The Dao Oath

The more thorough his understanding of the rules of the Dao of Heaven, the more Gu Xiangfei felt his own insignificance. The master of the immortal world is not worthy to lift the shoes of the Dao of Heaven. His current thinking is, even if he can’t surpass the way of heaven, at least he must be on an equal footing with the way of heaven, otherwise he will always live under the rules of the way of heaven, which will always threaten him.

If he wants to surpass the Dao of Heaven, or be on an equal footing with the Dao of Heaven, he must break out of the Immortal Realm and reach the universe with the same rules as the Dao of Heaven. That is the end of his Dao.

Thousands of years later, Gu Xiangfei opened his eyes, and he assimilated all the rules of heaven contained in this tablet of fruit status. His cultivation level also rose to the peak of the first step of the eternal life realm, and he almost stepped into the second step of the eternal life realm.

He was able to improve his cultivation so quickly, thanks to the rules of heaven in the fruit tablet. After these rules were assimilated by him, he had a more thorough understanding of heaven, and it was even more blessed by chaotic dao veins and chaotic spar , and his cultivation base also improved accordingly.

Dao Yuan shook his whole body, and the coagulated blood clots on his body fell off one after another, revealing a crystal-clear jade-like body. He raised his hand and issued a clear water formula, washed his body, changed his clothes, and then raised his leg and stepped out of the star beads.

Outside is a wilderness plain. After scanning with the divine sense, I found that most of the platform in the distance has been destroyed, and there is a huge handprint in the middle of the platform, which is deeply imprinted there. This is the handprint of Daoist Wangjie. Shoot and kill on the platform.

After Gu Xiangfei saw the handprint, he decided to kill Taoist Wangjie first. Originally, he wanted to kill Taoist Tianyuan first, but now he changed his plan. The Taoist master, the aura of these masters has been assimilated by him, and he also knows who used the domain to imprison him, and none of these Taoist masters can escape.

Take out the communication beads and send a message to Daoist Karma to see where he is? To get rid of the Taoist master, he needs the help of the Daoist ancestor of Karma to attract the attention of other Taoist masters. Otherwise, these Taoist masters are all together, and he really dare not do it.

Karma Daozu was affected by the Yuanli supernatural power of Daoist Wangjie that day. After so many years of cultivation, he was even more cunning like a fox. , fled out one after another.

After Wangjie Daoist saw that these people had escaped, he didn’t care about them. What he cared about most was Gu Xiangfei, a monk who was so powerful at the first step of immortality. The threat is greater, whichever is more important, he immediately issued a warrant for the immortal world.

After the cause and effect Taoist ancestor Feidun left, there were two third-step immortals next to him, and all three of them fled in one direction.

After flying away for ten days in a row, Taoist Karma finally stopped, and the two immortal monks who followed him also stopped. The distance between the three was tens of feet away.

“Fellow Daoist Karma, you can really run! Daoist almost lost me.” A black-faced monk with black hair was tens of feet away, and he also let out a sigh of relief when he saw Daoist Karma stop. Finally stopped running.

“Oh! It turns out that the two fellow Taoists followed me. I thought they were all fleeing in the same direction.” Daoist Karma saw the two monks. Daozu.

“Originally everyone fled in one direction, but we followed you after we saw Karma Daoist, because you are Karma Daoist, knowing where to escape has no causal relationship.” Reincarnation Daoist smiled slightly and said that they followed Karma Daozu’s reason.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about this. Since everyone is fleeing in the same direction, it is also fate, but I am going to find Fellow Daoist Gu. He is my friend. Let’s say goodbye to you two.” He was looking for Gu Xiangfei, he saw Gu Xiangfei fleeing in this direction, who knew that after ten days of chasing him, he didn’t find him, thinking that it might be that Gu Xiangfei changed direction and fled halfway.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is your friend? No wonder, that’s how it is.” Daoist Reincarnation said two inexplicable words. Daoist Karma and Daoist Lei Ting didn’t know what he meant, but they all understood after thinking about it.

The causal supernatural powers combined with the supernatural powers of destruction, even against the Juggernaut, can be split 50-50. If the two of them are together, the Juggernaut alone can’t do anything, and maybe they will suffer a big loss. The Taoist ancestor of reincarnation knows how powerful these two supernatural powers are combined. No wonder Daoist Karma wants to go to Gu Xiangfei, the two of them are safe together, not afraid of any master, even if they can’t beat them, they can escape.

“This fellow Daoist Gu is the Daoist Destroyer?” Daoist Lei Ting had seen Gu Xiangfei use the supernatural power of destruction, but he was not sure if Gu Xiangfei was the Daoist Destroyer.

“No.” Karma Daozu naturally wouldn’t reveal the details of Gu Xiangfei. Although he had heard about these two people, he only met them during the battle for fruit status, and he had no friendship at all.

“To be honest, we follow Karma Fellow Daoists for a purpose. The eight masters want us to kill each other and consume the strength of the immortal world, so that they will not be a threat to them, so I have already discussed with Daozu Thunder and Daozu Suiyue. However, we are going to unite together to resist the eight masters, otherwise we Taoist ancestors who cultivate the supernatural powers will be killed by them separately.” The Taoist reincarnation saw that the causal Taoist did not want to mention Gu Xiangfei, so he simply told their real purpose, because He knows the causal skills practiced by the causal Taoist ancestors, and he will not attack them for no reason.

“Oh, that’s it! What about the Taoist ancestor of the years? Are there other Taoist ancestors who practiced the open sky technique? The most important thing is the Taoist ancestor who practiced the destiny technique. Can you get in touch?” Karma Taoist heard the words of the reincarnation Taoist, He asked suspiciously about the traces of other Taoist ancestors.

“According to the information we have, Daoist Destiny seems to have disappeared with Taoist Vientiane, destroyedDaozu, cutting Daozu, and Space Daozu and Yixing Daozu have not been found. Now there are only four of us Daozu, plus the supernatural power of Daoyou Gu Daohui, there are five Daozu. Time Daozu can send messages at any time, I think Our five Dao ancestors unite to face one or two masters alone, even if we can’t beat them, we can escape. What do you think, Fellow Daoists of Karma? “The reincarnation daozu’s words made the karma daozu believe it a little. He knew that the space daozu had been bombarded and killed by Gu Xiangfei, and even his world had been torn apart. They, the daozu association’s supernatural powers, Gu Xiangfei, were all good at it, and their strength was much stronger than them. up.

Daoist Lei Ting saw the expressionless face of Daoist Karma, and immediately raised his hand to swear, “If we don’t sincerely unite with Fellow Daoist Karma, or have the intention of harming Fellow Daoist Karma, my Dao will collapse, and I will never be reincarnated.”

“Boom!” There was a roaring sound in the sky. This is Tiandao engraving the oath of Daoist Thunder. No monk dares to violate such a great oath.

Daozu of Reincarnation saw the oath of Daozu of Thunder, and he also raised his hand to make the same oath of the Dao, and there was another roar in the sky. Daozu of Karma saw the two people making the oath of Dao, he immediately relaxed, and raised his hand to make a vow of Dao The oath, “I swear by the Dao ancestor of karma here, I will unite with fellow daoists of reincarnation and fellow daoist Thunder, if any harm is done to our allies, the karma of my way will collapse, my soul will be scattered, and I will not be able to reincarnate.”

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