Yan Yixue Mother and Daughter

Gu Xiangfei’s current cultivation level is the second step of immortality. If he wants to improve his cultivation level again, he must go to the next step.In a world with high rules, otherwise in the world of immortality, he estimated that it would be difficult to advance to the third step of immortality in hundreds of thousands of years, let alone the realm of dominance.

The outlander monks in the void gave him hope, but outlander monks don’t appear all the time, sometimes it takes a few years, sometimes decades.

Gu Xiangfei guessed that they might need to pass through the void plane, and there was an unpredictable crisis in the void. These foreign monks passed through the void and entered the realm of immortality. plane.

This is just Gu Xiangfei’s conjecture. After all, he doesn’t know whether these outlander monks can return to their plane or have fallen in the void. These are all unknown mysteries.

The Taoist Master Luoxian gave them rich energy from the mountains and the heavens and the earth. The Taoist ancestors of Karma and Disaster were very satisfied with this place, but after Gu Xiangfei absorbed the vitality of the heavens and the earth, he hardly made any progress in his cultivation, so he had to continue to practice with the chaotic path.


Holy world.

Gu Xiaoyu has now broken through to the Good Fortune Realm, and Qingyuan Saint has also broken through to the Good Fortune Realm, becoming the second Taoist ancestor of the human race, and then Yan Yixue also broke through to the Good Fortune Realm, becoming the third Taoist ancestor of the human race.

After thousands of years of cultivation, there are more and more Taoist ancestors of the human race in the holy world. After the old headmaster broke through to the realm of good fortune, he did things more strongly. He moved the rules of Xuantian Academy to the holy world for implementation. It is the suppressed one who will never see the light of day.

Gu Xiaoyu saw that Elder Kanli, Elder Tiansen and Dean Qiao Tian were about to break through to the Good Fortune Realm, so she decided to leave the Holy Realm with her mother Yan Yixue and Daozu Qingyuan to go to the Realm of Eternal Life.

“Uncle Qingyuan, we are going to the Immortal Realm this time to find my father and Uncle Xuankong. I don’t know if we can find them. I guess the Immortal Realm will be very big. This teleportation vortex is aimless teleportation, and we will definitely separate. Yes, I think my father and Uncle Xuankong are also scattered, I hope we can find them soon.” Gu Xiaoyu studied the teleportation vortex on the tenth floor of the Sealing Tower, and came to such a conclusion.

“Let’s go! It’s hard to improve our cultivation here. Only by going to a realm with higher rules can we improve our cultivation. In the realm of immortality, you have to be careful. I guess our cultivation base must be at the bottom of the realm of immortality. If you can find Brother Gu, they are of course the best, don’t worry if you can’t find them, work hard to improve your cultivation, and you will definitely find them in the future.” Daozu Qingyuan stepped into the teleportation vortex after speaking, and instantly Disappear.

“Mother, let’s go together! I’ll protect us with the Qiankun cauldron, so we shouldn’t be separated.” Gu Xiaoyu sacrificed the Qiankun cauldron, covered her and her mother Yan Yixue, and they entered the teleportation vortex together.

The Qiankun Ding is an innate treasure, and there is a lot of space inside, but Qingyuan Daozu is a male cultivator, and it is inconvenient to be with their mother and daughter, so Gu Xiaoyu didn’t invite him to go with them, and Qingyuan Daozu would not be with their mother. The two women walked together. After all, men and women are teleporting together, there will inevitably be bumps and bumps, and they have nothing to do with each other, so it is really inconvenient.

The protective ability of the Qiankun Ding is really strong. Gu Xiaoyu and her mother Yan Yixue hugged each other, not daring to let go for a moment. The space dislocation and folding fluctuations were blocked by the Qiankun Ding, otherwise the two of them might be torn apart by the space dislocation.

“Boom!”, Gu Xiaoyu and Yan Yixue fell to the ground. With the protection of the Qiankun Cauldron, they were not injured at all. It’s just that the teleportation vortex is a little far away, and they are still a little dizzy.

Gu Xiaoyu raised her hand to put away the Qiankun Cauldron, and Yan Yixue felt the rules of heaven and earth here. It was indeed many times stronger than the Holy Realm, and she knew that they had already entered the Immortal Realm.

This is a desert, and the vitality of the surrounding world is thin. Gu Xiaoyu sacrificed a flying magic weapon, “Mother, let’s go to the city first and find out the whereabouts of my father. I think with my father’s strength, someone will know his whereabouts.” .”

Yan Yixue nodded. She knew her husband quite well, and she would rise quickly no matter where she was, and it was probably no exception in the world of immortality.

Gu Xiaoyu’s flying magic weapon is an innate treasure, and it’s not unusual in the world of immortality. Gu Xiaoyu doesn’t have a map of the world of immortality, so he just controls the flying magic weapon and flies to places with strong vitality in the world.

Two months later, the mother and daughter had some understanding of the immensity of the Immortal Realm. This place is indeed many times larger than the Holy Realm. The vast universe, the huge rules of heaven and earth, Gu Xiaoyu and her mother Yan Yixue quickly assimilated Knowing the rules of heaven and earth here, I have a deeper understanding of the rules of the world of immortality.

When the flight reached the third month, Gu Xiaoyu’s consciousness swept over and found a tall and magnificent city in front of him.

An hour later, looking at the city in front of him, there were three large characters floating on the gate, “Measure the City of Heaven”.

There are no guards at the gate of the city, and monks can come in and out at will.

After Gu Xiaoyu and her mother Yan Yixue entered Liangtian City, they saw a commercial building. They didn’t know anything about the world of immortality, so they decided to buy an introduction jade slip to check their current location and which universe they belonged to.

“Fellow daoist, please come in. What do you two fellow daoists need?” A beautiful female cultivator stood at the door of the commercial building to welcome them into the commercial building.

“I want to buy a map jade slip from here.” Before Gu Xiaoyu could speak, Yan Yixue spoke first. She was afraid that Gu Xiaoyu would be blackmailed due to his lack of experience.

“The map of Yuyun World needs ten spars, and the map of the entire Immortal Realm needs 10,000 spars. I don’t know what kind of map jade slips do you need?” The female cultivator’s words let Yan Yixue know that this place belongs to Yuyun World , the world of eternal life must still haveother worlds.

But Yan Yixue didn’t ask, she will slowly find out how many worlds there are in the Immortal Realm, and if she asks it now, it will attract the attention of other monks. Originally, there are not many female cultivators in the Immortal Realm. There might be troubles, this is because Yan Yixue saw that there were very few female cultivators here after entering Liangtian City, so she was worried that they would be targeted.

“We don’t have any spar, we can use this instead!” Yan Yixue saw that the spar brought out by other monks was different from the spar they used, and she could feel the huge energy contained in the spar from such a distance , she did not expose her spar, but took out an innate treasure shield.

“Okay, I don’t know what kind of map jade slips the two fellow daoists want?” Although the female cultivator was a little surprised that Yan Yixue didn’t have crystal stones, she also agreed when she saw her innate treasure shield.

“Let’s have a jade slip of the map of the entire world of eternal life! The map of Yuyun World is too small, we have to look around, and save ourselves from buying local map slips every time we go.” Yan Yixue is afraid of being alone. Buying a map jade slip of Yuyun World, this merchant will be suspicious. Who would exchange innate treasures for ten spar map jade slips? Exchange of 10,000 spar map jade slips will not arouse other people’s suspicion. Others will think that they bought the map jade slips and exchange some spar for spare.

“This shield is worth 3 million spars, and I will give you another 2.99 million spars. This is the map jade slip and the spars.” The commercial building is in business, and it also needs to earn crystals, so the price will not be very high.

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