New York. The Queen.

In the spacious presidential suite, the figure of a young man was reflected in the floor-to-ceiling windows.

He is tall and well-proportioned. His pure black shirt outlines the straight curves of his shoulders and back. His well-tailored trousers make his already slender and straight legs even more perfectly proportioned. What is slightly strange is that neither the pockets of the shirt nor the pockets of the trousers They are only doing decorative designs, which is why he can only place his hands at his sides.

He looked out for a while and then turned around. The interior decoration of the room was elegant and grand, and the surfaces of various decorations were clean and smooth, constantly reflecting his silhouette.

"Director Cheng, what are your orders?"

After just walking through the hall, two waiters in cheongsam spoke softly.

Cheng Zheng raised his eyes and saw the breathing of six men behind the door. They were Tao Shicheng and the "bodyguards" sent by the organizer whom he had met.

He said nothing, looked away coldly, and returned to the bedroom.

Turning the corner, out of sight of others, Cheng Zheng suddenly took a small step back and covered the upper half of his face with one hand, pressing his fingertips between his eyebrows and temples, as if he had been briefly shocked.

But there were no electronic devices in the room or on him.

He stopped where he was and lowered his eyelids. His expression was still indifferent, but it became more smoky for no reason, and he became more like a normal person.

Qin Jue left the villa and took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Is there anything else I can help you with?" The middle-aged man with a deep silhouette and slightly bald white hair put his hand on his chest and bowed to her.

"that's all, thanks."

Qin Jue nodded slightly. She heard Jiang Qiuyue roaring hysterically behind the door, but the two skilled nannies were enough to prevent her from hurting herself or escaping from the villa.

This is her mother. Just like Jiang Qiuyue treats her, Qin Jue will provide her with everything materially and take good care of her.

Other than that, there is nothing to worry about.

Qin Jue bent down and got into the car. Frandy's butler George closed the door for her, and the low-key and luxurious car drove smoothly into the distance.

"Mr. Qin, thank you for your help."

After driving for a while, the driver's seat where George was sitting smoothly turned 180 degrees backwards - the car was driving intelligently, and the driver was just pretending.

"I'm the one who got help." Qin Jue smiled friendly.

"It's a good thing that the young master has given up the idea of ​​committing suicide." George sighed in an elegant tone, "I must thank you."

"Please don't blame me." Qin Jue laughed, "For Frandy, this may be more like me murdering him."

"Since Mrs. Feng passed away..."

"This is not something I should know, George." Qin Jue said to him with a smile, "He gave up committing suicide because he knew that he had already died once. I am just a relayer of facts and cannot persuade him to give up music. ."

George's green eyes flashed with guilt.

"I was abrupt," he said slowly.

Qin Jue curled his mouth and moved his gaze to the window.

"I think Frandy has done a good enough job." She said casually in the rapidly retreating scenery, "He has extraordinary sharpness, and this is more than enough to make up for his short working time."

"George." Qin Jue joked, "Six hours of efficient and precise work or eighteen hours of inefficient work, you know which one will get the highest score."

She immediately put away her playful expression and pointed meaningfully at the driver's seat of the white-haired butler.

"While all opponents are still hesitating, Frandi has already negotiated the resale rights of smart cars throughout the Americas."

Qin Jue said softly, "In the next few years, your family's wealth and status will at least triple."

George followed her gaze thoughtfully, his gaze resting on the logo engraved on the seat as if it were natural.

There is a pictographic "Qin".

"The International Science and Technology Exchange Conference will officially begin in two weeks. Following the launch of artificial intelligence driving technology, what surprises will Qinyi Technology bring to the world this time! Let's connect with experts..."

Amidst the announcement on the big screen, Qin Jue walked to his old position carrying a stereo, a microphone stand and a guitar on his back.

These things were all made by famous people, and each part was several times more expensive than what she had now. Frandi pushed them to Qin Jue in disgust and let her dispose of them ("Look at these exquisite garbage! All the music they played It’s a corrupt and elegant thing!”).

Qin Jue put things down step by step, connected the wires, and finally took out a folding display screen from nowhere, unfolded the built-in stand, and placed it near the microphone stand.

"Hi! You're here again!"

A young blonde girl said enthusiastically, "I brought a friend to see you!"

Qin Jue smiled back.

"Oh, man, it's you again."

The passing office worker first ran in front of her, then ran back without changing his direction, took out a few coins and threw them into the piano case on the ground.

"I hope I can still hear you singing after get off work!"

Qin Jue laughed dumbly: "I think so."


The office worker ran away with his briefcase.

She put on her guitar and slowly began to tune the strings. The crowd gradually gathered around her, and many people took out their mobile phones.

Qin Jue has been playing and singing here for a week. From singing a cappella to bringing his own instruments, he has made rapid progress and is quite popular.

After tuning, she gently plucked the strings with her right hand, and several lines of words were displayed on the LCD screen standing at her feet. Starting from the song name, to the song's lyrics, arrangement, original singer, etc., all the information was available .

Qin Jue raised his head, put his lips to the microphone, and a soft guitar sound sounded softly.

The daylight shifts slightly, and an inconspicuous car drives down the streets of New York.

"It's better to be young." In the car, the middle-aged man sitting in the passenger seat shook his head and sighed.

He has an Asian face, speaks Chinese, is slightly white on the temples, has regular facial features, and an elegant temperament. He looks like a mature man with a lot of background.

The young man sitting alone in the back seat closed his eyes and said nothing, exuding a cold aura as usual.

"I should have considered it a long time ago." The middle-aged man didn't care about his indifference and said to himself, "Young people should just go out and relax. This time of relaxation will make you feel better and you can think of some things. pass."


The young man spoke suddenly, with a low tone and a solid final note, which conveyed the aura of a superior person and left no room for doubt.

The middle-aged man's face couldn't help but twist when he was interrupted. The displeasure and sinister look in his eyes destroyed his gentlemanly demeanor.

He snorted coldly and said to the driver: "Didn't you hear that? Turn around."

No more words were said after that.

At a certain intersection in Times Square, a young man wearing a peaked cap was holding a guitar and singing softly behind a microphone stand.

"Fly me to the moon

(Take me to the moon)

“And let me play among the stars

(Let me play among the stars)

"Let me see what spring is like

(Let me see)

"On Jupiter and Mars

(What spring looks like on Jupiter and Mars)

"In other words, hold my hand

(In other words, hold my hand)

"In other words, baby, kiss me..."

(That is, kiss me, honey)

Three or four layers of people surrounded him and listened to his singing.

An ordinary car with anti-see-through black film was driving slowly from a distance. Inside the car, a young man wearing a black shirt was sitting in the back seat. His cuffs were rolled up to his elbows, his eyes were closed, and his fingertips were moving rhythmically. Lightly on the legs.

As the car passed the edge of the crowd, the young man standing in the center was still playing and singing:

"Fill my life with song

(Let singing fill my life)

"And let me sing for ever more

(Let me sing forever)

"You are all I long for

(You are my eternal desire)

“All I worship and adore

(It is my love, my admiration)

"In other words, please be true

(That said, let’s be honest with each other)

"In other words, I love you..."

(let me tell you, i love you)

In the slightly noisy crowd, the boy's gentle bass reached his ears through the car window.

The young man with black hair and black eyes opened his eyes and moved his eyes there without turning his head.

After only a few seconds, he calmly looked back.

The car continued to move forward, gradually leaving Times Square behind.

Thanks to [Qi Xiangyun] for recommending votes x3 (bow

*BGM: Fly me to the moon - Joshua Radin (cover version), there is dubbing in the chapter, it may not be reviewed

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