A Difficult Battle

Gu Xiangfei saw that Taoist Wangjie had persisted for so long. He used his consciousness to condense into several thorns of spiritual consciousness, and suddenly blasted towards the sea of ​​consciousness of Taoist Wangjie.

Boom! A ray of divine consciousness pierced through the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness of Taoist Wangjie, and blasted into his sea of ​​consciousness. Taoist Wangjie felt a sharp pain, and his own sea of ​​consciousness almost collapsed, puff! Spit out a mouthful of black blood, attack with consciousness! Daoist Wangjie hurriedly used his exercises to strengthen his sea of ​​consciousness barriers.

Boom! Boom! Boom… Several consecutive thorns of spiritual consciousness bombarded his sea of ​​consciousness barrier, and each thorn of spiritual consciousness bombarded his sea of ​​consciousness barrier, shaking his sea of ​​consciousness barrier continuously, but with his The kung fu is running, constantly strengthening the barriers of the sea of ​​consciousness, so that the barriers of his sea of ​​consciousness have not been smashed.

After being bombarded by several divine consciousness thorns, although the barrier of the sea of ​​consciousness of Wangjie Daoist was not smashed, his sea of ​​consciousness was also seriously damaged. Swallowing a Dao Fruit, repairing the severely damaged Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Click! With a sound, his protective treasure, the Wutian Armor, was shattered by the space blade at this time, puff! puff! …Several space blade lights bombarded him, bringing up streaks of blood, one left arm was taken away by the space blade light, and before he raised his hand to grab that left arm, hundreds of space blade lights bombarded him , his left arm was blasted into pieces.

Daoist Wangjie was shocked, raised his hand and sacrificed another chaotic treasure to win the holy crown, first protected himself, then grabbed a dao fruit and swallowed it, and a left arm grew instantly on the shattered left arm. arm.

Although this arm has grown, it is not the original arm after all. It is so handy to use, and it is necessary to open up the meridian of the arm before it can be used.

Seeing that Taoist Wangjie was indeed powerful, Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a great cutting technique supernatural power. The cutting dao rhyme was blessed on the space blade light, and the power of the space blade light instantly increased, which was more than hundreds of times stronger than before.

“Boom!” There was another loud noise, click! With a sound, the Holy Crown was shattered by the space blade light, puff! Master Wangjie’s left arm, which he had just used proficiently, was blasted to pieces again.

“Ah! Ants! I’m going to swallow you.” Daoist Wangjie saw that the protective treasure was smashed again, and his newly grown left arm was smashed again. Dao Yuan started to burn crazily, and then Shou Yuan also blessed him. He knew that if he didn’t try his best, he might be played to death by this Gu Xiangfei.

The Tianchuang pestle in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of shadows, and under the blessing of Dao Yuan and Shou Yuan in his body, he suddenly blasted on the foundation of the trapping and killing formation.”Boom!” There was a loud noise, and the five-element flag of the trapping formation emitted five eye-catching rays of light. The sky-cracking pestle shattered.

“So powerful!” Gu Xiangfei and Daoist Wangjie shouted in unison.

Gu Xiangfei lamented the strength of Daoist Wangjie’s strength and solid Daoyuan. This is the strongest opponent he has ever seen since he practiced.

Daoist Wangjie saw that he had burned Daoyuan and Shouyuan but failed to smash the trapping and killing formation. He also lamented the power of this trapping and killing formation, which was able to block the strongest blow of the immortal world’s strongest Taoist master.

This Gu Xiangfei is not only similar in strength to him, but the Dao Dao is also so powerful, a bit stronger than the Buller Dao Array Venerable in the Immortal Realm. The five-element flag has been promoted to the chaotic five-element flag, and its power is naturally hundreds of times stronger.

“Come again!” Daoist Wangjie raised his hand again and sacrificed a chaotic treasure Dao-killing mirror, first to protect himself and block the bombardment of the space blade light.

“Great Nirvana Technique!” Daoist Wangjie roared wildly, and the Sky Splitting Pestle in his hand rolled up tens of thousands of Nirvana Dao Rhymes, and bombarded the trapping and killing formation.

Gu Xiangfei saw that Taoist Wangjie actually used the Great Nirvana Technique. He was worried that his Five Elements Flag would be Nirvanized by the Nirvana Dao Rhyme, so he also raised his hand and blasted several great magical powers to open the sky.

“Great Destruction Technique! Great Cutting Technique, Great Years Technique! Great Karma Technique!” Gu Xiangfei didn’t believe that these four magical powers could not smash the body of Lord Wangjie.

Daoist Wangjie was shocked when he saw the four open gods attacking him. How is this possible? A cultivator actually knows the four supernatural powers of opening the sky. He originally thought that Gu Xiangfei only had the supernatural power of the great destruction technique, but now seeing that Gu Xiangfei blasted out the four supernatural powers of opening the sky, he suddenly felt a burst of despair.

The supernatural power of the Great Years Technique first stopped the law of time in this space, even if it was only for a short while, and Daoist Wangjie then shattered the law of time, but this time still made him lose the opportunity.

“Boom!” A blood mist exploded, and the body of Lord Wangjie was blasted to pieces by the divine passage of the Great Destruction Technique, and the Tianchuang pestle in his hand was turned into nothingness by the divine passage of Great Destruction.

The Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Cutting Technique chopped up the Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Nirvana Technique, and was transformed into a piece of causal power by the Divine Channel Rhyme of the Great Karma Technique, which was returned to the Daoist Wangjie.

The primordial spirit of Taoist Lord Wangjie left the body in an instant, and his primordial spirit immediately inspired a cracking talisman, and the huge cracking aura broke through the trapping and killing formation, rolled up the primordial spirit of Taoist Wangjie, and sent this The piece of space was torn apart and disappeared in a flash.

“Boom!” There was a loud noise, and the runes of the Boundary Breaker Talisman flickered. They were blocked by the void-isolated formations for half a breath, and then penetrated through the void-isolated formations, and then penetrated several void-isolated large formations in succession. The rune also dimmed, but he still fled out instantly with the primordial spirit of Daoist Wangjie.

“Boom!” There was another loud noise, and the World Breaking Talisman collapsed, revealing the primordial spirit of the Daoist Lord Wangjie.

“Daoist Yuyun, you are so despicable! How dare you stop me.” Daoist Wangjie had already escaped, but unexpectedly, Daoist Yuyun was waiting for him outside, and shattered his boundary talisman with a slap , Daoist Wangjie’s hopes were shattered.

“Don’t tell me this. The reason why I am waiting for you here is to kill you and avenge my son, but this fellow Daoist Gu can deal with you alone. I don’t need to do anything at all. Of course, in the end you There is no way to escape.” Daoist Yuyun was relieved when he saw that the primordial spirit of Daoist Wangjie was imprisoned by Gu Xiangfei.

“Thank you, Daoist Yuyun for your help, otherwise he would have escaped.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that Daoist Yuyun would help, so he cupped his fists and saluted.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, you’re welcome. I also have selfish intentions. Back then, Master Wangjie sent Taoist Master Xilu to bombard and kill my son. Although he has reincarnated and cultivated now, he has to avenge this revenge.” Taoist Yuyun clasped his fists and returned. With a salute, he talked about the reason for his attack.

“Anyway, Daoist Yuyun has helped me a lot. If the soul of Daoist Wangjie escapes, it will definitely cause future troubles. Daoist Yuyun, please wait a moment.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to Wangjie The primordial spirit of the Taoist master was imprisoned in mid-air.

“Haha… Yu Yun, you bastard, just wait for me! After I reincarnate, I will definitely cut your body into pieces and burn your soul for thousands of years.” Daoist Wangjie didn’t have much hatred for Gu Xiangfei. I mean, it’s normal to be killed in the world of immortality if you can’t beat it. The big deal is to start all over again, and take revenge after your cultivation base is improved.

Daoist Yuyun shattered the boundary-breaking talisman at a critical moment and imprisoned his primordial spirit. It has already broken the original agreement of the masters to unite, so the hatred and resentment towards Master Yuyun is even greater.

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