Killing the Taoist Lord of the West Foot

The Taoist master of Xilu was in a flash of thought, and raised his hand to blast out a supernatural power of the shocking rain technique. Countless water droplets turned into sharp arrows, and bombarded Gu Xiangfei with a terrifying water system rhyme. They killed Gu Xiangfei, the future trouble, first, and the remaining two people couldn’t escape.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the Daoist aura blasted by the Taoist master of the west foot was also Daoyuan’s breath, and then he understood that after breaking through to the realm of domination, the Yuanli in his body will be raised to Daoyuan, just like the spiritual power used in the Qi refining period, and the spiritual power will be transformed after the foundation is established. For true essence, this is a qualitative change, no wonder Juggernaut is hundreds of times stronger than the third-step powerhouse.

However, what he used was the Dao Yuan of Chaos, which was dozens of times stronger than the Dao Yuan of the Taoist Master Xilu.Shi, he used middle-grade spirit stones, but his cultivation base was a few realms behind Taoist Xilu, so it was a little difficult to fight him. If he was in the same realm, he could kill Taoist Xilu in an instant.

The divine sword in his hand turned into waves of blades, and he raised his hand and blasted out a great supernatural power of destruction, the Dao ancestor of Karma blasted out a supernatural power of causality, and the Taoist ancestor of reincarnation also blasted out a supernatural power of reincarnation.

The three major magical powers condensed a huge magical channel rhyme, which directly smashed the divine channel rhyme of the Dao Master Xilu’s Great Shocking Rain Technique, and the water droplets turned into water vapor and evaporated.

“Boom!” With a loud noise, this space exploded, and the void was shattered inch by inch, click! With a sound, a black hole of several thousands of feet appeared, and the laws of heaven and earth here couldn’t bear the bombardment of these divine channel rhymes, and suddenly collapsed.

Daozu Karma and Daozu of Reincarnation saw the blade light raging out of the void, and quickly sacrificed their own protective treasures to protect themselves, but Gu Xiangfei ignored these blade lights in the void, and raised his hand to blast out another magical power of the Great Years Art. The divine sword turned into tens of thousands of sword nets, covering the Taoist master Xilu.

The Daoist Xilu was also bombarded by several supernatural powers, and the Dao Yuan in his body was tumbling when he saw the blade light bee pupae coming from the void, and attacked them indiscriminately. Not only did Gu Xiangfei not sacrifice his protective treasure, but he bombarded him again.

Taoist Master Xilu was furious, but he didn’t care about the blade light in the void. At most, he would cut his skin, and he wouldn’t suffer much loss, but Gu Xiangfei’s knife was a chaotic treasure, and it bombarded him several times in a row, didn’t it? His supernatural powers are so powerful that if he shatters his blade waves, he may injure himself.

He raised his hand and blasted out another supernatural power of the Great Surprised Rain Technique, but just as he blasted out the supernatural power of the Great Surprised Rain Technique, he found that the time in this space stopped running, “The law of time! This is the supernatural power of the Great Years Technique!”

The Taoist master Xilu was shocked, but this space has been shrouded by the ages. He saw countless knife nets bombarding him, even if he was given a short breath, he could smash the knife nets, but this space time stood still.

“Boom!” The saber net transformed into the divine sword blasted on the body of Taoist Xilu, and immediately shattered his body, and his soul also suffered some damage. As soon as he came out of the body, a cone pierced directly through his soul, Taoist Master Xilu was so painful that he almost fainted, and his consciousness attacked!

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and played countless complicated hand formulas, tearing apart the world of Taoist Xilu, he has assimilated the regular atmosphere of Taoist Xilu, so he naturally knows where to start, so that he can control the soul of Taoist Xilu from letting him Self-destruct.

Taoist Xilu’s primordial spirit has languished. Thinking that this time he is finished, he hopes to reincarnate and come back again! He waited for Gu Xiangfei to destroy his primordial spirit, and then use the split soul to cultivate. He has huge resources, and it will not be too slow to cultivate to the immortal state again, and then hit the master realm. Tens of thousands of years later, he will be the master of Xilu again , I will settle accounts with Gu Xiangfei at that time.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei’s continuous hand tricks, he immediately understood what Gu Xiangfei was going to do. Is this to open up his world? He really wanted to laugh a few times, did Gu Xiangfei have a brain problem? He even wants to open a world of domination. Don’t wake up from a dream!

But the next moment he panicked. When he saw his world, it was torn apart by Gu Xiangfei. If he hadn’t seen familiar objects in his world, he couldn’t believe that his world had really been opened.

After being blasted tens of thousands of feet by the Dao Master of Xilu Dao Master’s Great Shocking Rain Technique, Dao Ancestor Karma and Dao Ancestor Samsara spewed out a blood arrow, and quickly raised his hand to take out a Dao fruit and swallowed it to restore the tumbling qi and blood in his body. Prepare to unite again to deal with Xilu Road Master.

They saw that Gu Xiangfei blasted out a supernatural power of the Great Years Art, which smashed the body of Taoist Xilu, grabbed his soul, and then tore open the world of Taoist Xilu, swept away all the items in his world, Then he used a drop of blood to kill the supernatural power, completely destroying the soul of Taoist Xilu.

Although Daozu of Karma knew that Gu Xiangfei had torn apart the world of Daoist of Space, but this time Gu Xiangfei actually tore apart the world of Daoist Xilu, which surprised him a lot. However, he had a similar experience. Although he was surprised, it was not impossible. accept.

The Daoist of Reincarnation just heard from the Daoist of Karma that Gu Xiangfei tore apart the world of the Daoist of Space, but he had never seen it before. This time he was completely shocked to see Gu Xiangfei tearing up the world of the Daoist of Xilu. Daozu Karma saw Gu Xiangfei tearing apart the world of Daozu of Space, the expression on his face was constantly changing, it was shock, fear, and finally surprise.

“So powerful!” Daoist Samsara couldn’t help admiring. He really couldn’t find any other words to describe Gu Xiangfei’s strength other than saying how powerful he was.

There are countless items and resources in the world of Taoist Master Xilu. Dao veins are piled up into rolling hills. There are more spars than spar mines. The top dao fruit trees are all in pieces. Ore, various top-level exercises, a dominant world, almost filled with various top-level items in the world under his jurisdiction.

After Gu Xiangfei destroyed the Taoist master of Xilu, he raised his hand and took out two hundred Dao veins, and distributed them to each of Karma Daozu and Samsara Daozu, and gave each of them a spar mountain. All kinds of top Dao fruits and top ores were distributed I gave them some. During the fight just now, the two of them did not hesitate to join forces to bombard the Taoist Master Xilu. If it weren’t for the two of them to restrain the Taoist Master Xilu, it would be difficult for Gu Xiangfei to kill the Taoist Master Xilu.

The two of them got so many resources, and they were overjoyed. This fellow Daoist Gu is indeed not a stingy person. If you have money, everyone will make it together. Following such a strong man, it is difficult not to get rich, and he can tear apart other people’s worlds at every turn. JaneJust take other people’s world as your own back garden, just take whatever you want.

Gu Xiangfei finished distributing the resources to them, raised his hand and took out a formation flag, continuously sprinkled it around, quickly arranged a seven-level defensive formation, sacrificed another cave, and said to Karma Daozu and the others, “This formation The flag is given to you, you can freely enter and exit the formation, I am going to practice until the second step and then come out, I feel that I am going to break through the realm, you can do whatever you want!”

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