: A Cultivator With Defying Luck

Two years later, there were less than a thousand monks participating in the battle for fruit status, and the fallen monks accounted for more than half of them. Millions of immortal monks were bombarded and killed by their opponents, and only a small number of them were seriously injured and survived.

The monks that Gu Xiangfei fought were basically injured by him, and none of them fell. This made the monks who fought against him very grateful. Didn’t you see that other monks were bombed and killed by their opponents? Although you can go to reincarnation, but if you want to cultivate to the eternal state, you can’t do it in millions of years.

Karma Taoist only killed two or three monks, and the other monks would basically admit defeat when they met him.

“Fellow daoists, there are still 967 monks, and one of them can advance directly without participating in the competition. Let’s snatch these jade cards in my hand, fellow daoists! Get the 900th The cultivator with the No. 67 jade medal can go directly to the next round of competition.” After speaking, Daoist Tianyuan raised his hand and threw it into the air, and nine hundred and sixty-seven jade medals floated in the air.

Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness is strong. He had already seen the position of the nine hundred and sixty-seven jade cards, and raised his hand to grab a jade card, which was the number nine hundred and sixty-seven jade cards.

“Haha, good luck, I’m No. 967.” Gu Xiangfei deliberately pretended to be surprised, so that many monks who snatched the jade token suddenly lost their desire to compete. Participate in the competition according to the number on the jade card.

The tens of millions of onlookers heard Gu Xiangfei’s words, and cheered in unison, “Good luck…”

The Eight Masters didn’t pay special attention to Gu Xiangfei, and now they have discovered the Dao Ancestor of Time, Dao Ancestor of Thunder and Dao Ancestor of Reincarnation, and are trying to kill these four Dao Ancestors.

Daoist Yuyun knew that Space Dao Ancestor had been bombed and killed, but he did not disclose this news. The location where Space Dao Ancestor was bombed and killed happened to be in the world under his jurisdiction, and when he left, he had already destroyed all kinds of auras on the scene. Clean, except that he knew that the Spatial Dao Ancestor was bombed and killed, no one master knew.

On the surface, Taoist Yuyun and the other masters are getting along. He is very dissatisfied with the actions of Taoist Wangjie and Xilu Taoist. Although he is dissatisfied, he dare not express his opposition.

His strength is a bit difficult to deal with a master. If he shows dissatisfaction, they may attack him. He can’t beat the seven of them by himself.

There are other masters who have the same thoughts, but no one of them believes in anyone, and they dare not be the first to raise it, so as not to be besieged by others. Wangjie Daoist takes advantage of their paranoia to make any request, and they have no choice but to obey. Let him do whatever he wants.

Almost all the opponents in this round of competition were killed. Karma Daozu was fine, he didn’t kill his opponent, but severely injured his opponent and knocked down the platform.

There was an odd number again in this round, four hundred and eighty-one people. Daoist Tianyuan thought that there would be monks who would lose both sides, so that the next round would become an even number. Now that the situation he expected did not happen, he had to reissue the jade cards , Let the monks compete.

Gu Xiangfei once again grabbed the No. 481 jade medal. Apart from thinking that he was lucky, the monks on the platform and the monks in the audience thought that he was lucky.Other reasons convinced me that I was promoted to two rounds without fighting. This luck is too bad!

Karma Daozu knew that Gu Xiangfei must have cheated. He also lamented that Gu Xiangfei had a strong spiritual sense. With so many jade cards, he could find the jade cards he needed in a short time. Apart from having a strong spiritual sense, what kind of luck could he have.

The four hundred and eighty monks were divided into two hundred and forty contests, and Gu Xiangfei returned to the audience to watch. This time, he paid attention to the supernatural powers used by the three Taoist ancestors, Daozu Thunder, Daozu Suiyue, and Daozu Samsara, and then took these Compare the supernatural powers with the supernatural powers you have cultivated, find out your own shortcomings, improve them, and find out their shortcomings, so that you can deal with them after you meet them.

The monks who competed this time are all very powerful monks. In the end, these monks became stronger. The monks who survived the fittest, even if their opponents were a few Taoist ancestors, these monks did not give up, and they used all their abilities The method is to fight the opponent until he is bombarded by the opponent’s supernatural powers, and he will not hesitate to fight to find his own weakness, so that after reincarnation, if he encounters these divine ancestors again, he will have a way to deal with it.

These monks fought bravely, and the Daozu had to use their supernatural powers to kill these monks. When their supernatural powers were displayed, Gu Xiangfei quickly assimilated their regular aura, found their weaknesses, and discovered their strengths. Advantages, to make up for the inadequacy of my own magical powers.

Another round of competition ended. This time, Gu Xiangfei was not so lucky. Two monks who competed were crushed by the opponent at the same time, and lost the ability to fight again.

Daoist Tianyuan saw that he had achieved his goal this time, although his face was sad and dignified, but there was a smile in his eyes, and he thought in his heart, we should have died together a long time ago, which made me spend a lot of time Tricks.

There are two hundred and forty jade cards. Gu Xiangfei grabbed one at random and glanced at the number 125. The one he was fighting for was number 126. I don’t know which monk got that jade card.

The first 50 teams of monks had already started fighting on the small platform. Gu Xiangfei stood in the audience to watch their fight and decide who would win.

Daoist Karma was among the fifty pairs. His opponent obviously knew that he was Daoist Karma, but he still shot sharply. With his huge aura and powerful own domain, Daoist Karma took a lot of effort to kill him.

Gu Xiangfei was fighting against a third-level powerhouse in the Immortal Realm. This cultivator Gu Xiangfei saw him make a move, and many of the cultivators who fought against him were killed by him. He didn’t even give the opponent a chance to admit defeat.

“Hehe, the first step in immortality, I’ll see if your luck will be so against the sky this time.” This monk with a pale face like a hanged ghost spoke with a gloomy aura, obviously a cultivator. It is a relatively insidious technique.

“I’m lucky, you can’t see it, you can meet me today, your luck is good, I can avenge the monks who died in your hands.” After speaking, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted a channel of the God of Destruction rhyme.

A terrifying dao rhyme of destruction directly turned the formation on the small platform into nothingness, and the pale face of the hanged ghost turned ruddy at this moment, obviously burning Yuanli and Shouyuan, blasting out a huge Yuanli supernatural power, welcoming The bombardment of the Great Destruction Divine Channel Rhyme.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, the magic power of the great destruction shredded the magic power of the hanged ghost, and directly turned him into nothingness. Rhyme into nothingness.

“Great destruction supernatural powers! Oh my god! No wonder this cultivator in the first step of immortality can rush to the front.” All the cultivators watching from the audience were shocked and began to discuss.

“Great destruction supernatural power!” The eight masters were also surprised, and now there is another supernatural power to open the sky, and now five of the nine supernatural powers have appeared, and this monk who is the first step of the eternal life has hidden it so deeply that he has not seen it until now. Revealing the supernatural powers of destruction.

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