The Peaceful World of Immortality

Gu Xiangfei’s proposal was approved by the two Taoist masters. The Taoist ancestor of Karma and the Taoist ancestor of disaster would not have any objections. They originally wanted to follow Gu Xiangfei.

The five people discussed and decided that Daoist Luo Xian should inquire about the situation of Daoist Lintian first, and then they would act according to the plan. , outside, everyone is capable of defeating Taoist Lin Tian based on their respective strengths.

Daoist Luo Xian happily accepted this task, and Daoist Yuyun was nearby to meet him. He gained more confidence, stood up, bid farewell to everyone and left.

“Let’s also go to the outskirts of Daoist Lintian’s world. If Daoist Lintian shrinks back, we will break through his big formation and attack in.” Gu Xiangfei knew that if he attacked by force, there would be many monks resisting, so they would spend some time Strength, but for the peace of the immortal world, they must do it.

Daoist Luoxian just left Daoist Yuyun’s big formation, and saw Daoist Lintian, Daoist Guangping, and Daoist Yulan head-on, and they happened to come to Daoist Yuyun’s big formation .

“Haha… How about it? I guessed that Fellow Daoist Luo Xian must be here with Fellow Daoist Yuyun. Now that I saw Fellow Daoist Luo Xian, I guessed it was right. Don’t worry, Fellow Daoist Luo Xian. We are also here to discuss the matter of immortality. Please also ask Luo Xiandao You send a message to fellow Taoist Yuyun, we are not here to fight.” Daoist Lin Tian laughed a few times when he saw Daoist Luo Xian, and then said several of themintention of coming.

Daoist Luo Xian was surprised when he saw Daoist Lintian and the three of them at first. He thought that they had come to the door and could catch them all in one go. Now that Daoist Lintian said that, he knew why they came.

“You three, please wait a moment. I’ll send a message to fellow Taoist Yuyun immediately.” Daoist Luo Xian was about to send a message to Daoist Yuyun when three spatial fluctuations came, and four figures landed in the boundary formation.

“Space rules!” Taoist Luo Xian and Taoist Lin Tian felt three spatial fluctuations, but four figures appeared. Obviously, one of them used the spatial rules, which did not cause any spatial fluctuations, which made the four of them The master was shocked, how powerful would this monk be to be able to hide from the investigation of the four Taoist masters?

“Having met Daoist Yuyun, the three of us decided to come to Fellow Daoist Yuyun after discussing, thinking about asking Fellow Daoist Yuyun to come forward, and invite several other Taoist masters to discuss the future of the immortal world together, so that we can make a Dao vow Let Taoist Yuyun feel at ease.” After finishing speaking, Daoist Lintian first issued a great oath, and then Daoist Guangping and Yulan both made a great oath that they would never provoke a war in the world of immortality, and three words came from the void With the roaring sound, the oath of the Great Dao was engraved by the Dao of Heaven.

“Okay! Since the three fellow daoists are sincerely for peace, let’s wait for the other three fellow daoists to come over and make an oath together, so that there will be no more wars in the world of immortality from now on.” Daoist Yuyun agreed with Gu Xiangfei after sound transmission. Heavenly Lord their proposal.

Everyone came to the Daoist Hall of Daoist Yuyun. Since Daoist Lintian and the others made the Daoist oath, Gu Xiangfei and the others could not do things that would turn back. After there was no need to fight, everyone was in harmony. Peaceful atmosphere.

The three of Daozu of Reincarnation and Daozu of Suiyue, after receiving the message from Gu Xiangfei, heard that Taoist Lintian and the others had made a great oath that there would be no war in the world of immortality in the future. The three of them were also very happy. Of course, it would be best if a few dominant opponents could not do anything.

The eight masters gathered together in Yuyun Daoist’s dojo, and they all made a Taoist oath together. From then on, the Daoist masters in the eternal life world will no longer fight each other, and each manage their own world. If one party is in trouble, all parties will support it.

Seeing this result, Gu Xiangfei felt very relieved. He, Daozu of Karma, and Daozu of Disaster were invited by Taoist Luoxian to come to the world of Taoist Luoxian. The main reason is that Taoist Luoxian has a void entrance here, which can enter the void. Thinking of looking for opportunities in the void, he accepted Taoist Luo Xian’s invitation.

After the world of eternal life calmed down, many monks no longer had to worry about it. Although there were still some small frictions among the monks, the overall situation was stable, which was enough to make the monks very excited.

You must know that after the ruler of each world falls, the rules of this world will collapse. Once the world they live in collapses and the rules of heaven and earth become chaotic, their avenue will also show signs of instability.

This made some good fortune monks very worried. Undead monks are better off. After all, each of them will cultivate some soul fragments. Even after they fall, these soul fragments will be cultivated again, and will soon form a new undead realm.

The immortal monks have the greatest impact on the chaos of the Dao rules. After they cultivate to the third step of the Eternal Land, the rules in this world have been integrated with their own Dao. Once the rules of this world collapse, their Dao will also collapse, so many immortals The world will rely on masters, and under each master, there are many immortal monks who are devoted to him, because they are both prosperous and ruined, and they have formed a relationship of interest.

Taoist Luo Xian arranged for Gu Xiangfei and the others to have three mountain peaks full of vitality. With Gu Xiangfei and the others here, Taoist Luo Xian felt most at ease.

Actually inviting Gu Xiangfei and the others to come to his world, Daoist Luo Xian also has selfish intentions, because recently in his world, at the entrance of the void, there are occasional foreign monks entering. These foreign monks are very powerful. After entering his world, they rob the monks Some families and Taoist sects were wiped out, and these outlander monks robbed all the resources and returned to the void.

Taoist Luo Xian sent his immortal monks to kill a group of outer-land monks, and found that these outer-land monks generally had a higher level of cultivation than the immortal monks. , Undead monks can fight against immortal monks, and they are evenly matched. Fortunately, there are no immortal monks from Outland, otherwise his world will probably be smashed to pieces.

The reason why Daoist Luoxian was eager to seek an alliance with Daoist Yuyun was that the monks from the outer domain were also a hidden danger. He was worried about Daoist Lintian and Daoist Yuyun. He took the initiative to form an alliance in the world of Taoist Yuyun.

Taoist Luo Xian told Gu Xiangfei about the monks from the outer domain. He hoped that when the monks from the outer domain came, Gu Xiangfei would help him defend against the attacks of the monks from the outer domain.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard about the monks from the outer domain. If he could follow the monks from the outer domain into their world, he was sure that there was a world with higher rules. If he cultivated to the extreme in that world, he might coexist with the Dao of Heaven.

So Gu Xiangfei agreed to Daoist Luo Xian’s request without hesitation, and only waited for the monks from the outer domain to come over. When the time comes to fight them, first find their regular aura, and then imprint them with the soul mark, and secretly follow these monks into their world.

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