Luo Wei waited for a while, and this girl dressed in white and with a beautiful appearance galloped over.

"Dare to ask, but Luo Gongzi?" The girl hugged her fist and said in a coquettish voice, her voice was bright and crisp, her voice was delicate, and she was low and tactful, listening to the heart that couldn't help but shake, and she was intoxicated.

Rowe nodded and asked, "Who are you?" "

The girl said: "Little woman Huang Rong, I have seen Luo ~ Gongzi. "

"Huang Rong."

Luo Wei was a little surprised, he never thought that he actually met Huang Rong of Da Song in Daming, and he was even more surprised that the other party would actually run to Daming to find himself.

"Come up and talk." Luo Wei beckoned, - signaling Huang Rong to get into the car.

Huang Rong was also not pretentious, and stepped into the carriage and got in.

The size of the interior space of the carriage was beyond Huang Rong's imagination, which surprised Huang Rong and sighed at the same time.

"Please sit." Rowe said, pointing to a chair.

Huang Rong nodded and sat down on the chair.

Luo Wei pointed at Huang Rong and said: "Let me introduce you, this is Huang Rong, the daughter of the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master and the heroine of the legend of the Condor Heroes." "

Then he pointed to Lin Shiyin and said: "This is Lin Shiyin, my future wife, and the one driving outside the door is Azhu, my personal maid." "

Lin Shiyin couldn't help but blush when she heard Luo Wei introduce herself as his future wife.

Huang Rong looked confused, isn't Lin Shiyin Li Xunhuan's fiancée, how did she get mixed up with Luo Wei again.

Luo Wei saw Huang Rong's doubts, and coughed awkwardly, "The situation here is more complicated, it will be difficult to explain it clearly for a while, you will treat me as Long Xiaoyun." "

When Huang Rong heard this, she immediately took a deep look at Luo Wei, and looked at Luo Wei strangely.

Luo Wei quickly diverted the topic and asked, "Miss Huang came from Da Song to fight Daming to find me, what happened?" "

Huang Rong said: "I want to ask Luo Gongzi to help me resurrect someone. "

Luo Wei suddenly realized, stroked his palm and said: "I know, it's your mother, right." "

"Yes, it's my mother." Huang Rong nodded, "Since my mother's death, my father has become increasingly emaciated, so I hope that Luo Gongzi can resurrect my mother's father and reunite our family of three." "

"No problem."

Luo Wei agreed without thinking, anyway, he had nothing to do when he was idle, it was better to go to Peach Blossom Island.

Huang Rong did not expect Luo Wei to agree so cheerfully, surprised and delighted, she originally thought that Luo Wei would put forward many conditions, and even want to marry him herself.

After all, this is a man who threatens to open a harem.

Huang Rong also thought that if Luo Wei was really willing to resurrect his mother, it would be okay to marry the other party.

But she didn't expect that Luo Wei didn't even mention the conditions, so she agreed.

This made Huang Rong a little doubtful while being surprised, "What Gongzi said is true? "


"What are the conditions for that son?" Huang Rong took the initiative to mention this and said sincerely: "But whatever a little woman can do, she will not shirk." "

Luo Wei thought for a while and said: "I didn't think about it now, if I have it in the future, I am telling you." "

Huang Rong nodded gratefully, "Well, if Gongzi has any orders in the future, the little woman will definitely go all out, go to the soup, and die." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said, "It's not necessary, I don't have a bad habit of letting girls die." "

When Huang Rong heard this, she couldn't help but burst out laughing.

She saw that Luo Wei said such a good thing, and the apprehension along the way had already been put in her heart, and the tense mood was relieved, this smile was from the heart, the smile was hearty, and the flowers trembled.

Luo Wei raised his voice and said, "Azhu, did you hear that? We went to Da Song Peach Blossom Island this time. "

When Azhu heard this, he said in a brittle voice; "Don't worry, Gongzi, I'll adjust the route."

Huang Rong let out a long sigh of relief and said in a low voice, "Thank you." "

Luo Wei smiled slightly, "You're welcome. "

At this time, Huang Rong, who had relaxed, swept her gaze over Luo Wei and Lin Shiyin, and couldn't help the curiosity in her heart, and asked, "Luo Gongzi, what is going on between you and Miss Lin?" "

Rowe said: "This is a long story, it is very troublesome to explain, I still complained in the diary, and received a reward by the way." "

Huang Rong clapped her hands and said, "Okay, okay, I like to read your diary." "

Rowe smiled and pulled out his diary to begin today's update.

【I failed】

The first sentence at the beginning made Huang Rong, as well as the other women who read the diary, and the female devils look confused.

What failed.

[I originally thought that after killing Long Xiaoyun, without this obstacle, Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan would be as good as ever and slowly come together]

[It turns out that I am self-righteous]

[The day after Long Xiaoyun disappeared, that is, today, Li Xunhuan ran to question Lin Shiyin]

[He suspected that Long Xiaoyun's disappearance was related to Lin Shiyin, because Lin Shiyin went to Long Xiaoyun's room yesterday]

[But he didn't know that Lin Shiyin was going to stop me from killing Long Xiaoyun]

[It's a pity, she's late]

【The main thing is that I am too happy】

[Li Xunhuan suspected that Li Xunhuan's disappearance was related to Lin Shiyin, which made Lin Shiyin heartbroken, although I later told Li Xunhuan that Long Xiaoyun was killed by me]

[But the relationship between Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin also cracked]

[The two broke up because of this]

[This is very speechless]

[I have done so many things, but the two of them still didn't come together in the end, who is to blame?] 】

[Blame fate, or blame the dragon Xiaoyun, or blame me?] 】

[I think, it's unreasonable to blame me]

[This is not me shirking responsibility, if there is no my appearance, Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin are likely to go to the original plot, and eventually one will go away, and the other will marry an inhuman] (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[So this matter is definitely not to blame on my head]

[Since you can't blame my head, then you can only blame Long Xiaoyun, if it weren't for him, the relationship between Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin would not have been a problem, this guy really deserves to die]

[So, I have already killed him, and I directly sent him to a hundred meters underground, directly using the pressure of the earth to crush him into meat sauce]

[It's not a crush of bones, but it can be said that there are no bones]

[Not cheap this guy]

[Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin had a crack because of Long Xiaoyun, but they did not repair the crack because of Long Xiaoyun's death, but eventually parted ways, and did not come together, which I did not expect]

[But what I didn't expect was that Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan decided to stay with me after separating]

[Ahhhhh That's not good, okay]

[Although I thought so, I agreed to Lin Shiyin without hesitation, after all, such a big beauty is willing to join you, how can I refuse]

Ask for flowers 0

[Can't refuse at all, okay]

When Lin Shiyin saw this, she couldn't help but blush, and glared at Luo Wei charmingly.

"There's no need to write about this kind of thing." She said anxiously and shyly.

Luo Wei coughed a few times and quibbled: "I don't know why, every time I pick up the diary, I always unconsciously say what I want to say." "

Lin Shiyin said, I believe you are a ghost

Rowe looked down and continued to update the diary.

[This trip to Li Yuan originally wanted to solve Long Xiaoyun and smoothly make up for Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin's feelings]

[As a result, in the end, Long Xiaoyun turned out to be myself]

[This is a little... Not...... How to say it, this is a bit unorthodox]

[Feelings: Li Xunhuan and Long Xiaoyun have become losers, and the winner is only me]

【Good guy】

[Dying in sickness and sitting up, Cao Thief is actually myself]

[Fortunately, the people in the rivers and lakes know the matter of Li Xunhuan and Lin Shiyin well, otherwise if this matter is transmitted to the rivers and lakes, maybe someone will say something about me]

[But I don't care anymore, whoever dares to say me, I will hit whom]

[If I can't beat it, I'll get up]

[After a hundred years, go to your grave and, and then bully your descendants]

[People who can live forever are so calm and confident]

When many women saw this, they couldn't help but take a sip.

However, they thought about it, if they had an immortal enemy who had been secretly watching them, and when they died, they were bullying their children and descendants.

Who can stand this.

Many people feel creepy just thinking about it.

Huang Rong glanced up at Luo Wei and muttered in a low voice, "This is too shameful." "

Rowe was unimpressed and silently updated in his diary.

[Just now, Huang Rong, this little nizi actually scolded me for not being faceless, this hatred I wrote down, and when I have the opportunity in the future, see how I clean her up]

Huang Rong: Ah this...

She immediately sat down on the wax, quickly put down the diary in her hand, pulled Luo Wei's arm and begged for mercy, "Gongzi, Gongzi, it's me who is wrong, you can forgive me well, I won't dare next time." "

When she is coquettish, her voice is brittle and soft, and her tone is gentle, which makes people's hearts itch, with that coquettish expression.

Who can withstand this, anyway, Luo Wei can't stand it.

[Now I know to beg for mercy, it's late, but let me forgive you, call me three good brothers, and I'll forgive you]

When Huang Rong saw these words, her face suddenly turned red, and finally lowered her head and called Luo Wei three times.

"Good brother, good brother, good brother, you can forgive me."

These three good brothers were simply crispy to the bone, as if whispering in Luo Wei's ears, listening to Luo Wei's pores relaxed, from the heart all the way to the hair.

[Good guy, good guy, these three good brother calls make me feel soft, and both legs are straight and screaming]

[Worthy of Huang Rong, this voice is really good, crispy and soft, crisp and bright, brother Jing's happiness, I finally experienced it now, no wonder Guo Jing's silly boy forgot Huazheng after meeting Huang Rong]

Huang Rong: ?? Six?.

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