The Daoist Comes to Form an Alliance

Daoist Luo Xian breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to his own world. His strength is mainly inferior to that of Lin Tiandao. If Lin Tiandao mainly keeps him, although he can escape, he will have to pay a considerable price. At that time, Daoist Yu Lan and Daoist Guangping were also there. If they wanted to make a move, they probably would perish in Lintian World.

After Daoist Luo Xian came back, he immediately activated his large formation to prevent Daoist Lin Tian and the others from chasing and killing them.

After waiting for a month, Daoist Lintian didn’t come, so he was relieved. Then he heard that Daoist Wangjie and their world were occupied by several Daozu, and now they have rectified these worlds.

Taoist Luo Xian estimated that in the next step, several Taoist ancestors would attack Taoist Lintian and their world. Now he has to make a decision quickly, otherwise he might be attacked by them. He can’t resist the attacks of these Taoist ancestors. The powerful were killed by them, and I don’t know how these Dao ancestors are so powerful now.

Daoist Luo Xian sacrificed a flying sword, and sent a flying sword letter to Daoist Yuyun, explaining his thoughts, hoping to form an alliance with him to deal with Daoist Lintian and the others.

Daoist Yuyun is flying with Gu Xiangfei, Daozu of Karma and Daozu of Disaster, and they are drinking spirit tea in the main hall of the dojo.

Gu Xiangfei completed the arrangement of the large boundary formation, and was invited by Taoist Yuyun, he gave Daozu of Karma and Taoist of Disaster to the world of Taoist Yuyun.

Daozu Daozu of Cause and Effect and Daozu of Disaster are now free from trouble. Seeing Daozu of Reincarnation and Daozu of Time are busy going around every day, they feel that their decision is really wise. Being a Daoist is not an easy task.

“Now there are four Dao masters in the world of eternal life. Among them, Dao master Lin Tian is the strongest, Dao master Guangping is the weakest, Dao master Luo Xian is weaker than Dao master Lin Tian, ​​and stronger than the other two Dao masters, but also limited. What does Fellow Daoist Gu think? We are Which one do you want to attack?” Daoist Yu Yun introduced the strength of the remaining four Daoist masters, and let Gu Xiangfei make up his mind.

Now that Gu Xiangfei killed Taoist Wangjie and the others, he no longer wanted to kill other Taoist masters. These Taoist masters had no grievances with him, and they didn’t deal with him, and there was no reason to bombard them again.

“I think…” Just as Gu Xiangfei said this, a flying sword landed in front of Daoist Yu Yun, and he stopped talking.

After Taoist Yuyun’s spiritual consciousness scanned the content of Feijian’s biography, a smile immediately appeared on his face.

“Taoist Luo Xian wanted to form an alliance with us. He had already fallen out with Taoist Lintian. Taoist Lintian wanted to form an alliance with him to deal with us, but Taoist Luo Xian refused.”

“Oh! So now there are only three masters left. In this case, we will form an alliance with Daoist Luo Xian. If Daoist Lintian and the others don’t come to attack our allies, we will ignore them. Once they do, we will immediately kill them.” Boom and kill.” Gu Xiangfei’s karma Taoist understands, no matter how Gu Xiangfei also practiced karma skills, there is no causal relationship, so it is really difficult to make a move.

“In this case, I will send a message to Taoist Luo Xian to ask him to come here. If he really wants to form an alliance, he will come here. If he is worried that he will be killed here, then forget it. Such an allyIt doesn’t matter if you want it or not. “Gu Xiangfei and the others nodded at Daoist Yu Yun’s words. If Daoist Luo Xian doesn’t even have this bit of courage, he is really not suitable to be an ally.

Taoist Luoxian received the letter from Taoist Yuyun’s flying sword, and thought to himself, if he went to the world of Taoist Yuyun, it would be his territory. I went, if I didn’t go to the alliance, I didn’t mention it, and I would have to face the threat of these two forces.

Taoist Luoxian thought for a long time, and decided to go to Taoist Yuyun. Instead of being so passive, it is better to gamble on the reputation of Taoist Yuyun. Besides, he also knows Taoist Yuyun, so he should not lie to him to besiege and kill him. He didn’t know what the Dao ancestors meant, which made him a little uneasy.

With the mentality that there is no major difficulty in getting rid of death, Taoist Luoxian came to the world of Taoist Yuyun. Taoist Yuyun saw Taoist Luoxian coming to his world, and admired his courage and tolerance in his heart, which proved that Taoist Luoxian was I really want to ally with them.

“Haha… It’s been a long time, friend Luo Xian, please come in.” Taoist Yuyun greeted Taoist Luo Xian with a big smile in his own dojo.

“Fellow Daoist Yuyun is in full swing right now. In terms of reading tense, Luo admires it very much!” Daoist Luo Xian clasped his fists in return, and followed Daoist Yuyun to the main hall.

“These three fellow Taoists are the Daoist of Cause and Effect, the Daoist of Disaster, and fellow Daoist Gu is the Daoist of the array.” Daoist Yu Yun specially introduced to Taoist Luo Xian that Gu Xiangfei is the Daoist of the array. Since Gu Xiangfei has cultivated too many magical powers, Yu Yun The Taoist master didn’t know which Taoist ancestor to call him, so he had to call him by his unique array Taoist.

Daoist Luoxian has naturally heard of the Daoist of Karma and Disaster, and was even more surprised that Gu Xiangfei turned out to be a Daoist. There are only two Daoist in the Immortal Realm, and now there is another one here. Being killed, it turned out that Zhen Dao Zun was there to help, so their fall was inevitable.

When the three of them saw Taoist Luo Xian coming in person, they were overjoyed. This Taoist Luo Xian came to form an alliance sincerely. After greeting each other, they sat down respectively. Taoist Yuyun poured spiritual tea and talked about the current situation in the world of immortality.

“Daoist Lintian, Daoist Guangping, and Daoist Yulan, the three of them are also at odds with each other. Among them, Daoist Lintian is a bit strong. He wants to integrate our four worlds and deal with you together. After I quit, listen Said that the three of them broke up unhappy, maybe Lintian Daoist wanted to keep me, Guangping Daoist and Yulan Daoist disagreed, and he couldn’t keep me alone, so he let me come back smoothly.” Daoist Luo Xian After sitting down, he told the thoughts of Daoist Lin Tian to those who were sitting.

“If we kill Taoist Lintian, the world of eternal life may calm down, otherwise this Taoist Lintian will do something at any time, maybe he will talk to Taoist Guangping and Yulan, and have a big impact on our world. Raid.” Daoist Yu Yun said what he was worried about. The three masters wanted to raid a world, and the success rate was still very high, so he was worried that he would be raided.

“Then get rid of Daoist Lintian, and save everyone from being uneasy for him every day.” Gu Xiangfei felt that there are still some unstable factors in the eternal life world, and Daoist Lintian is one of them. If it is done, simply kill Taoist Lin Tian this time, so that the world of eternal life can calm down, so that he can practice with peace of mind and run towards his own long life avenue.

“Okay! As long as Taoist Lintian is killed, the remaining Daoist Guangping and Yulan will definitely calm down. They don’t have much ambition, they just want to protect their world from being invaded by others, and be their own peace of mind.” Daoist.” Daoist Luo Xian was the first to agree. After he was threatened by Daoist Lintian, he had long wanted to get rid of him, but he was not strong enough alone, so he thought of forming an alliance with Daoist Yuyun. Selfishness.

“It shouldn’t be too late. Let’s find out the situation of Daoist Lintian first, and then carry out a surprise attack.” Daoist Yuyun was overjoyed when he heard that Gu Xiangfei also wanted to kill Daoist Lintian. After getting rid of Daoist Lintian, he would be gone. worries.

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