A Pirate's Bizarre Adventure

Chapter 856: Fight one first, then another

Chapter 856: Hit one first, then another...

"You have to believe in the bond between people and Pokémon, you bastard!"

As expected, Xiaozhi used the Big Mouth Escape Technique's Friendship Breaking Fist on Xiaochao.


Superboy was punched by the super newbie, and he covered the left side of his face in pain. With tears in his eyes, he spoke with great grievance: "But..."

"It's nothing!" Xiaozhi interrupted the other party unreasonably.

Sighing, he stepped forward and put his hand on Xiao Chao's shoulder: "I understand your feelings and feel sorry for your past, but if you keep standing still and remembering the past, you will never be able to move towards the future."

The silly thing with the full aura of the true male protagonist behaved more calmly and reliably than ever before. His whole person seemed to have opened up some kind of aura, and his affinity was full.

"So, try to accept Pokémon again." He said, clenching his fist, "I will definitely! I will definitely let you appreciate the charm of Pokémon again!"

"What to do?" Xiao Chao asked timidly.

"Of course it's a battle!" Xiaozhi replied without hesitation.

Speaking of battles, his eyes seemed to ignite with blazing fire: "Calm command, strange tactics, and passionate battles! Remember Superboy, battles are the best way to reflect the bond between Pokémon and trainers."

When Xiaochao heard this, he had a troubled look on his face, "I don't dare to fight, and I don't want to fight with others."

"What fight? Are you listening to me carefully?" Xiaozhi hooked Xiao Chao's neck very naturally, "Violence is bad, but fighting is not violence... Oh, you will know it when you see it with your own eyes Understood."

Superboy lowered his head.

He didn't say that he had actually watched many battles.

After all, the most famous building in Larus City is the battle tower located in the center of the city. Even if you are resistant to Pokémon, in such an environment, it is impossible to completely stay away from Pokémon.

When those trainers fought against each other in the past, Xiao Chao didn't feel the so-called 'bond' that Xiao Zhi said.

But when I turned around and looked at it, I saw that the smile of the super true newcomer was so healing and full of energy that people couldn’t help but believe it.

Xiaochao pondered for a moment, then hesitantly said: "So, do you want to fight that tall and strong big brother?"

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you mean? A very tall and heavy big brother? Don't you know Qiao Qiao Nissan!" Hearing Xiao Chao's words, Xiaozhi couldn't help but widen his eyes, "He is the most famous person nowadays. He is also the most legendary trainer, and he has never had a defeat since his debut. It can be said that he is a strong man who has won every battle! "

Xiaochao nodded dully, "I know he is famous, but I never pay much attention to this news."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi danced and said: "Didn't Fengyuan encounter a meteorite crisis not long ago? You forgot, everyone hid in the underground fortifications that day... The meteorite crisis was solved by Brother Qiaoqiao!"

Being reminded like this, Xiaochao remembered, "You said it was Mr. Qiaoqiao who solved the meteorite crisis?"

"Of course, Brother Qiaoqiao is a serious Fengyuan Champion...even though he has only been there for three minutes." Xiaozhi added the last sentence silently in his heart.

"What a powerful person." After being fooled by Qiao Chuizhi, Qiao's status in Xiao Chao's mind skyrocketed, and he directly became the kind of big shot that is just beyond his reach.

"Having the courage to challenge such a big shot, Xiaozhi must be an excellent trainer..." Somehow, a glimmer of expectation arose in Xiao Chao's heart, "If you don't mind, please let me watch the battle, maybe watch it Maybe your battle will give me some new insights."

"Okay!" Xiaozhi agreed happily.

Ten minutes later, the public battle field—

"That's how it is, for Superboy, to show the bond between trainers and Pokémon! Jojonisan, let's fight for the first time in a long time!" Xiaozhi's eyes were full of enthusiasm: "For love and peace!"

"Is it really like this?" Jon held his forehead helplessly.

Sijana, who was licking ice cream beside her, asked curiously: "Who is this kid?"

Jon: "A very energetic... junior."

Although Jon received Pokémon later than Ash, for some reason, Ash had already assumed that Jon was his senior.

Shijana frowned slightly: "Spirit? I just feel that he is very noisy."

Hearing this, Jon snapped his fingers: "In that case, you can test his recent progress for me."

He said, looking at Xiaozhi: "Chi-chan, this dark-skinned beautiful girl is the inheritor of the Meteor People. She can fight Daigo back and forth. If you want to challenge me, defeat her first."

"What? Hmm...I understand." Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, then remembered the identity of Brother Qiaoqiao now, and nodded with great approval.

There are four kings games before the championship game.

Only by winning can you be qualified to challenge for the final championship.

Although Brother Qiaoqiao is no longer the champion, his status is here, and it is natural for him to defeat some minions before challenging him.

Shijana didn't know that she was classified into the 'minion' camp, so she gave Jon a roll of her eyes, but she did not refuse the proposal.

Jon clapped his hands: "Okay, I'll be the referee. As for the competition format, keep it simple, one-on-one."

"Will one round determine the outcome? Just what I want!" Xiaozhi tilted his hat, "The decision is yours, Pikachu!"

"Pika pika!" Pi Shen jumped off Xiaozhi's shoulders, and the two red marks on his cheeks began to sizzle with electricity.

"Pikachu? What's the use of a Pokémon that's as common as a wild dog on the roadside?" Shijana sneered, throwing out a poke ball: "Come out, Tanabata Bluebird."

‘Bah! ’ The Chinese Valentine’s Day bluebird neighed loudly, full of momentum.

"So cute~"

"I want one too."

"This Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird has been well-educated, its eyes are lively, and the clouds surrounding it are light and white. Xiaozhi is going to be in big trouble."

Yaomei and Xiamei, who were watching the game, expressed their love for the Chinese Valentine's Day Bluebird.

‘Mountain’s Strength’ commented on Qixi Blue Bird with a professional eye.

In the field, Xiaozhi didn't care about that.

The person he really wants to fight is Jojo Nissan, a passerby or whatever.

"Pikachu, move at high speed!"


Ash and Pikachu already have a tacit understanding of their cooperation.

Almost as soon as the command was given, Pikachu started running around the Tanabata Blue Bird.

‘Passerby A’ sneered: “Dragon Dance!”

Dragados, just jump and that's it.

In a moment.

Pikachu has completed the speed enhancement, while Tanabata Blue Bird has completed both attack and speed enhancement.

From this point of view, Qixi Blue Bird is more profitable.

"Very good, victory is already in my hands!" Xiaozhi waved his fist, "Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

Straight punch.

Still a straight punch without any cover.

The main focus is a powerful flying brick.

"Fly." Shijana said calmly.

The Chinese Valentine's Day bluebird flapped its wings and flew high, and 'One Hundred Thousand Volts' failed as expected.

"Good opportunity Pikachu, rocket headbutt!" Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

Pikachu turned into a yellow stream of light and hit the Tanabata Blue Bird with a bang.

The Tanabata bluebird was injured and neighed in pain.

Shijana suddenly came to her senses.

The 'One Hundred Thousand Volts' is just a feint attack, the real attack method is the 'Rocket Headbutt' with enhanced speed!

Tsk, cunning little devil.

"Ash's commanding style is more mature than before." Jon, who was a guest referee, nodded slightly.

Xiaogang smiled: "What Xiaozhi likes to do most is watch your battle videos. He studies them almost every time he has time. He has taken several notes."

"Huh?" Jon's expression was subtle.

At this moment, Tanabata Blue Bird launched a counterattack.

As a noble dragon-type Pokémon, Tanabata Bluebird's base values ​​and resistance should not be underestimated. Taking advantage of the opportunity before Pikachu fell, she directly threw out a 'Dragon Wave'.

"Succeeded!" Shijana smiled slightly.

The next second, her smile froze on her face.

"Pikachu, hold on!"

Light wall.

Speechless wall of light.

'Dragon Wave' was completely blocked by 'Guard'.

Xiaozhi rubbed his nose: "Don't underestimate the results of Pikachu and I's hard work day and night."

Jon:? ? ?

Xiaogang explained in due course: "The move you are best at is 'Hold', and Xiaozhi has also strengthened his special training for this move."

"Ha, then I'm really honored." After hearing this, Jon laughed dryly.

It can be seen that Xiaozhi does have a unique understanding of "holding", otherwise Pikachu would not be able to launch moves in mid-air.

"It's just a Pikachu, you really take yourself seriously." Shijana has never been a good-tempered person. She was a little angry after being 'teased' over and over again.

Take a step forward, revealing the keystone on your ankle.

Seeing this, Jon quickly dissuaded him: "No, no, it's just a friendly match."

"It's boring." Although Shijana was unhappy, she still gave up her plan to super evolve.

Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief and put down the hand that wanted to pull up his sleeves.

Reinvigorating himself, he shouted to Pikachu: "Let's defeat the Tanabata Blue Bird in one go, one hundred thousand volts!"

"Hold it!" Shijana's eyes stern.

Another wall of light was erected, blocking the 'One Hundred Thousand Volts' outside.

Those who are close to vermilion are red; those who are close to ink are black.

After hanging out with that guy Qiao Qiao for so long, I always have to learn a trick or a half secretly.

Look at each other.

Xiaozhi and Shijana both had enlightenment in their hearts.

It turned out that they were fellow disciples.

Then here comes the problem.

Can a move taught by a master be broken?

The answer is yes.

Pikachu knew that he was not as strong as Tanabata Blue Bird, so he decisively gave up the close combat. Rely on high speed and dexterous footwork to start kiting the Tanabata Bluebird.

Now, Shijana knows how disgusting it is to have Pokémon like Pikachu that look like wild dogs on the roadside in the hands of trainers who know how to play.

This... is completely untouchable!

"Qixi Blue Bird, we are also moving at high speed." Seeing that she would be killed by the kite if she did not solve the speed disadvantage, Shijana quickly made up for it.

It's a pity that Xiaozhi is not a fool, so he can't just watch the enemy gain buffs.

"One hundred thousand volts, interrupt!"

‘Pica! ’

Pikachu performed very well in this battle, and every move was timely.

Thinking about it, it is the result of daily training.

Qixi Blue Bird was abruptly interrupted.

Pikachu took the opportunity to generate electricity.

Even though the Qixi Blue Bird has excellent resistance, it was still shocked and its health bar dropped by a large amount. To make matters worse, Qixi Blue Bird was shocked several times by "one hundred thousand volts" and actually became paralyzed.

"Damn it." Shijana had a premonition.

I feel like I should lose this battle.

Looking at Xiaozhi across from her, she took a deep breath and raised her hand proactively: "Forget it, I won't play anymore."

"Contestant Shijana voluntarily abstained. The winner of this battle is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!" Jon was very professional and his voice was full of passion.

Xiaozhi was infected by the atmosphere and raised his hands: "Win!"

Pikachu, who won the Tanabata Blue Bird, was also jumping up and down, celebrating with its trainer.

I don’t know, I thought they succeeded in challenging for the championship.

"This is a battle. It seems a little different from what I saw before..." Superboy's eyes flashed, staring intently at Xiaozhi who was dancing with Pikachu.

That pure love and pursuit of victory have melted a certain piece of ice deep in his heart.

"You really don't live up to expectations." Jon walked up to Xijana and said in a strange tone: "Is this the successor of the Meteor People? You are really funny enough."

"Inheritor? You are the inheritor! Your whole family is an inheritor!" Shijana briefly broke her guard.

After calming down, she said to Jon: "That kid is pretty good."

If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to be embarrassed to admit.

Jon shrugged: "What do you think?"

As he spoke, he flexed his wrists and greeted the Ibrahimovic sisters: "Let's go, it's our turn to play."

"Oh!!! It's coming!!!" Xiaozhi shouted excitedly when he saw Jon standing on the opposite side.

After expressing his excitement, he said to Xiaochao: "Look carefully, I'm going to do something serious next."

Sijana who was talking to Xiaoyao:? ? ?

You were just joking with me!


If I had known better, I shouldn't have listened to the advice and just let the mega Tanabata Bluebird slap you away with one wing.

Jon stood still, with the Eevee sisters in front of him.

Meeting Xiaozhi's eyes, he said: "Three on three, doubles + singles mode, okay?"

"I have no problem!" Xiaozhi agreed immediately.

Jon nodded, "Then let's start with the doubles. The ones I want to send are Fire Eevee and Eevee."

'babble! ’ ‘Ouch! ’

Fire Eevee is really fierce.

Ibrahimovic is pretending to be fierce.

Xiaozhi thought for a while, let Pikachu rest first, and picked out two pokeballs: "The decision is yours, Coal Turtle, Lizard King!"

‘Cuck. ''just! ’

The Coal Turtle and Lizard King are very impressive.

As we all know, Ash changes his Pokémon lineup every time he travels to a new area. Fortunately, he hadn't left Hoenn yet, and the trained Pokémon hadn't been sent to Dr. Oak's research institute for retirement, so he maintained full combat power.

Jon smiled: "I'm really afraid that you will bring out some babies to fight with me again. If that's the case, even if I win, I feel like I'm invincible."

"Haha, Brother Qiaoqiao, you may not win this time." Xiaozhi put his hat straight again: "Let you see my growth in Fengyuan! Lizard King, grass field. Coal Turtle, Fire Abyss !”

Grass + fire.

Classic combustion reaction.

"Hey, hey, are you going to ruin this place?" Jon said reproachfully.

The next second, Fire Ibrahimovic and Ibrahimovic acted at the same time, rushing towards the enemy one on the left and one on the right.

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