After leaving his daughter to his mother, Qin Jue stayed in the United States for a few more days.

As before, she went to Times Square every day to practice singing, from 2 to 4 in the afternoon, and from 7 to 9 in the evening. In just a few days, she had a small group of fans, and she could see several of them every day. A familiar face.

Qin Jue's flight back to China was on the 14th. In order to prevent frequent visitors from waiting in vain, she put this news on the screen the day before. Many people shouted and begged her to sing more songs, so she started singing at 7 o'clock in the evening. They continued singing until half past ten. When the song was over, the office worker handed her a can of beer. Qin Jue happily drank the can of wine with him.

She was intercepted on her way back from Times Square and asked if the song was her original work and whether she had considered selling the copyright. Qin Jue replied calmly that she was not the original work and had no intention of cooperation. A talent scout had also asked her if she was willing to sign a contract and debut. , was also rejected by her.

Qin Jue has been living in the small bar run by Frandi these days. At this time, he packed his luggage and rushed to the airport early in the morning.

Now that Mori Ran is not with her, many things are no longer convenient and she has to follow the procedures step by step. Fortunately, the airport was very efficient. Qin Jue arrived early and successfully boarded the international flight to Jiangsu Province.

As a super intelligent system, Moriran still has limitations. In the apocalypse, Moriran was born in the body of a green anaconda. That green anaconda was a mutated creature. The strength of his soul was extremely high through repeated survival training. It had not been poisoned by the system. The green anaconda was pure and natural. Only then did he give birth to Cheng Zheng's "opening of spiritual wisdom" provides the possibility.

After Senran's self-awareness emerged, the green anaconda became her true body. After several evolutions, her spiritual body could host a powerful soul, so she was brought into the other world by Qin Jue and killed the system together.

After the father and daughter returned to reality, although Moran could stay in the network, his body still needed to reside in a high-strength soul. Before the decisive battle, Cheng Zheng had let his daughter leave a mark on his soul. This part was equivalent to The backup of Senran's data core is engraved in Cheng Zheng's soul, and even he himself cannot unlock it without hurting himself.

In this way, even if Qin Jue fails and Cheng Zheng notices this mark, he will never forget what happened.

In addition, the marks can also sense each other and confirm whether the other party's soul is still there. It's just that after rebirth, everyone will be resurrected from the moment they died. Cheng Zheng died at the age of fourteen and Qin Jue was nineteen. The gap in time and space is too large, and the sensing function that was once useful has been weakened a lot.

This time Cheng Zheng was under house arrest in the United States. He couldn't connect to the Internet alone. Moran first penetrated the surveillance cameras in various cities in the United States and calculated several approximate locations. Only then could Qin Jue pretend to have walked past where he was inadvertently. Downstairs in the hotel, Moriran's body was transferred to him across a vertical distance.

The two apocalyptic bosses can only be sensed if they are within a hundred meters. If they tell it, they will be laughed at by the Seventh Army Master.

After his daughter's body was transferred, Qin Jue could no longer chat with her as usual. He could only communicate through the APP if anything happened. He really became an old left-behind father who chatted with his daughter online.

During the days when she was practicing singing in Times Square, there was no movement from Senran. It seemed that Cheng Zheng wanted to cause some trouble.

Qin Jue knew that he had his own considerations, and since he had no daughter, there was nothing major except missing her, so he had no contact with her.

On the other hand, her little dog insisted on meeting secretly. They had been an old couple for decades, and they were still pretending to be passing by in front of everyone like young lovers, while the other sang a love song with meaning.

Ugh, I'm so embarrassed.

Qin Jue's face felt hot when he remembered it, and he coughed lightly in the cabin.

Flying from the United States to Jiangsu Province requires a layover in Beijing, which is considered a medium- to long-distance trip. She slept very efficiently and had plenty of energy. She didn't take a break at this time, took out the bound script from her bag and continued reading.

Jiang Shuming's master is named He Xu, who is a very famous director in China and even internationally. When he was fifty, he announced a break and devoted himself to teaching, bringing out Jiang Shuming and two other students. This movie is the old man's new work. If it weren't for Jiang Shuming's recommendation, it would have been impossible for a transparent actor like Qin Jue, who had never made his debut, to get an audition opportunity.

The movie is called "Daytime Rain", which combines daily light comedy with horror. The male protagonist suffers from campus bullying and his psychological distortion becomes a serial killer. The story begins with the reunion between the male protagonist and his former high school classmates. It is funny and terrifying. In the intertwined plot, the male protagonist's distorted life caused by school violence is revealed layer by layer.

Qin Jue received only 30% of the male protagonist's script, but all the key points were covered, presumably because of Jiang Shuming's special care. In the past few days, she only slept for five hours, and the rest of the time was divided between picking up music, practicing piano, singing, and analyzing roles. The script in her hand now is filled with thick notes and analysis.

Although the male protagonist Mo Sen in "Day Rain" is a murderer, he is not the same as Chi Na in "The Cage".

China grew up in the organization since he was a child, and the education he received was blank. In his world, "killing" is just a task that must be completed. Mawson was originally an ordinary person, but campus bullying distorted him and changed him. He began to resist and gradually got used to killing people. After committing several consecutive crimes, he regarded killing as a common occurrence. For him, , provoking rules and controlling people's orders, he felt that he was finally in a strong position, and felt extremely excited because of it.

In addition, as an ordinary person, Mawson does not have excellent fighting instincts and strong aura like China. He is very ordinary and not very strong. He will wrestle and wrestle with others when he kills people. It is precisely because an ordinary person like him has terrifying and brutal killing power that makes him even more terrifying in this strong contrast. .

From the audience's perspective, this is a real person who can even be seen everywhere, and such a person is actually a murderer.

Under this setting, the sense of horror and horror comes out immediately, which shows the profound skill of the screenwriter.

The same goes for the overall plot. This movie was rated R15 early on because it involves sex and bloody violence. In the few scenes in 30% of the scripts, the screenwriters combine two elements, one is the joy of human intercourse, and the other is the sudden death of life. There are parallels and crossovers, full of weirdness and perversity.

Qin Jue designed many movements for Mo Sen. In the process, she deliberately gave up her own advantages, weakened her muscle strength and combat experience, and put herself into the perspective of an ordinary or even thin person.

Yes, although Mawson is a murderer, he is not very tall, his skin is always sickly pale, and his body is thin. In the description of the original novel, it is even more so: "He looks gentle and speaks in a low and hoarse voice." It tastes sweet."

In order to get closer to the role, Qin Jue conducted a lot of overload training. Her weight has been reduced a lot, and her fitting clothes have become wider. When the wind blows, you can vaguely see her slender waistline. As for her skin, she is also trying every means to make her skin look better. pale.

However, appearance is not the most important thing, not even the action scenes. In Qin Jue's view, the difficulty in interpreting the role of Mo Sen lies in his emotions and past experiences. These dramas happen to be the parts where she is not strong enough and require a lot of effort to study.

Sometimes she was thinking, and sometimes she was writing and analyzing. Although she had made a lot of preparations, she still found it difficult.

It seems that when I arrived in Jiangsu Province, I had to spend a lot of time honing my acting skills.

Qin Jue took a look at the dense acting tutorials in Senran APP and mentally updated his daily plan.

The second script is a magical adaptation of the Japanese horror movie "Daytime Rain" released in 2016. It was originally adapted from the manga "ヒメアノ~ル" and was written by Minoru Furutani.

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