The Breath in the Shield

Yan Yixue put away the crystal stones and jade slips, and took Gu Xiaoyu to leave the commercial building. The two of them walked on the street of Jiangliangtian City, and began to look at the city. This was the first time they saw the city of the Immortal Realm. It is many times larger than Xuanyuan City in the holy world.

The female cultivator of the commercial building put away her shield and went to the deacon’s room on the second floor.

“Master Deacon, this is an innate treasure shield I just received. I exchanged it for three million spars.” The items must be handed over to the deacon, and the spar will be commissioned according to the exchanged items.

“Okay! That’s right, three million crystals are not expensive, this shield is worth eight million crystals, I have recorded your credit, go outside and get the crystals you got!” The deacon saw the shield. Dun was very happy. He had a friend who was a guard in the Taoist dojo. He had been thinking about an innate treasure shield, and now this shield was exactly what he wanted.

“Fellow Daoist Ji, I found this shield after searching many places. How is it? Are you satisfied?” The deacon took out the innate treasure shield and handed it to a third-level monk in the undead realm who rushed over.

“Thank you, Deacon Huo, haha… I’m so satisfied, how many crystals? I’ll give it to you.” The monk called Fellow Daoist Ji saw that this shield was really good, and it belonged to the top-grade shield among innate treasures, so he felt natural Overjoyed.

“Well! Based on our friendship, what kind of spar are we talking about?” Deacon Huo’s face darkened, pretending to be unhappy, as if he wanted to turn his face against the spar.

“Haha…Okay! Don’t mention the spar, I happen to have a dao fruit here, and give it to Deacon Huo.” Fellow Daoist Ji knows that Deacon Huo doesn’t lack spar, what he lacks is dao fruit.

“Haha… I’ll accept the Dao Fruit.” Deacon Huo was overjoyed when he saw this Dao Fruit, which was exactly the space Dao Fruit he needed to understand space.

Fellow Daoist Ji returned to Taoist Master Yuyun’s dojo, and it happened to be his turn to be on duty. He took this innate treasure shield that had not yet been refined, and came to the set position, preparing to refine the shield while on duty. , the world of eternal life is relatively calm now, and there is nothing serious about being on duty.

Daoist Yuyun came out of the hall and immediately felt a familiar aura. Is this the aura of Fellow Daoist Gu? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Gu came to his dojo? Why didn’t you call him?

Following this familiar aura, he saw an innate treasure shield in the hands of a guard. Fellow Daoist Gu’s aura came from this shield.

“Where did this shield come from?” Daoist Yuyun raised his hand and grabbed the shield in his hand, making sure that it was Gu Xiangfei’s aura.

“Return to the Taoist Lord, I got it from a friend in Liangtian City. I asked him to help me find an innate treasure shield. He found it and sent it to me.” Fellow Daoist Ji saw that the Taoist actually asked about the protective shield. He was so frightened that he hurriedly told him how he got the shield.

“You don’t have to worry, I’ll borrow this shield first, and I’ll give it to you later.” Daoist Yuyun saw the guard’s face pale with fright, comforted him first, and then took out the communication beads to send a message to Gu Xiangfei.

Gu Xiangfei is cultivating in the mountain cave mansion given by Daoist Luo Xian. Now he has broken through to the middle stage of the second step of the Immortal Realm. He has just stabilized the realm. When he saw the communication beads vibrate, he picked it up and saw that Daoist Yuyun sent him a message.

“Fellow Daoist Gu, I found an innate treasure shield. This shield has your breath and the breath of a female cultivator. It seems to be very close to Fellow Daoist Gu.”

After Gu Xiangfei saw the message, he immediately thought that Yan Yixue had entered the Immortal Realm. If Yan Yixue had entered the Immortal Realm, then Xiao Yu must have also come to the Immortal Realm. The mother and daughter probably were not together, and separated during the teleportation , Yan Yixue didn’t have a spar, so she might have exchanged this shield for a spar, and Daoist Yuyun found out that there was his aura on this shield, so he sent him a message.

Stepping out of the cave in one step, the rules of escapism unfolded, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

It will take more than three years for the world of Luo Xian to be separated from the world of Yuyun, but that is for other monks, and it is only half an hour for the Taoist master.It takes only one month to reach each other’s worlds, but for Gu Xiangfei, it only takes three days.

“This shield is a protective treasure I gave to my wife.” When Gu Xiangfei saw this shield, he recognized it at a glance. It was the protective treasure he gave to Yan Yixue in the Holy Realm.

“Where did Master Yuyun find this shield?”

“I got it from the commercial building in Liangtian City…” When Daoist Ji saw Gu Xiangfei, he naturally knew that he was a friend of their Daoist, and their Daoist admired this Gu Daoist very much, so he naturally did not dare to neglect Gu Xiangfei immediately. The origin of the shield is explained in detail.

“Okay! Yes, thank you very much, I will give you this shield! In addition, I have an innate treasure here, and I will also give it to you. Thank you for letting me find my wife.” Gu Xiangfei took out an innate treasure Tianling A, I gave it to fellow Daoist Ji as a thank you for having news about Yan Yixue.

“Thank you, Senior Gu.” Fellow Daoist Ji was overjoyed, and quickly took over the Heavenly Spirit Armor. He didn’t expect that an innate treasure shield would have such a great history, and now he got another innate body protection treasure. It is enhanced several times.

“Daoist Yuyun, I’m going to find my wife. I’ll meet later.” After Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, he clasped his hands at Daoist Yuyun and disappeared into his dojo in an instant.

“Fellow Daoist Gu’s cultivation has improved again. You have done a good job. I’ll give you this dao fruit. Now go back and refine these two protective treasures!” Daoist Yu Yun first marveled at Gu Xiangfei’s cultivation, even his divine power. Unconsciously, he didn’t realize that Gu Xiangfei had left his dojo, so he took out another dao fruit and handed it to Fellow Daoist Ji.

It took Gu Xiangfei only an hour to arrive outside Liangtian City. His consciousness swept across the entire Liangtian City, and he saw Gu Xiaoyu and Yan Yixue wandering here. talk.

“Mother, I can feel daddy’s aura.” Gu Xiaoyu’s chaotic Taoist body was indeed powerful. After Gu Xiangfei’s divine sense swept over her, she immediately felt it, and happily told her mother Yan Yixue the news.

“That’s right! I really didn’t expect you two to be together.” As Gu Xiangfei finished speaking, Yan Yixue also felt his aura.

“Husband, dad, how do you know we’re here?” Yan Yixue and Gu Xiaoyu threw themselves into Gu Xiangfei’s arms.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. He was worried that Xiaoyu and Yan Yixue would be separated, but he didn’t expect them to be together again, so he wouldn’t have to look for Gu Xiaoyu anymore.

“I saw the shield that was given to you. Daoist Yuyun sent me the news, and then I rushed over from Luo Xian’s world. Fortunately, you didn’t leave here, otherwise I would have to find other daoist masters to inquire about your news ” Gu Xiangfei told the mother and daughter about the shield, which made Yan Yixue very happy, she never expected to find Gu Xiangfei so soon.

“Haha… Friends Daoist Gu and his wife are happy to meet again.” Taoist Yu Yun also came to Liangtian City afterward.

“I’ve seen the Taoist master…” The monks in Liangtian City all bowed and clasped their fists to salute when the Taoist Yuyun came to Liangtian City in person.

“Excuse me!” Daoist Yuyun’s aura was released slightly, and the monks in the city suddenly felt a huge and soft aura, lifting them all up, and they were even more shocked in their hearts.

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