If Huang Rong is not mistaken, Guo Jing should be the male protagonist of the Legend of the Condor Heroes.

And she is the heroine of the legend of the Condor Heroes, and the two should be a couple in the original plot.

But where did this Huazheng come from, could it be that this Guo Jing is a dog man who sees things differently?

Huang Rong froze and couldn't help but ask, "Who is Hua Zheng?" "

Rowe pointed to the diary and continued to spit in the diary, fighting to reward him.

[Just now Huang Rong asked me who Huazheng is, in the original plot of the Legend of the Condor Heroes, Guo Jing freely wandered to the desert, and grew up in Mongolia, which is now Dayuan]

[In the process of growing up, he explained Temujin, and Temujin's fourth son dragged down to worship and become Anda]

[Later, after Guo Jing helped Temujin resolve the siege of Zamuhe and Sangkun's rebellion, Temujin was favored and ordered to make a marriage contract with Temujin's daughter Huazhen and become the golden knife horse of Mongolia]

[At the age of eighteen, he returned to the Central Plains on the order of his master, and met Huang Rong, who was disguised as a little beggar, in Zhangjiakou]

[At that time, Huang Rong quarreled with his father Huang Yaoshi and ran away from home in a fit of anger]

[Then, in order to hide his identity, he disguised himself as a little beggar and met Guo Jing, who was eating at Zhangjiakou]

[At that time, Guo Jing saw that the shop Xiaoer was expelling Huang Rong, who was dressed up as a beggar, so he spoke out and invited Huang Rong to dine together]

[After all, Guo Jing's mother Li Ping has carefully taught since childhood, although he is talented and clumsy, he is loyal and chivalrous, and he will naturally not sit idly by when encountering this kind of thing]

[After a meal, Guo Jing and Huang Rong saw each other as before, not only sent a lot of silver, but even gave Huang Rong his sweaty BMW that can travel thousands of miles a day]

[What's more interesting is that at this time, Guo Jing didn't know that Huang Rong was a girl]

[I thought that the other party was just a little beggar who met in the water]

[At that time, Huang Rong ran away from home after quarreling with his father Huang Yaoshi, it was precisely the stage when he had no relatives and was extremely confused in his heart, and suddenly met a person who did not want anything about himself, but was so good to himself unconditionally]

[How can it not be moved]

[Think about it, you ran away from home after a fight with your only relative, but you don't know where to go]

[I don't even think anyone under the sky needs you]

[As a result, I suddenly met a man, not only did not dislike you, but took out his heart and lungs for you]

[Even the only sweaty BMW was given to you]

[More importantly, people don't want you at all]

[Good guy, who can stand this]

[Don't say it's Huang Rong, even I can't stand it]

[If I met such a man, Lao Tzu would have to pay eight respects to him]

[If I meet such a woman, she will not marry in this life and this life]

[At least, that's what Huang Rong did, changing back into women's clothes the second time they met, and then the relationship between the two was out of control]

[Every day Brother Jing is long, Brother Jing is short]

[And just now, Huang Rong also called me a few good brothers, allowing me to experience the happiness of Brother Jing]

[Don't say, it's cool]

When Huang Rong saw this, her face couldn't help but turn red, and she took a sip and said, "Can't you not mention these things?" "

At this time, half of the women in the rivers and lakes knew that she called Luo Wei three good brothers.

Lose someone, she Huang Rong doesn't want face.

Rowe smiled.

[Ahem, it's far away, I've seen so much, I believe you also know that Huang Rong is by my side]

[She found me not long ago and hoped that I would resurrect her mother, Feng Yu]

[For this small request, I naturally agreed]

[So this morning, we left Li Garden and headed towards Peach Blossom Island]

[In addition to Lin Shiyin and Huang Rong, I estimate that there will be other women who will come to me for help, but unfortunately I don't know who you are, so I am here to tell you my whereabouts]

[As you can see, I will go to Peach Blossom Island when I pick up]

[If you have something, go to Peach Blossom Island to find me]

[Of course, you can also block me halfway, but it depends on your speed]

[If it is a normal thing, basically I will not refuse, after all, helping people is the foundation of happiness]

[I am also willing to make friends with you, the rivers and lakes are far away, and there are many friends and many roads]

[If it's some crooked thing, you don't need to look for me, even if you look for me, I will refuse]

[It's good that I am also a person who has received nine years of compulsory education, and I will not do some things that commit adultery]

[That's it, everyone is welcome to come and play with me]

【See you at Peach Blossom Island】

After updating today's diary, Rowe closed the diary and claimed the reward.

Huang Rong and Lin Shiyin both clearly saw that the diary in Luo Wei's hand shot out a golden light, hitting Luo Wei's eyebrows.

Lin Shiyin has seen this situation many times in the past few days, and she has already seen it strangely.

On the contrary, it was Huang Rong's eyes widening in surprise when she saw it for the first time.

"This is..."

Lin Shiyin said softly: "This is collecting a reward. "

After a while, Luo Wei opened his eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, the information updated in today's diary was good, so he received a spell.

Huang Rong leaned over and said, "Brother Wei, were you just receiving a reward?" "

Luo Wei couldn't help but snort, "Why did you suddenly call me Brother Vie, it's too numb." "

Huang Rong said with a smile: "Don't you want to experience the happiness of Brother Jing, so how about I call you Brother Wei in the future?" "

Ah this...

Luo Wei thought about it, and it seemed to be good, "Then you can call me Brother Vigo in the future, of course, Vigo can also do it." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Huang Rong asked, "Brother Wei, you still haven't answered my question." "

Luo Wei nodded and said with a sigh: "I am indeed collecting the reward." "

Huang Rong was very curious and asked, "What reward." "

Luo Wei laughed, stood up and waved his hand, and the originally simple carriage space suddenly became complicated.

I saw a leather sofa appear under everyone's ass, the table in front of me also became a coffee table, the wall of the carriage became a TV wall, and there was a TV cabinet under the TV wall.

A curved 8K TV also hangs from the wall.

The ceiling is at least seven or eight meters high, and a string of crystal chandeliers hangs down.

To the left of the living room is an open plan kitchen and spacious dining room.

There are also several bedrooms on the second floor, as well as a study, gym, and much more.

On the third floor is a balcony with even a wide swimming pool on it.

These changes are basically done in just three or five seconds, and in just a few seconds, the humble carriage space is transformed into a luxurious villa.

The change of this scene, Huang Rong and Lin Shiyin were stunned when they saw it.

"This, this, this... Where is this? "

Huang Rong looked at the white wall in front of her, the crystal chandelier hanging above her head, and the marble floor under her feet, feeling like Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden.

Fresh, this is also too fresh.

Lin Shiyin also asked curiously: "Avi, where is this?" "

Luo Wei said: "This is a villa I saw on TV before I crossed over, and the villa is like Li Yuan, which belongs to a mansion. The average person simply cannot afford to consume. "

"Me too, I can only watch it on TV, I didn't expect that I could actually live in the villa today."

Huang Rong asked curiously, "How did you do it?" Could it be related to the reward you just had? "

Luo Wei nodded and said, "Yes, the reward I just received is a spell, and it is also one of the seventy-two Heavenly Techniques. "

"This spell can change the surrounding environment, and I used the spell to turn the humble carriage space into a luxurious villa."

"In this way, when everyone is in a hurry, they can rest in the villa."

When Huang Rong heard this, she hurriedly said: "Okay, good, Brother Vigo, how about you show me around this villa." "

"Of course."

Luo Wei promised, "Let's take a stroll together, Azhu, you also come in, I'll show you around." "

Azhu said: "Gongzi, you visit first, I still have to hurry." "

Luo Weihaha smiled and said: "No, I have a way." "

He took out a silver ticket from his arms, folded it into a small person, and reached out with a finger.

Seventy-two underground techniques, fingering.

This is a spell that can change objects.

The villain made of silver tickets expanded rapidly under Luo Wei's fingers, and in the blink of an eye, he became a two-dimensional maid.


"Rem has seen the master." Rem said crisply.

Huang Rong was taken aback, and quickly asked: "Brother Vigo, what kind of spell is this?" "

Rowe said: "The art of the seventy-two arts of hell can be the transformation of objects, such as turning a sword into a sword, a sword into a snake, and a paper into a person. "

Lin Shiyin looked Rem up and down 1.0 times, although she felt that the other party was wearing strange clothes, but this strange set of clothes was worn on the other party's body, but it was extremely harmonious.

"Is this a real person?"

"Of course not." Luo Wei shook his head, "If you want to create a real human being, you can't do the Seventy-two Techniques of Earth, you must be mediated in the Thirty-Six Laws of Tiangang." "

"Rem in front of me looks like a living person, but the essence is still a piece of paper."

"You can only do simple things like serving tea and water, washing and cooking."

"If you ask him to write an article, or practice internal skills, cast spells or something, it is purely difficult."

"In fact, this Rem in front of me may not even be able to understand some complex commands."

"When you look at her eyes, empty and gloomy, you know that she is not a living person."

Lin Shiyin and Huang Rong couldn't help but look at Reim's eyes, and sure enough, they didn't have the slightest luster, and their pupils seemed to be like blind people, and they couldn't see the slightest emotion.

The two women suddenly realized.

Rowe gave the order to Reim, "You go out and catch the car, let the woman outside in." "

Rem nodded, got up and stepped out of the carriage.

After a while, Ah Zhu walked in with an incredulous look, "Gongzi, who is that woman?" "。

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