Wanted Gu Xiangfei

Among the nine heaven-opening magical powers, although the supernatural powers of great destruction are inferior to the magical powers of fate and causality, the destructive power of the great supernatural powers of destruction is the most powerful among the nine great magical powers of heaven-opening.

A monk who uses the supernatural power of great destruction can directly turn a planet, or even a star field, into nothingness. It is simply a small calamity.

The other Taoist ancestors on the platform were also shocked. The causal Taoist ancestor was even more shocked when he saw Gu Xiangfei using the supernatural power of destruction again.

He already knew that Gu Xiangfei could use the supernatural power of the great cutting technique, the supernatural power of the great thunder technique, the supernatural power of the great age technique, the supernatural power of the great space technique, and the supernatural power of the great karma technique. He actually knows the supernatural powers of the Six Paths, no! He must also know the supernatural power of the great shape-changing technique, otherwise how could he use the supernatural power of asking to kill by dripping blood, you must know that the supernatural power of asking to kill by dripping blood is the nine little supernatural powers under the supernatural power of the great shape-changing technique.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and shattered the Divine Channel of Great Destruction, otherwise this space would be turned into nothingness by the Divine Channel of Great Destruction.

After the start of the next round of competition, as long as you face the monk of Shanggu Xiangfei, you will immediately admit defeat. This supernatural power of destruction will directly turn the monk into nothingness.

The battle for the thirty-six fruit ranks was soon decided. Gu Xiangfei, Karma Daozu and several other Taoist ancestors became one of the thirty-six fruit ranks.

Daoist Tianyuan originally wanted the other Daozus to fight against each other, but these Daozus were very shrewd. When they snatched the jade cards, they would not snatch the jade cards for fighting Daozus. This made the eight mastersThe plan fell through again.

“All fellow Taoists, thirty-six fruit positions have been determined now. Is there anyone below who wants to challenge the monks among the thirty-six fruit positions? If no one challenges, the heaven will drop the fruit position monument. There are thirty-six righteous gods…” Daoist Tianyuan asked the monks watching the battle three times.

After ten breaths, no one in the audience challenged the thirty-six fruit positions. There was a sudden rumbling sound in the air, and then thirty-six fruit position tablets fell from the air, each falling on the heads of the thirty-six monks. A few feet away.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the stele. He saw that the stele was only one foot long and two inches thick, with his name engraved on it. The stone stele was neither gold nor jade, and it was made of unknown materials.

Immediately, his regular skills were in operation, preparing to assimilate the regular breath of this fruit tablet, and extracted a ray of regular breath from the fruit tablet for assimilation, “Poof!” A huge breath came directly from the fruit tablet. It rushed into his body, shattering every inch of his body that had been hit by the pulse, blood mist burst out all over his body, and a blood arrow spewed out from his mouth.

“Bold! How dare you blaspheme the way of heaven.” Daoist Wangjie saw the blood mist erupting from Gu Xiangfei’s body, and knew that he wanted to refine the fruit tablet, but he couldn’t bear the huge breath of the law of the law of the fruit tablet, and his body was shocked Fragmented, there is no chance to kill him, and now he is doing his own death, this is the best time to kill him.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect the rules of heaven in the Fruit Tablet to be so powerful. He knew he was careless. If he took a little bit of the regular breath from the Fruit Tablet and assimilated it, although it took a little longer, he could slowly master the rules of the Fruit Tablet. Breath assimilation, and now a ray of regular breath is extracted, which makes his body unable to bear the impact of this huge breath.

His rule-based exercises were running crazily, assimilating the extracted ray of rule-based breath, and suddenly heard the words of Wangjie Daoist, he knew that something was wrong, and then a terrifying coercive breath came, a huge The handprint was patted on top of his head, and his whole body was imprisoned by several powerful domains.

Raising his hand, he unleashed a supernatural power of the cutting technique, cutting open the domain that imprisoned him, and at the same time, the rule escape technique disappeared in a flash.

“Boom!” The huge platform was shattered by that terrifying handprint, and the thirty-five winners of the fruit tablet on the platform were instantly blown away. Gone in a flash, don’t you take the opportunity to escape now and stay here to die!

“Great cutting technique supernatural power!” Several masters in the expansion field were shocked when Gu Xiangfei’s big cutting technique supernatural power sliced ​​through their domains. Only supernatural powers can cut their domain apart.

“It’s a pity that he escaped, such a cunning monk, and immediately sent an order that the Immortal Realm wanted Gu Xiangfei for the crime of blasphemy.” The Taoist Lord Wangjie saw that Gu Xiangfei was not killed, and even found that his divine sense did not see Gu Xiangfei Where did he escape to, he was also surprised, this Gu Xiangfei’s escapism is so powerful, if this kind of person is not caught now, it will definitely be a big problem in the future.

Although Gu Xiangfei was missed by the terrifying handprint, he was also affected by the terrifying aura of coercion. The regular aura in his body was raging, and now it destroyed most of the meridians in his body.

His regular evasion technique unfolded, and after only a breath of escape from the platform, he knew that the Taoist Wangjie must be in shock, and he hadn’t used his spiritual sense to check his traces. Why didn’t the Taoist master check his traces, and thought that his escapism was so powerful that it was beyond the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

As soon as Gu Xiangfei entered the star bead, he raised his hand and grabbed a dao fruit and swallowed it. He sat cross-legged under the Jianmu Dao tree, performed regular exercises, and first assimilated the terrifying regular breath in his body. In the realm of the holy body, the primordial spirit is thick and solid, otherwise the terrifying regular breath would explode his body, and the primordial spirit would be destroyed. There is no need for him to be shot and killed by the Daoist of the Realm, as he himself would die.

The golden-winged roc and the Chaos Gathering Beast saw Gu Xiangfei’s whole body of blood mist entering the star bead, knowing that he was being hunted down again, the two guys stopped arguing, grabbed a few chaotic veins, and arranged a Gathering array.

The Chaos Spirit Gathering Beast took out a pile of Chaos Crystals and sprinkled them on the Spirit Gathering Formation. The rich Chaos Qi instantly enveloped Gu Xiangfei, and the Jianmu Dao Tree emitted a burst of heavenly power, pouring it on Gu Xiangfei.

This terrifying aura of the law of the heavens was first extracted by him with a regular technique, and assimilated. After assimilating this microscopic rule, he continued to extract a microscopic trace for assimilation, and then carefully assimilated a trace of it. assimilation.

It took Gu Xiangfei a hundred years to assimilate this huge regular aura of heaven and law before he could completely assimilate this huge regular aura.

The injuries in his body had already recovered. Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, “The rules of heaven are so powerful, no wonder they are in charge of the realm of immortality.”

After assimilating this huge law of heaven, he realized how terrifying and powerful the rules of heaven and earth are. All the rules of heaven and earth in the immortal world are here. This is because he only assimilated a strand of rules of heaven and law. After all the rules are assimilated, he can absorb any heaven and earth energy to improve his cultivation. It will not be like before, he can only practice with the energy of chaos. Of course, the fastest way to improve his cultivation is the energy of chaos.

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