: Union of the Five Great Dao Ancestors

After the three of them made the Dao Dao oath, they laughed a few times at each other, and they no longer had the previous mutual guard.

“Then, Fellow Daoist Karma, where are we going to find Fellow Daoist Gu? We’ll follow you to find it.” Daoist Reincarnation asked Daoist Karma at this time.

The Daozu of Samsara knew Gu Xiangfei’s supernatural power of destruction. Now that they have the ally of Daozu of Karma, they can contact Gu Xiangfei through Daozu of Karma. In this way, their strength is getting stronger and stronger, and they have the power to protect themselves when facing the master directly.

“I’ll send a message to Fellow Daoist Gu first to see where he is?” Karma Daozu took out the communication beads and sent a message to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei is currently assimilating the heavenly rules in the fruit tablet in the star bead, so the message from the causal Taoist ancestor can’t be received naturally.

After sending several messages in a row, Gu Xiangfei didn’t get a reply. Daozu Karma and the other two Daozu became worried. Could it be that Gu Xiangfei’s body was crushed by Daoist Wangjie, and now Yuanshen is hiding somewhere to recover?

“Did something happen to Fellow Daoist Gu?” Lei Ting Daozu became a little worried when he saw that Gu Xiangfei hadn’t replied to the message.

“I think he must have recovered somewhere. If he wants to stay in his own world, he really can’t receive any news, but I believe that the Daoist Lord of the Hope Realm can’t kill him. Fellow Daoist Gu also told me , After this battle for fruit status is over, go and kill Taoist Master Tianyuan.” Daoist Karma believed in Gu Xiangfei’s strength, and Daoist Wangjie would seriously injure him at most, and he could not crush his body.

“Ah! Kill the Taoist Master Tianyuan?” After hearing the words of the Daoist Karma, the Daoist of Samsara thought to himself, this fellow Daoist Gu’s heart is too strong! Dare to utter wild words and kill Tianyuan Daoist.

“Don’t believe it, I think he can really do it, don’t look at him now is the first step of immortality, if you really want to fight him, I can’t beat him, we can be friends, it’s not like we don’t know each other, I saw it with my own eyes Fellow Daoist Daogu killed the Space Dao Ancestor, and tore apart his world.” Karma Dao Ancestor’s words surprised the Samsara Dao Ancestor and Lei Ting Dao Ancestor.

“What? Fellow Daoist Gu killed the Daoist of Space and tore apart his world? Fellow Daoist of Karma, you are not kidding! If this is true, then it is too powerful!” Daoist of Reincarnation looked at Daoist of Karma in surprise, wanting to His confirmation, is it really so powerful.

“My karma ancestor can still lie to you. Fellow Daoist Gu not only has great causal powers, but also great space powers, great age powers, great thunder powers, great shape-changing powers, and great cutting powers. Now he He also used the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, although I have never seen him use the supernatural power of the great reincarnation technique and the great destiny technique, but I doubt whether he has practiced all the nine supernatural powers of opening the sky.” Karma Daozu said this Those words completely stunned Daozu of Samsara and Daozu of Thunder. If a monk knows these supernatural powers, even the master will be bombarded and killed by him.

“This… is this true? Did you see it with your own eyes? This Gu Xiangfei is simply too powerful. If this is the case, we are willing to follow Fellow Daoist Gu and kill all the masters of the immortal world, and then we will be the masters.” Daoist Thunder Make a decision immediately, there is such a powerful monk, if you don’t follow, then you have a problem with your brain.

The Daoist of Reincarnation also nodded, following the strong will not affect their Dao heart, and following the strong will allow them to obtain the fruit position as soon as possible. Every strong man has many followers, and everyone is to get the fruit position. Otherwise, why follow the strong, it is better to fight alone.

“Okay! Now I’ll contact Daozu Suiyue to see where he is? Then the four of us will look for Fellow Daoist Gu together.” Daoist Reincarnation took out the communication beads and immediately sent a message to Daozu Suiyue.

This time, Sui Yue Dao Patriarch quickly sent a message, told him his location, and asked them to meet up in the past.

The three of them took a look at the location of Sui Yue Dao Ancestor. It would take three days from here. It can be seen that when everyone was fleeing, although they were not in the same direction, the distance was not very far. This was because they were worried that the master would catch them all.

It took only two days for the three of them to launch the escape technique.Suddenly, the divine sense saw Sui Yue Taoist and a green-robed monk talking, looking at the expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they were acquaintances and had a good relationship.

“Fellow Daoist Samsara, Fellow Daoist Thunder, this is…Fellow Daoist Karma?” Daozu Suiyue saw three people approaching, and immediately recognized that one of them was Daoist Daoist Karma. He was overjoyed. That is the first supernatural power under the fate technique.

After a few people greeted each other, Sui Yue Daozu pointed to the green-robed cultivator next to him and introduced to everyone, “This is a disaster fellow Taoist, and he cultivates the supernatural power of catastrophe.”

“I’ve seen a few Taoist ancestors. My little disaster technique is far inferior to the skills practiced by other Taoist ancestors. It’s not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning.” Not as good as them.

“Hey! Disaster Daoists are serious. Every kind of exercise is cultivated to the extreme. It is a great supernatural power. The catastrophe magic power is second only to the great destruction magic power. It is impossible to compete with it if you can practice it to the extreme. Daozu Daozu of Karma saw that the aura of Daozu of Disaster was thick and solid, and he was also a third-step powerhouse in the immortal state, so he naturally would not look down on him, and although the supernatural power of catastrophe is not the supernatural power of opening the sky, it should not be underestimated when it is cultivated to the extreme.

Daozu of Reincarnation and Daozu of Lei Ting also clasped fists in return to Daozu of Disaster, so everyone knows each other.

Disaster Daozu heard the words of Karma Daozu, and he admired Karma Daozu in his heart. Such a powerful Daozu did not have the slightest contempt for him. Instead, he praised his powerful skills, which is very rare in the world of immortality. I have a good impression.

Among these people, the Taoist ancestor of Karma is the most powerful, with the same level of cultivation, the magical power of Karma is stronger than other magical powers, but the Taoist ancestor of Karma has no arrogance, and several people are also very happy. They are afraid that some monks will rely on themselves. His skills are powerful and he looks down on anyone. Sooner or later, such allies will part ways and go their separate ways.

You must know that every monk who has cultivated to the extreme of eternal life will not look at other people’s faces. Every monk has his own dignity. Why should he look at other people’s arrogant attitude unless this monk is much stronger than him and can suppress himself. Only then will he surrender, even if the surrender is temporary, once there is a chance to stand up, he will kill him without hesitation.

After the five people greeted each other, they talked about the battle for fruit status. The Daozu of Reincarnation also talked about Gu Xiangfei. Those who want to have meat to eat, have not seen such a powerful monk as Daozu of Karma, want to follow Gu Xiangfei!

The five decided to go to Gu Xiangfei separately, but they still decided to focus on Daoist Daoist Karma, because Daoist Daoist Karma said that Gu Xiangfei might have the supernatural power of changing shape and change his appearance at any time, even if they were face to face with Gu Xiangfei, they would not recognize him .

Daoist Daoist Karma is different. He has Gu Xiangfei’s communication beads and can send him messages at any time, so it may be easier to find Gu Xiangfei.

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