A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 855 Larus City


Faced with the request of the dark-skinned beauty, Qiao decisively refused.

Shijana's face fell.

Jon looked at her warily: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you in advance, I am not the kind of person who just goes back with others to meet their parents."

"Go to hell!" No matter how slow she was, Shijana knew what Jon was talking about. She blushed and hit back with a pink fist.

Jon dodged and said helplessly: "I know I am an excellent person, but I'm sorry, I only have Pokémon in my heart, and being in love will affect the speed of my throwing the ball."

"Stop being narcissistic, it's the great elder of Meteor who wants to see you!" Shijana couldn't hit Jon, her chest was rising and falling, and she said angrily: "You think you are an idol popular among thousands of girls?"

Hearing this, Jon thought for a while and nodded solemnly: "I think I am -"

Shijana was speechless.

It took her a long time to calm down: "Anyway, come back to the Meteor with me when you have time. You have completed the mission passed down by the people of Meteor from generation to generation. The Great Elder wants to see you and will definitely give you some rewards."

"I told you earlier! Then I'll go." Jon focused on the truth, but then said to Shijana: "But not in a short time, I have other things."

"Something else?" Shijana asked curiously.

"Well, I want to find a special crystal in the Hoenn region." After Jon explained the matter of Deoxys in a few words, he said helplessly: "If you promise someone, you must keep it."

"Crystal..." Shijana fell into deep thought and said with some uncertainty: "Listening to your description, how come it feels very similar to something I have seen before?"

"Huh?" Jon was surprised, "Speak carefully!"

Shijana said: "You also know that I was traveling around Hoenn by myself, collecting clues about Groudon and Kyogre and transmitting them to the Lava Group and the Water Fleet Group, so I visited almost every city and town. All over.

You know Larousse City, right? It's that city with a lot of high technology. In the center of the city, the top of the tallest battle tower seems to be inlaid with a crystal similar to what you described. "

‘Larousse City’?

Jon tapped his temples and murmured: "It should be right."

Hoenn is huge.

Big cities and small towns are dotted with stars.

Larus City is located north of Shuijing City and is famous for its advanced technology. Although the scenery is not very beautiful, the battle tower there is very famous.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." Jon pressed his hand and motioned for Sijana to be quiet for a while.

After flipping through the navigator's address book for two minutes, he found the contact information he had saved at the 'Super Evolution Public Lecture'.

Unfortunately, the call was not connected.

"Tsk, it seems I have to make the trip myself." Jon put away the navigator and looked at Shijana: "Can you lend me the Tyrannosaurus?"

The modified helicopter was comfortable, but unfortunately it was too ostentatious, and it couldn't compare with the Tyrannosaurus in terms of speed.

Shijana chuckled: "I won't borrow it."

"Don't be so stingy, I will bring you a souvenir." Jon began to draw the cake.

However, the dark-skinned beauty didn’t accept this at all and crossed her arms across her chest: “I’ll go with you.”

"It's not a big deal to find something." Jon refused without thinking.

Shijana spread her hands and said, "Okay, then you can take the Super Gyarados by yourself."

Jon was silent for a moment and patted the second luxurious ball on his waist: "Tell me about you. Sitting in the water is uncomfortable, sitting in the sky is uncomfortable. Apart from being able to play, you have no other advantages. What do you do? No, let me reflect on it!"

The luxurious ball shakes gently, seeming to tell the story of the injustice of fate.

"Poor Gyarados." Shijana shook her head and sighed.

"Lapras and the bird Pokémon...yeah, I remember it." If it weren't for the conditions, Jon would have written this down in his memo.

Shijana released the Tyrannosaurus: "We will talk about capturing the Pokémon later. At this stage, Gilas just needs to sleep and wait for the plan. There is no need to continue feeding, and I can relax for a while. Let's go, take you to Larus City, I will be a tour guide.”

Jon jumped on the back of the Tyrannosaurus with ease, "Let's go, Xiaoxi."

"I'm a tour guide, not a driver!" Shijana's hair suddenly exploded, but her body still directed the Tyrannosaurus to fly into the sky.

Larulus City is named after the Pokémon Larulus.

"The moving walkway and the intelligent robot are amazing." Jon couldn't help but sigh as he scanned the surrounding environment.

Shijana felt a little uncomfortable: "If you rely too much on technology, you will forget your human instincts."

"So that's why you and your tribe don't go out for activities?" Jon continued.

Shijana put her hands on her hips: "We just don't like the intrigues and intrigues outside. We're not primitive people, so we have some convenient tools."

"I thought you relied on nighthawks to communicate with each other."

"Nighthawk? To say the least, it's also a dragon, a tyrannosaurus, and the like! The bond between us people of Meteor and the dragon Pokémon is no less than that of the dragon-controlling clan in Kanto!"

Chatting and strolling.

The towering battle tower comes into view.

Jon took a closer look.

The top of the tower is indeed inlaid with a huge gem.

Obviously, it's not the one on Deoxys's chest, but judging from the style, it must have a lot to do with it.

"Where to go next?" Shijana asked.

Jon was helpless: "You are a tour guide, are you asking me?"

"That's what I say, but we're not here to play."

After hearing this, Jon scratched his eyebrows and said, "I planned to contact Dr. Lundo here before, but he didn't answer the phone. Let's go to the research institute first and maybe we'll find something."

"Dr. Londo...that's a name I've never heard of." Shijana looked suspicious, "Is there really such a person?"

"You don't understand things in academia. Apart from Dr. Omu, who else do you know?" Jon said, intercepting the passing intelligent robot.

After asking for directions, he took Xijana all the way north.

Come to Dr. Londo's research institute.

Jon unexpectedly experienced a classic scene in the game——

'The Doctor is not at home'

"Doctor? Doctor, he went outside for inspection." The researcher in charge of reception pushed up his glasses, "Doctor is an action person. He usually can't come back within ten days and a half."

Ten days and a half month?

Jon frowned slightly.

He didn't want to waste 'ten days and a half months' on such a trivial matter.

He forced a smile and said to the researcher: "Then, does anyone know what's going on with the huge crystal on the battle tower? To be honest, that's why I'm here."

"Energy crystal?" The researcher thought for a while and said truthfully: "The crystal is the result of the doctor seven or eight years ago. It can produce low-pollution, high-efficiency and energy-saving electricity. It is said that the prototype is a mysterious meteorite from the sky."


That’s right!

Jon hurriedly asked: "Where is the meteorite? Where is the meteorite from the sky?"

"I don't know about this." The researcher said he was helpless: "The meteorite was discovered by Dr. Londo and his son during a field expedition. It belongs to the doctor's private property and the institute has no right to interfere. Perhaps, in the doctor's home, It must have been properly kept by him."

"The doctor's home..." Jon touched his smooth chin, "Well, I understand."

Leave the institute.

Shijana glanced at Jon's expression: "Hey, are you going to block the door?"

"Don't say it so harshly, it's a door-to-door visit," Jon corrected.

Then he directed Shijana: "Go and buy me a fruit basket, flowers or something. It's really not etiquette to be empty-handed."

"Is it etiquette to give orders to me?" Xijana spread her hands with a black line on her head: "If you don't go, I have no money."

Hearing this, Jon took out his wallet and pulled out a few large-denomination bills.

Boss Qiao is never short of money.

If that doesn't work, you can still blame the young master of Dewen Company.

Shijana was still reluctant.

It wasn't until she received the extra money for running errands that she happily went shopping.

Jon sat down on a bench by the roadside and let the Eevee sisters keep him company.

It's almost summer.

The two sisters had obvious hair loss.

After a while, Jon's pants and clothes were covered with warm yellow and brown fluff.

"Stop it, I didn't bring any change of clothes." Jon smiled bitterly.

At this moment, a voice sounded behind him: "Jojo Nissan?!"


This sound is!

Turn around and look.

Sure enough, it was Xiaozhi Benzhi.

We haven’t seen each other for a long time, but the silly thing is still full of energy.

He led the way, followed by his traveling companions: Kasumi, Haruka, and Gang.

There was another kid Jon didn't know.

"It's really you, Brother Qiaoqiao!" Xiaozhi was so excited that he threw Pikachu off his shoulders.

Jon wondered: "Chi-chan, didn't you finish collecting badges and go to the next area? Why are you still staying in Hoenn?"

"Originally, I wanted to set off for Sinnoh, but when I boarded the ship at the port of Shuijing City, I saw a poster of the Larus City Battle Tower. Haha, how could I miss such a place, so I brought everyone here. "Xiao Zhi laughed loudly, "Now it seems that I made the right choice. I didn't expect to meet you, Brother Qiaoqiao, here."

Jon wanted to say something else.

Xiaozhi suddenly clenched his fist: "It was fate that made us meet, let's fight! Nissan!"

"My stupid Ou Doudou, Nissan, I just finished a big thing and my condition is very bad. You can find someone else to fight against." Jon waved his hand and refused.

At this time, Xiaoxia also came over and said with admiration: "I saw it on TV, it was the Leonids meteor shower, right? Lord Qiaoqiao, you are so awesome, you can actually fight side by side with the mythical beast."

Yaomei's expression was similar: "This is a feat worthy of being recorded in history books!"

Jon: "Low-key, low-key~"

Xiaozhi still refused to give up: "I just want to test how far I am from the championship. Brother Qiaoqiao, although you have only been the champion for three minutes, you are still the official champion."

Higher, faster and stronger.

As a former Hoenn Champion, Qiao Qiao's name has become a legend in this land.

"And..." Xiaozhi said with a serious look, "I also want to help Xiaochao regain his love for Pokémon through the battle with Brother Qiaoqiao."

‘Little Chao’?

It sounds so familiar.

Jon stared at the blue-haired boy hiding behind everyone and asked, "Are you... Dr. Londo's son?"

"Ah, Mr. Qiaoqiao, do you know my father?" Xiao Chao looked a little shy and spoke timidly.

Wow, it really takes no effort at all.

Jon really wanted to hold Xiaozhi's head and kiss it.

Thank you, super newbie.

He stood up and stretched out his hand to Xiao Chao: "Hello Chao-chan, it's our first time meeting you. Please take care of me. I'm here specially to visit your father this time, but I heard that he went on a field trip?"

"That's right." Xiaochao shook hands with Jon and said nervously: "Father, he set off last week and won't be back until next week."

"That's really unfortunate." Jon pretended to be sorry.

Then he asked: "Then do you know that mysterious crystal your father once obtained..."

At this point, Xiaochao's expression changed and he retracted his hand as if he was electrocuted. He stumbled back, as if a key word had been triggered, turned around and ran away.

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and hurriedly chased after him.

Xiaogang, Xiaoyao, Xiaoxia and Qiaoen were left looking at each other.

"Huh~" Xiaogang let out a long breath and said: "Although I have known Xiaochao not long ago, we can vaguely guess from the previous conversation that the reason why he is so resistant to Pokémon and even has a faint fear is because An experience I had a few years ago.”

"Yes, that's right. When I mention that incident, Xiaochao will break into a cold sweat and his face will turn blue." Xiaoyao nodded.

"What thing?" Jon asked.

Xiaoxia explained to Jon: "It is said that Xiaochao and his father, Dr. Londo, encountered an unknown Pokémon during an ice field investigation. The Pokémon was very violent. If it weren't for Dr. Lundo's Pokémon, he would fight to the death to protect him. , the father and son probably won’t be able to come back.”

"Although Dr. Londo and Xiaochao saved their lives, Dr. Londo's ivory pig..."

"For Xiao Chao, the ivory pig is a relative who watched him grow up."


Gang, Haruka, and Kasumi sighed at the same time.

Jon felt a little troubled.

Helping teenagers get out of their psychological shadows is not consistent with his profession.

Unless it's a friendship-breaking fist or something like that.

"You think, if I beat Xiao Chao, can I get rid of his psychological shadow?"

Xiaogang:? ? ?

Xiaoxia:? ? ?

Xiaoyao:? ? ?

They looked at Jon, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

After all, 'The Strength of the Mountain' is young and mature, and said thoughtfully: "Don't say it, you really don't say it. Beating Xiao Chao in an extremely cruel way may really eliminate his psychological shadow."

Xiaoyao and Xiaoxia's eyes suddenly widened, and they felt like "you are so narrow-eyed."

At this time, Xiaogang said again: "But it is more likely that you will become Xiao Chao's new psychological shadow. Maybe, the old psychological shadow has not been eliminated, and a new psychological shadow will appear again, which will be double the torture."

"Double happiness?" Jon laughed dryly.

Xiaogang's attitude was positive: "Double the pain!"

"Forget it." Jon could only give up the idea of ​​fighting fire with fire.

Again, he is not professional enough to solve the psychological problems of teenagers.

Therefore, let’s leave Superboy to Chi-chan, who has the aura of a true male protagonist.

With the Super Newbie's mouth evasion comparable to that of Naruto, Jon believes that Superboy will definitely let go of the past and embrace the new life.

When the time comes, I will take the opportunity to take away Deoxys's crystal.


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