Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. After meeting with the three of them, there are now six immortal-level powerhouses in their alliance.

“Let’s go to Tianyuan World now, and kill the Daoist Wangjie, and then kill the Daoist Tianyuan.” After a few pleasantries, Gu Xiangfei put forward his own opinion.

“Oh! Kill the Taoist Lord Wangjie in the world of the Taoist Master Tianyuan? You want to lure the Taoist Wangjie over and kill him.” Daoist Karma immediately understood what Gu Xiangfei meant. If they went to Wangjie The world, there must have been prepared. If he attacked Taoist Tianyuan, he would definitely ask for help from Taoist Wangjie. As long as Taoist Wangjie dared to come out, they would have a chance to kill Taoist Wangjie.

“That’s right, this move is called siege to fight for aid, otherwise the world of Lord Wangjie won’t be easy to blow up the boundary protection formation.” Gu Xiangfei thought of the wars on Earth, among them was the battle of siege to fight for aid, and the efficiency was extremely high, Gain the most and kill the most enemies.

“Okay! This time, kill the Taoist Lord Wangjie first, and then kill the Taoist Lord Tianyuan, so that we can occupy the four worlds.” Several Taoist ancestors were overjoyed when they heard Gu Xiangfei’s plan, and followed Gu Xiangfei, a strong man, Not only is he powerful, but he also has a clear mind and a perfect plan. This time he will definitely be able to kill Daoist Wangjie.

Tianyuan World is about half a month away from the world of Taoist Wangjie. In order to get closer to Taoist Wangjie, Taoist Tianyuan did not set up his dojo in the center of his own world, but almost close to Wangjie Road. The edge of the Lord’s world, this is also the reason why Tianyuan world is very close to Wangjie.

Gu Xiangfei transformed into a monk at the second step of the immortal state, and his appearance turned into an old man in his twilight years. His body exuded a gray and decayed breath, which was obviously due to the decline of energy and blood, and his lifespan was short. Such a dying monk, ordinary monks would not It is not worthwhile to be willing to fight against them, lest he suddenly explode himself and die with himself.

Several other Taoist ancestors were shocked when they saw Gu Xiangfei instantly change into this appearance. The supernatural power of the Great Changing Shape Technique is really powerful, and can even change his own breath. With such a supernatural change, even if Daoist Wangjie appeared in front of him, he would not be able to recognize his true face.

Gu Xiangfei came to the edge of the world of Taoist Wangjie, which is the only way to go to the world of Tianyuan. He is going to set up a trapping and killing array here, and then arrange a few void strangle formations to bombard Taoist Wangjie in one fell swoop. kill.

The formation flags used this time are mainly five-element flags. Now the five-element flags have been promoted to Chaos Treasures, and the formations that are arranged are many times stronger.

As Gu Xiangfei continued to break into the formation flag, this must-pass road quickly set up a large formation of trapping and killing, and a large formation of forbidden air. It happened to fall into the trapping and killing formation, and a void strangling formation was depicted outside.

After setting up the large formation, he was still a little worried, and drew several void isolation formations in a row. In this way, even if the Lord Wangjie used the boundary breaking talisman, he would not be able to break through these several void isolation formations.

Daoist Yuyun waited for less than half a year outside Daoist Tianyuan’s boundary guard formation. He saw five Daoist ancestors coming here, and he recognized four of them. I have seen that this third-step cultivator did not participate in the competition for fruit status, but he must be a Taoist ancestor if he can be with these Taoist ancestors, but he does not know what supernatural power he is practicing.

When the five Taoist ancestors came to the Tianyuan boundary guard formation, they did not act immediately, but observed the boundary protection formation here. This observation lasted for five days. Daoist Yuyun didn’t know that they were looking at the boundary protection formation What does it mean, and I checked it for five days in a row.

On the sixth day, Taoist Master Yuyun saw that Daoist Karma took out the communication beads to check, and he suddenly thought that there was anotherThe Dao ancestor with the supernatural power of Mieshu didn’t come, so they were waiting for him to come.

But the next moment he knew that he had guessed wrong. The five Dao ancestors sacrificed their magic weapons at the same time, and began to bombard the boundary guard formation of Daoist Tianyuan.

Boom! The bursts of bombardment soon spread to Taoist Tianyuan’s dojo, and Taoist Tianyuan was shocked. These Taoist ancestors finally came, and he immediately came to the boundary guard formation, and saw five Taoist ancestors bombarding Seeing the flickering pattern of the big boundary formation, his boundary protection array may be blown to pieces in the next moment.

Daoist Tianyuan sent Taoist masters to reinforce the guard formation, and at the same time took out a flying sword to inspire Daoist Wangjie, telling him that there are five Taoist ancestors attacking his guard formation, please come to rescue Daoist Wangjie.

Daoist Wangjie received the letter from Daoist Tianyuan’s flying sword, and immediately left the dojo, flying away to the world of Tianyuan.

This is an agreement between him and Taoist Tianyuan. If either of them is attacked, the other should help immediately. The two masters attack at the same time. It is estimated that these Taoist ancestors can be killed to prevent future troubles.

Daoist Wangjie’s escape technique unfolded. Fortunately, he was not very far away from Tianyuan World, but within ten days, he came to his own realm formation.

Out of the big formation of the realm, just as he started the escapism technique, a huge space fluctuation suddenly came in front of him, and then a huge breath bombarded him, and the Taoist Wangjie was shocked. Could it be that there is still a Taoist ancestor waiting for him here? ?

“Boom!” With a loud noise, the space was shattered inch by inch, and countless cracks appeared in the void, which recovered with the fluctuation of the laws of heaven and earth.

Daoist Wangjie was bombarded by the terrifying Dao Yuan and fell from mid-air. He was furious in his heart. It turned out that the monk named Gu Xiangfei was bombarding him, and he was the only one here. He didn’t know why Gu Xiangfei was so crazy. One person dares to fight against him.

As soon as Daoist Wangjie landed, before he could speak, formations flickered all around him, and in an instant, a trapping and killing formation trapped him inside, and countless space blades bombarded him.

“Haha… a mere trapping formation can trap me? An ant! Wait until I smash the trapping formation and then crush you into pieces.” The Taoist Lord Wangjie looked at the space blade light that was bombarded, and raised his hand He sacrificed a Chaos Treasure Wutian Armor to protect himself first, and then sacrificed a Chaos Treasure Cracking Sky Pestle, which rolled up tens of thousands of shadows and blasted towards the formation.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, the array pattern kept flickering, the trapped killing array swayed a few times, and then tens of thousands of space blade lights were blasted out, this time the space blade lights were denser and sharper, bang… The continuous bombardment on the Wutian Armor, the protective treasure of Taoist Lord Wangjie, shot the starlight of the Wutian Armor in all directions, leaving countless imprints, and then tens of thousands of space blade lights bombarded his Wutian Armor superior.

Boom! boom! Boom… Daoist Wangjie felt that his Wutian Armor was about to be smashed to pieces. No matter how good a defensive treasure was, it couldn’t withstand the constant bombardment of so many space blades. He became a little anxious. What if his Wutian Armor After the armor is smashed, his physical body will be directly exposed to the space blade light. Although his physical body is strong, it cannot withstand the bombardment of the space blade light.

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