: The Reincarnation Daoist’s Gratitude

After Gu Xiangfei sent a message to Daoist Karma, he received a reply message from Daoist Karma within a few breaths, and told him his current location.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the location, guessing in his heart that Daoist Karma may have been looking for him here, and he must have sent him countless messages, but Daoist Karma is not as clear as he understands the rules of heaven and earth. After a long time, the messages he sent will be Collapse.

The regular escape technique unfolded, and it took less than half a day for Gu Xiangfei’s consciousness to see the Daoist of Karma. Next to him was a strong man at the third step of the eternal life. He also knew this monk. It turned out to be the Daoist of Reincarnation. one of the bits.

“Haha… Seeing that Fellow Daoist Gu is safe, I feel relieved. This is Daoist of Samsara, you should know him too.” Daoist Karma saw Gu Xiangfei landed in front of him, laughed a few times, and introduced Samsara to him Daozu.

“I’ve seen fellow Daoist Gu.” The Taoist ancestor of reincarnation hadn’t reached Gu Xiangfei yet, but found that he had landed in front of him. He was startled, what a powerful escape technique, and immediately cupped his fists and saluted.

“Fellow Daoist Samsara, you’re welcome.” Gu Xiangfei cupped his fists and saluted him. He didn’t know why the Daoist Daoist of Samsara was so respectful to him. It was probably the Daoist Karma who told him about himself. any expression.

“Fellow Daoist Lei Ting, Fellow Daoist Years, and Fellow Daoist Disaster decided to follow Fellow Daoist Gu and deal with the Eight Masters together. The few of us have already made an oath on the Dao. If we violate the oath, the Dao will collapse and we will never be reincarnated.” Daoist Reincarnation Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed by what he said, and immediately understood why Daozu Karma told them about himself. Since he had already made the Taoist oath, there was nothing to hide.

“Okay! Since Fellow Daoists of Reincarnation have made an oath on the Great Dao, I am no exception. I will swear here today. As long as you follow my fellow Daoists, I will never do anything that endangers you. There will be no reincarnation forever.” Gu Xiangfei had just made the oath of the Dao, when there was a roar in the air, Tiandao remembered his oath of the Dao, once he violated the oath, Tiandao would not let him go, unless he was stronger than Tiandao , to break the oath.

The Daoist of Reincarnation saw Gu Xiangfei make the Dao Dao oath, and he was overjoyed. This fellow Daoist Gu is indeed a man of temperament, exchanging his own heart for his heart, so that the fellow Taoists who follow him will feel gratified. This is a monk who does great things.

“I heard Taoist Daoist Karma say that Fellow Daoist Gu will have several supernatural powers to open up the heavens. I have the Dao Scroll of Reincarnation here, and Fellow Daoist Gu can use it to deduce it.”Reincarnation Daozu took out a Dao scroll and handed it to Gu Xiangfei, as if he was doing a vote to follow him.

After Gu Xiangfei took the Samsara Dao Scroll and scanned it with his divine sense, he found that the Dao Scroll of the Samsara Dao Ancestor was not as subtle as the one he got, and some places had vague meanings, so that monks who practiced the Samsara Divine Ability had to explore Deduce.

“Thank you, Fellow Daoist Samsara, this scroll of yours is not very detailed, it seems to be a duplicate scroll.” Gu Xiangfei returned the scroll of Daoist Samsara to Daoist Samsara.

“Oh! Fellow Daoist Gu has seen the original Dao Scroll of Reincarnation?” Daoist Reincarnation was shocked when he heard Gu Xiangfei’s words. Could it be that Fellow Daoist Gu also has great reincarnation magic powers? Otherwise, how would he know that the records in this Dao scroll are not very subtle.

Gu Xiangfei smiled slightly, raised his hand and blasted out a great reincarnation magic channel rhyme.

Daozu of Reincarnation and Daozu of Karma saw that Gu Xiangfei blasted out a great magic power of reincarnation, and the rhyme of reincarnation was solid. In this space of reincarnation, people felt the pain of reincarnation instantly, and this huge rhyme of reincarnation made them feel the pain of reincarnation. I feel that I am constantly reincarnated, and I am constantly repeating reincarnation life after life.

“What a powerful reincarnation dao rhyme?” Karma Taoist did not practice the great reincarnation technique, but the reincarnation Taoist ancestor saw Gu Xiangfei’s great reincarnation magic channel rhyme, and he was overjoyed. There are some deviations in his understanding of some subtleties. Now Gu Xiangfei’s Daoyun of Samsara corrects these deviations for him.

“Thank you, Daoist Gu, for teaching the Dharma.” The Taoist ancestor of Samsara bowed deeply to Gu Xiangfei. He was naturally grateful for Gu Xiangfei’s teaching. You must know that if there is a slight deviation in the practice of this kind of Daoist cultivation method, there will be a slight difference. , Lost thousands of miles, which is why he feels that the supernatural power of the Great Reincarnation Art always has some shortcomings.

“Fellow Daoist Samsara, please be polite. Since we are allies now, we naturally need to help each other. It just so happens that I have practiced the great reincarnation technique, so it is fate to help Fellow Daoist Samsara.” Gu Xiangfei clasped his fists and returned a salute. He was very satisfied with the attitude of Daoist Samsara In the future, Daoist Reincarnation will definitely spare no effort to help him, and his family and friends in the holy world will also be taken care of by Daoist Reincarnation.

“Fellow Daoist Gu really has great reincarnation supernatural powers, which is similar to what I guessed. I don’t know if you can also have great destiny supernatural powers?” Karma Daozu and Gu Xiangfei are the most familiar, and their words are much more casual than others.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t speak, but raised his hand and blasted out another great destiny magic power.

“Boom!” Channels of the Great Destiny Magic channel rhyme instantly enveloped this space, and all the trees, mountains, monsters, and rivers within a radius of several million feet, as long as they were living objects, were all covered by the Great Destiny Magic God. The channel rhyme is shrouded, and their fate is all controlled by the caster.

“Great Destiny Ability! As expected, it is the first of the three thousand ways. My Karma Ability is still far inferior to the Great Destiny Ability.” Karma Daozu and Reincarnation Daozu saw Gu Xiangfei’s Great Destiny Ability. Surprised, it turns out that Fellow Daoist Gu has already cultivated the Nine Paths of Opening the Heavens. If this is his opponent, how painful, helpless, and unlucky it will be!

Immediately, both of them were overjoyed. Since Gu Xiangfei is so powerful, following Gu Xiangfei was the most correct choice for them. They were both pleased with their decision. This time, they really made the right bet. Even if they faced the Eight Masters, they would not run away anymore , Gu Xiangfei said earlier that he wanted to kill Tianyuan Daoist, and it can really be done.

“Haha… So you are here, so it just saves me to search everywhere.” A voice came, and a huge terrifying aura came in an instant.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a large space magic power, and then sacrificed the divine sword, rolling up tens of thousands of sword nets to bombard the people who came.

“Xilu Daoist!” Daoist Karma and Samsara were shocked. This Xilu Daoist was chasing and killing them, and other masters might also be chasing and killing monks among the thirty-six fruit positions.

“Boom!” The two huge dao elements collided and collapsed one after another. This space was constantly dislocated by the Dao Yun of the large space technique. When it was folded, Gu Xiangfei felt a burst of energy and blood in his body, and he retreated violently.

The Taoist Master Xilu didn’t expect that this monk named Gu Xiangfei would dare to take the lead in attacking him. He raised his hand and blasted out a Daoyuan supernatural power. He wanted to smash Gu Xiangfei’s body, and then shattered his soul, so that he could reincarnate Bar!

A large space magic power dislocated and folded all his Dao Yuan magic powers, and rolled into another space, which surprised him. It turns out that Gu Xiangfei can also use large space magic powers. How did this monk cultivate? To be able to cultivate two supernatural powers to open the sky, I must kill him no matter what, otherwise when he grows up, I may be killed by him, so I must not leave any trouble behind.

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