had to kill his lackey, Daoist Tianyuan first, lest the two of them join forces and he would have to go to a lot of trouble.

Daoist Tianyuan has a majestic appearance. He is outstanding among the eight masters. His appearance makes people feel very kind.

“This competition for fruit status starts from the 1st to the 100th. Every time you defeat an opponent, you will get a point. After one side of the competition voluntarily admits defeat, it is not allowed to attack again. Anyone who violates it will be killed immediately. The first round of the competition is over. After that, continue the second round of competition until the final thirty-six winners are obtained, and the ruler will be selected from them.” Gu Xiangfei heard the competition rules mentioned by Taoist Master Tianyuan, and thought that He Karma Taoist had told him earlier The meaning is similar, it is mainly to consume the strength of the monks in the immortal world.

Thirty-six fruit position holders compete for the master, which consumes the most strength of the monks in the immortal world. If they can advance to the thirty-six fruit positions, each monk is the most powerful. These monks compete for the master. It is estimated that they will be seriously injured and their strength will drop sharply. They will find any reason to kill these monks, even if they have completed another wave of cleansing in the world of immortality.

The first batch of one hundred monks holding jade plaques came to the platform one after another. The formation Taoist raised his hand and waved down the formation flag. Immediately, fifty small platforms appeared on the platform, with formation patterns flickering around them. Guard up.

“Please enter the platform on the 1st and 2nd, and the 3rd and 4th…” The groups were quickly completed, and with the voice of Daoist Tianyuan, “The competition begins.”

The monks in the fifty small platforms immediately sacrificed their magic weapons, rolled up their blades and bombarded each other.

Huge vitality fluctuations immediately appeared on the big platform, and the vitality blades rolled up by the magic weapon boomed together, and the roaring sound continued. Inside the small platform.

The monks outside all looked at it, hoping to gain some experience in battle from the monks who fought against each other, and realize their own shortcomings.

“I admit defeat!” Following the sound of surrender from a monk in the small platform, the competition in this small platform ended. The winner got the opponent’s jade card and immediately went to the platform, waiting for the next round of competition.

The cultivator who surrendered, his whole body was bloodied, his breath was disordered, his face showed a frustrated expression, he jumped off the platform, and continued to watch the competition of other cultivators. Some cultivators would turn around and leave here to heal their injuries.

Out of the fifty small platforms, the winner was quickly decided. Only four monks surrendered. The rest of the monks were beheaded by the opponent, and they didn’t even have a chance to say the word admit defeat.

After the first wave of fighting was over, the second wave of fighting started with fifty teams of monks. On the small platform, blood and mist continued to explode. Obviously, the monks who were fighting had been bombarded and killed by the opponent. The second wave of fighting , Only two monks who surrendered left the platform alive, but their injuries were serious, and almost all of them were damaged to the foundation.

Seeing this situation, Gu Xiangfei knew that it was clearly the strategy of the eight masters, but he was powerless to stop it. These monks all wanted to obtain a fruit status. In the world of immortality, as long as they have a fruit status, they will be recognized by the heavens and achieve immortality. What are the monks practicing all their lives? Not all of them want to live the longest, so now there is a competition for fruit status, and everyone is fighting bravely to be the first, trying to carve out a road of longevity from among the many monks.

After half a year of this kind of competition, countless monks fell, and more and more monks gathered to watch the battle. Some monks in the first step of the eternal life, seeing the second step, and even the third step were killed. Immediately Quit the competition and take the initiative to admit defeat.

There are more and more monks admitting defeat, and by analogy, it is finally Gu Xiangfei’s turn to play.

“Fellow Daoist Gu will definitely come back with a big victory. I congratulate Fellow Daoist Gu in advance.” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei was going to participate in the competition, Daoist Karma first cupped his fists to congratulate him for advancing. In his opinion, among the thirty-six fruit ranks, There will definitely be a position for Gu Xiangfei.

“Hmph! You can’t get the opponent’s jade card with just a few words in Bidoutai. It depends on your strength. It’s too early for you to think of victory now as the first step in the immortal realm!” The monk at the third step of the Immortal Realm couldn’t help but sneer after hearing the words of Daoist Karma and seeing that Gu Xiangfei was only at the first step of the Immortal Realm.

“Really? But I don’t think there is any difficulty. I hope we don’t run into each other.” Gu Xiangfei smiled, turned around and went onto the platform.

“Fellow Daoist, are you looking down on my friend? Or did what I said make you feel unhappy, and you want to have a karmic relationship with me?” Daoist Karma saw that the other party was only a third-step monk in the eternal state, so he didn’t pay attention to him at first, but he He looked down on Gu Xiangfei, which made him very uncomfortable, and he wanted to form a causal relationship with him.

“You…you are the ancestor of karma? I’m sorry!” This eternal lifeIn the third step of the realm, the monk heard the words of the Taoist ancestor of Karma, immediately cupped his fists and apologized, turned around and squeezed out the crowd to leave, not daring to stay any longer.

“You’re acquainted.” Daoist Karma saw the monk leave, but he didn’t go to him. The monks around him immediately moved away when they heard their conversation. This is Daoist Karma! Once there is a causal relationship with him, then there will be trouble, who wants to ask for trouble, this space will suddenly be empty, and the causal Taoist ancestor will be highlighted.

Gu Xiangfei came to the small platform, and the one he was fighting with was a strong man at the third step of the immortal realm. After seeing Gu Xiangfei’s realm, he smiled slightly and said, “Will you take the initiative to admit defeat, hand over the jade card and leave, or let me take you away?” Boom kill, get the jade card, once you fight, I won’t give you a chance to admit defeat.”

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