: Killing the Two Masters

“You still want to reincarnate? Go ahead and dream!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand after finishing speaking and typed out countless complicated moves, but only three breaths, click! With a soft sound, Daoist Wangjie’s world was torn apart by him, and he raised his hand to take away all the items in Daoist Wangjie’s world.

“You…” The primordial spirit of Daoist Wangjie saw that his world was torn apart by Gu Xiangfei, and instantly thought that even if he was reincarnated, he would have no cultivation resources, so when would he be able to cultivate to the realm of dominance again? He suddenly felt a wave of despair.

Daoist Yuyun was even more shocked. He didn’t expect that Gu Xiangfei could tear apart the world of Daoist Wangjie. He thought that Gu Xiangfei would burn the soul of Daoist Wangjie for thousands of years so that he could not reincarnate and rebuild. No matter what, Daoist Yuyun would have thought that Gu Xiangfei would tear open the world of Daoist Wangjie in just a few breaths.After Gu Xiangfei swept away the items in the world of Taoist Lord Wangjie, he raised his hand to grab a drop of the blood of Taoist Wangjie, and then played a few complicated hand formulas, and then raised his hand to shatter the drop of blood essence.

“Ask about killing supernatural powers in a drop of blood!” Daoist Yu Yun was completely shocked and couldn’t help crying out.

The primordial spirit of Daoist Wangjie saw that Gu Xiangfei showed him the supernatural power of killing blood, his soul suddenly dimmed, knowing that there was no other monk in the world, Daoist Wangjie, at this moment he regretted everything. On the platform in the battle, he should kill Gu Xiangfei regardless of everything. Unfortunately, he didn’t take Gu Xiangfei seriously, thinking that Gu Xiangfei was just a stronger ant. He never thought that Gu Xiangfei would destroy him.

Xinghe Daohuo turned the primordial spirit of the Taoist master Wangjie into a piece of pure heaven and earth vitality, and swayed it in the void of the eternal life realm.

“Gu Daoyou is really strong, Yu Yun admires it, I have an idea, if Gu Daoyou doesn’t dislike it, I would like to form an alliance with Gu Daoyou, if there is a second heart, let my Dao collapse, and I will never be reincarnated.” Yuyun Daoist originally thought United with several of their Dao ancestors, now that Gu Xiangfei is so powerful, if he still does not form an alliance, unless he has a problem with his brain, so he does not wait for Gu Xiangfei to agree, and first makes his own Dao oath to gain Gu Xiangfei’s trust.

“Okay! Since Yuyun Dao is mainly forming an alliance with us, of course we welcome it. I also made an oath of Dao, willing to form an alliance with Daoist Yuyun. If I violate the oath, my Dao will collapse and I will never be reincarnated.” Gu Xiangfei saw Yu Yun Dao mainly formed an alliance with them, so he was naturally full of joy. This is the master of a world, and now they have a powerful helper among their allies.

Daoist Yuyun was overjoyed when he heard Gu Xiangfei’s Dao vow. He will no longer fight alone in the future. With Gu Xiangfei and several Taoist ancestors, their strength will be the most powerful alliance in the world of immortality.

“Now we are going to attack the world of Daoist Tianyuan. I think they have almost attacked.” After Gu Xiangfei killed the most powerful Daoist Wangjie in the world of immortality, he was full of confidence. The main blast kills.

Daoist Yuyun naturally agreed, and the two of them started their escapism and galloped towards Daoist Tianyuan’s realm to protect the formation.

After Tianyuan Daoist sent the flying sword letter to Wangjie Taoist, he immediately took a few Taoist formations to reinforce the big formation. He thought how he could resist several Daozus for several months. After Wangjie Daoist arrived, they The inside should be combined with the outside, and these Dao ancestors were killed in the big formation of the boundary.

Karma Daozu and the others attacked the big formation in order to attract Daoist Wangjie to come over. Naturally, they would not bombard the big formation with all their strength, but just bluffed and bombarded indiscriminately.

After receiving the message from Gu Xiangfei, Taoist Karma knew that Gu Xiangfei had set up a trapping and killing formation, so he waited for the arrival of Daoist Wangjie, and immediately began to attack the boundary protection formation of Tianyuan World, and let Daoist Tianyuan give Wangjie The Taoist sent out a flying sword to send a letter for help.

After Gu Xiangfei and Daoist Yuyun came here, Daozu of Karma and Daozu of Samsara saw that Gu Xiangfei came here with Daoist Yuyun, they were a little puzzled, how could Daoist Yuyun and fellow Daoist Gu got together?

“This is Daoist Yuyun, everyone should know him. Daoist Yuyun is also joining our alliance now. Without the help of Daoist Yuyun, Daoist Wangjie might have escaped…” Gu Xiangfei and several Daozu talked about killing Wangjie Daoist.

Several Taoist ancestors were overjoyed when they heard that Taoist Yuyun joined their alliance. Their alliance strength is getting stronger and stronger. Now if Taoist Tianyuan is killed, only five Taoist masters will be left in the eight masters of the immortal world And one of them is their ally, and the remaining four masters, even if they unite, they will not be afraid.

After several Taoist ancestors and Taoist master Yuyun met with each other, they gathered together to discuss how to blast the boundary guard formation.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is here to command, and we will attack you. We will bombard wherever you say!” Daoist Yuyun has seen the trapping and killing formation arranged by Gu Xiangfei, but Daoist Wangjie has been bombarding for a long time, but he has not been able to shake the formation. A gap.

“It doesn’t need to be so troublesome.” Gu Xiangfei stepped forward and came to the border protection formation. He raised his hand and grabbed a handful of formation flags. As the formation flags continued to be driven into the ground, click! With a soft sound, a gap of tens of feet was torn open in the boundary barrier, and Gu Xiangfei stepped into the boundary formation in a flash.

“What a powerful formation!” Daoist Yuyun and several Daoist ancestors exclaimed, and quickly followed them into the big formation of the realm.

Daoist Tianyuan was instructing the formation Taoist to strengthen the big formation of the realm. Unexpectedly, the big formation of the boundary was torn open with a gap of tens of feet, and a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, carrying a huge terrifying coercion The aura directly crushed several formation Taoist masters.

“Gu Xiangfei, so it’s you.” Daoist Tianyuan was shocked. Seeing that the cultivator in front of him was Gu Xiangfei, who was mainly wanted by Wangjie Dao, he roared and raised his hand to blast out a huge Daoyuan supernatural power.

“Good job!” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and blasted out a supernatural power of cutting, followed by a supernatural power of great age, and finally a supernatural power of destruction.

Three ways of opening the heavenly god channel rhyme bombarded over, the supernatural power of the big cutting technique first chopped up the Taoyuan supernatural power of the Taoist master Tianyuan, and then the supernatural power of the great years technique stopped the space where the Taoist master Tianyuan was located, and the last supernatural power of the great destruction technique directly blasted Broken the body of Taoist Master Tianyuan.

Daoist Tianyuan is the weakest among the eight masters. It is much easier for Gu Xiangfei to deal with him than Taoist Xilu and Wangjie. The three magical powers of opening the sky smashed his body, and his soul was separated from the body. He came out and wanted to escape from here and go to the Taoist Master Wangjie. He still doesn’t know that the Taoist Master Wangjie has been killed.

Gu XiangfeiGrab his primordial spirit, imprison his primordial spirit, and continuously type out countless complicated hand formulas with both hands.

Daoist Karma, Taoist Reincarnation, and Daoist Yuyun knew that Gu Xiangfei was going to tear apart the world of Daoist Tianyuan. Although they had seen Gu Xiangfei’s power, they were very excited to see the world of a ruler being torn apart again.

Daozu Thunder, Daozu Suiyue, and Daozu Daoist Disaster, the three of them didn’t know what Gu Xiangfei was going to do, but saw Gu Xiangfei play complicated hand formulas, then raised his hand and tore open the world of Daoist Tianyuan, and put the items in his world into pieces. All swept away.

The six people were divided into two groups. The three of Suiyue Daozu were taken aback. Although they had heard about Gu Xiangfei’s strength from Karma Daozu, it was the first time they saw Gu Xiangfei not only killed Tianyuan Daoist, but also tore apart his world. This made all three of them feel that what they saw was not real.

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