Redesigning the World

After Gu Xiangfei bombarded and killed Daoist Tianyuan, he tore his world apart. Daozu Karma and the others were still very excited after seeing it. Smash this drop of blood.

“Blood-dropping supernatural powers!” Seeing that Gu Xiangfei was able to master one of the nine minor supernatural powers under the supernatural power of the Great Transformation Technique, the Taoist Master of Disaster couldn’t help exclaiming. This fellow Daoist Gu is too powerful! In this way, the souls of Daoist Tianyuan will be wiped out by the supernatural power of killing with blood, and from now on, there will be no such monk as Daoist Tianyuan in this world.

“Fellow Daoist Gu is really powerful. I admire him so much, haha…” Daoist Lei Ting laughed loudly after seeing Gu Xiangfei turn the primordial spirit of Daoist Tianyuan into pure heaven and earth vitality.

“Congratulations, congratulations, everyone has a share, there are a lot of items here, let’s share the fruits of victory together!” Gu Xiangfei smiled, raised his hand and took out most of the items in the world of Taoist Tianyuan and Taoist Wangjie, Of course, he didn’t take out some top items.

The Dao Patriarchs were overjoyed. At first they chose to follow Gu Xiangfei, but now it seems that it was indeed the wisest decision.

In the world of Taoist Master Wangjie, it collapsed suddenly, which surprised the monks in the world of Wangjie. The master of Wangjie was killed, just like Taoist Xilu. It will be chaos. Looking at the current situation of Xilu World, you can know the end of Wangjie World.

Taoist Lin Tian and the other three Taoist masters were shocked. Someone was able to kill the Taoist Wangjie. The world of eternal life will not be peaceful in the future. Taoist Lintian quickly contacted the other Taoist masters to prepare to join forces to deal with the next one. This catastrophe.

Daoist Lin Tian found out that Daoist Tianyuan could not be contacted either, but Daoist Yuyun did. However, Daoist Yuyun rejected their alliance. He decided to be alone and no longer form an alliance with the masters.

Daoist Lintian knew why Daoist Yuyun refused to form an alliance, and because of the alliance, Daoist Wangjie bombarded and killed his son. Although he did not say that the monk killed by Daoist Wangjie was his son, Daoist Lintian saw it. The son of Taoist Master Guo Yuyun.

Now that Daoist Wangjie has been bombarded and killed, he guessed that Daoist Yuyun joined forces with several other Taoist ancestors to kill Daoist Wangjie, and by the way, Daoist Tianyuan was also killed. will be hostile.

Daoist Lintian, Daoist Guangping, Daoist Yulan, and Daoist Luo Xian are now gathered in Daoist Hall of Daoist Lintian.

“What do the Taoist masters think? Now there are only four masters left. If we don’t unite, we may be beheaded by the Taoist master Yuyun. Now he has united with several Daoist ancestors and killed the Taoist master Xilu first.” , and killed Taoist Lord Wangjie, and Taoist Master Tianyuan by the way, now his strength is amazing, and none of us are their opponents.” Taoist Lin Tian also forcibly settled the result of Taoist Master Xilu being killed. On Taoist Yuyun, the purpose is to arouse the vigilance of the other three Taoist masters. You should also be careful, you may be killed by Taoist Yuyun at any time.

“The Taoist Master Xilu was not killed by the Taoist Yuyun! When the Taoist Master Xilu was killed, I happened to go to the Taoist Wangjie with the Taoist Yuyun. When we heard the news that the Taoist Master Xilu was killed, we immediately Turning back to their respective worlds, there are some discrepancies in what Daoist Lintian said!” Daoist Luo Xian was a little disgusted with Daoist Lintian’s words, and you clearly knew that Daoist Yuyun didn’t kill Daoist Xilu, why did you force him? How many are fools? Still out of my mind? Let you talk nonsense.

“You…Although he didn’t bombard and kill Taoist Master Xilu, he might be the one who killed Taoist Master Wangjie! There is also Taoist Master Tianyuan, he probably killed Master Lintian as well.” Taoist Master Lin Tian was exposed by Taoist Luo Xian on the spot After lying, he was furious in his heart. He wished to kill Taoist Luo Xian here, but in order to be able to unite, he endured it again, and changed the topic to talk about Taoist Wangjie and Taoist Tianyuan.

“Forget it, let’s unite! Farewell!” Taoist Master Luo Xian stood up after speaking, turned around and walked out, stepped out of the hall, and instantly triggered a talisman that disappeared.

Daoist Lintian didn’t expect Daoist Luo Xian to leave as soon as he said he would. He didn’t wait for him to stay, and even used the talisman to escape. Obviously, he was afraid that he would kill him here. What a cunning guy, he came prepared!

Taoist Master Yulan and Taoist Master Guangping were indifferent to Taoist Luo Xian’s departure. This time, Taoist Master Lintian proposed to unite. Since they are unwilling to join forces, they will not force it.


After Gu Xiangfei and Taoist Yuyun finished allocating the resources, Taoist Yuyun said to them, “Now let’s stabilize the worlds of these few masters first! Otherwise, the world without masters will be worse than the Vientiane world.”The Taoist world is even more chaotic. The Taoist masters of the Vientiane world are just missing, not yet fallen. The longer it takes, the harder it is to manage. ”

“Okay, let the Taoist ancestors decide! My cultivation still needs to be improved, and I am not suitable to be a Taoist master, but I will help if I have something to do.” Gu Xiangfei is not willing to be a Taoist master, he still wants to pursue a higher realm, At least you have to be like the way of heaven, so you can feel at ease in your heart.

Daozu of Karma and Daozu of Reincarnation saw that Gu Xiangfei really didn’t want to be the master, so the five of them discussed and decided who would be the master.

“I’m not suitable to be a Daoist right now, my cultivation base is even worse. The four of you just happened to occupy the Vientiane World, and each of you can be a Daoist of a world.” The Disaster Daoist first withdrew, and he decided to follow Gu Xiangfei, only in this way can he become stronger, being a Taoist master is not his ultimate goal.

“The Taoist master of the Vientiane World will come back. If the name is not correct, the words will not be smooth. The exercises I practice are not suitable for being a Taoist master. Otherwise, dealing with causality every day will exhaust me. The current three worlds are just like the three of you. Let’s do it! We will help from the side.” Karma Daozu also chose to quit, and the exercises he said were indeed not suitable for being a Taoist master.

The remaining three Reincarnation Daozu, Suiyue Daozu, Lei Ting Daozu happened to not each manage a world, and with the help of Yuyun Daoist, the three of them soon occupied these three worlds, and changed them to Their own world, which also gave Gu Xiangfei and the others a foothold.

After the three Dao Patriarchs occupied the three worlds, the rules of these three worlds changed quickly, and there was no longer any collapse. Dao Master Yu Yun joined forces with several Dao Patriarchs to kill all the cronies of the Dao Masters in the original world. They recruited a new group of third-step experts in the eternal life realm, and after making the Taoist oath, they distributed the fruit status to them.

It turned out that more than 30 monks who participated in the competition for the fruit position also came to these three worlds one after another to join them. They will not worry about betrayal if they have the oath of the Dao.

Gu Xiangfei, Daozu of Karma, and Daozu of Disaster helped them maintain the world in the three worlds, and Gu Xiangfei rearranged their big formations.

Daoist Yuyun also returned to his own world, and after Gu Xiangfei finished setting up the formation, they discussed how to deal with Daoist Lintian and the other three.

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