Qin Jue was slightly surprised.

She has only read the scripts related to Young China, and this is the first time she has seen the plot of the entire movie.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shuming had already designed a clever way to pass by here.

There is only one busy proprietress in the wonton shop. Although some traces of weathering can be seen on her face, her figure is still eye-catching. Even wearing an apron with some flour and oil stains, you can still see her graceful curves.

Ji Sheng ate wontons, casually asking for some information as if he were chatting at home.

The landlady's name is Lin Rujuan, and she has a daughter named Lin Ling, who is still in school, but her grades are not very good. Lin Rujuan is struggling to make ends meet and has no time to take care of her daughter. The relationship between mother and daughter is very tense.

"Thirteenth Middle School?" Ji Sheng noticed something important.

"Yes." Lin Rujuan was packing things in the kitchen and said, "There is no room in the school district, and Xiaoling's grades are... well, the school is also arranged by the higher-ups."

No. 13 Middle School is a public institution that combines middle and high school. The comprehensive strength in this small town is average. Many students are semi-social. Teachers are retaliated against when they are ineffective. Over time, only the surface is left. The gangster just wanted to get out of trouble, and he didn't know anything about the students' specific information.

Ji Sheng knew this because he visited No. 13 Middle School not long ago.

He suspected that there was a hidden drug trading chain in this school, and students happened to be the easiest targets.

Ji Sheng changed his mind and deliberately stayed at the wonton shop for a while.

Not long after, Lin Rujuan's only daughter Lin Ling walked through the door in a swaggering manner.

She dressed up in a fashionable manner, with her hair highlighted, four piercings in one ear, two studs and two earrings. Her school uniform was not neat, her top was very short, and her trousers were tightened. It looked like she was her. Changed.


Lin Ling saw Ji Sheng and whistled.

"Handsome, what do you want to do?" She raised her eyebrows and grinned, "I advise you to choose the right person."

"Xiao Ling!" Lin Rujuan stared at her in the kitchen.

"whispering sound."

Lin Ling lowered her lips, didn't even look at it, and walked inside with her schoolbag full of rivets.


Ji Sheng stood up, pulled up a photo on his phone and held it up in front of Lin Ling.

"Do you know this person?"

Lin Ling turned her head impatiently, squinted her eyes, and said "ha" happily.

"Isn't this the little bitch Wang Ziqian? Tsk tsk, her selfies are so sexy!"

"Xiao Ling, speak up!" Lin Rujuan's expression changed and she scolded.

"What's wrong? You're meddling in this thing."

Lin Ling sneered again, but still didn't look at her mother, as if she was telling Ji Sheng, "Wang Ziqian's girl went out to rent a room with a man on the 13th. I saw her wearing a mink two days ago. Who knew? Which financial sponsor’s father bought it? She always shows off a few good guys she caught, so who is a bitch if she doesn’t?”

Anger rose on Lin Rujuan's face: "Stop talking nonsense and don't talk about others in private. If someone overhears-"


Lin Ling's voice became louder, "Aren't you allowed to talk about all the bad things she did?"

She rolled her eyes, smacked her lips, and returned to her weak, whimpering look: "If you have any more questions, comrade police, please ask them together."

"Police, police?" Lin Rujuan was startled.

"How do you know?" Ji Sheng asked.

Lin Ling pointed at Ji Sheng's chest with a weird smile.

"Didn't you wear a police badge?"

Ji Sheng's police officer ID was placed in his shirt pocket, with its outline vaguely visible.

Lin Ling whistled again: "Your pectoralis major muscles are nice, can you rub them?"

Lin Rujuan's face turned pale with fright, and she rushed up to pull her away.

"Comrade police, sorry comrade police, she is not..."

Lin Rujuan explained again and again.

"It doesn't matter."

Ji Sheng waved his hand. He had revealed his ID on purpose. He took it out naturally and said, "Classmate Lin Ling, please cooperate with me in my investigation if it is convenient."

"Okay, come on."

Lin Ling put her hands in her pockets and said casually, "Isn't this more interesting than doing homework?"

Qin Jue showed a faint smile and said softly: "It's pretty good."

Next to her, Lin Xiaohan could be said to have slumped in his seat, his fingers fidgeting with his clothes.

The mood of the actors watching the finished film was more like checking whether their homework was done well in public. The psychological pressure they felt was completely different from that of ordinary audiences.

To be fair, Lin Xiaohan's performance is not bad, and Zhao Shujing, as an experienced actress, perfectly embodies the character of Lin Rujuan, a small citizen.

Before she knew that Ji Sheng was a policeman, she still treated her neighbor's younger brother in the same tone, chatting about the family's insinuities. After learning his identity, she immediately became so nervous that she didn't know what to do with her hands and feet, for fear of offending the "big shot", which would make her future Times were tough.

This kind of small-people mentality formed by the blow of reality is frustrating and sad.

The movie continues.

Ji Sheng got clues from Lin Ling and traced Wang Ziqian's whereabouts.

Wang Ziqian's private life is chaotic, she has five or six lovers, she has done high-standard things, and she has gathered people in bars more than once.

She also had a bad relationship with her family. Her parents went out to work and never returned home all year round. There was only one bitter grandmother at home. Wang Ziqian didn't want to go home or go to school, so she was coaxed by one of her "boyfriends" to go to another place.

According to Ji Sheng's information, this girl indulged too much and became addicted to sex. She didn't even think there was anything wrong with doing sex trade, and regarded it as a reasonable labor that was both satisfying and profitable. Good thing?

Because of this, Wang Ziqian easily joined voluntarily.

When Ji Sheng found Wang Ziqian, he was in a small shabby apartment building.

He opened the door, and the room was dark. The smell of excrement and rotting food was everywhere, which was disgusting.


Wang Ziqian on the bed heard the sound and giggled, "You're here..."

She thought Ji Sheng was the one who kept coming to deliver things.

"Where's Luo Han?"

Ji Sheng asked.

Luo Han is Wang Ziqian's "boyfriend" and a small leader at the bottom of the organization. His task is to drag more ignorant girls into this industry.

Wang Ziqian turned a deaf ear and still giggled.

Ji Sheng frowned, put his hand on his waist where the gun was hidden, and slowly approached.

"Don't you want to?" He said, "I brought it."

"Ah, ah!"

Wang Ziqian became excited, slurping her saliva and saying, "Give it to me quickly, give it to me quickly..."

She repeated it several times, and then begged with a silly smile: "I have no money, you can have me, no matter what, give it to me when it's over..."

Ji Sheng touched the switch of the bedside lamp and pressed it with a click.


Accompanied by the voices of some of the audience, Wang Ziqian lying on the bed suddenly burst into the viewer's sight. She was as thin as a handful of bones, with dry and greasy hair, a dark complexion, sunken eye sockets, saliva flowing from her lips, and missing teeth. Huang, it looked like someone had knocked out a few of them, obviously for...

The micro-expression on Ji Sheng's face changed instantly, and he said with force, "Okay, here you go, but I won't do anything to you, you just need to answer the question."

"Okay, okay..."

Wang Ziqian's cloudy eyes moved slowly. She hadn't seen light for so long, but she didn't show any discomfort. It seemed that her eyesight was also damaged.

"This needs to be graded."

There were reporters whispering below.

"This, this is so daring to shoot." Another grinned.

Wang Ziqian's image was enlarged several times on the screen, and the details were clearly visible, giving everyone a great visual impact.

"Mr. He's style..."

Fang Muquan paid attention to this aspect.

The lens language that He Xu is best at is the explosive sense of reality. This feeling is different from the Western blood-filled screen. It is a violent explosion of visuals while grasping the rhythm and atmosphere.

As expected of He Xu’s student!

It seems that after all these years, Jiang Shuming has not forgotten these skills.

Whether it was Wang Ziqian just now or the previous scene where "Chi Na" killed Ji Sheng's parents, they all had the flavor of He Xu's teachings.

On the screen, the scene continued.

Thanks to [Weiyang Changle] for the recommendation vote (bow

Thanks to [Rain Curtain Autumn] for the recommendation ticket x8 (bow

Thanks to [Lman] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks to [Feng Yang Xian Gou] for recommending votes x5 (bow

Thanks to [[Joker]] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

Thanks to [Yifeng] for the recommendation vote x4 (bow

Thanks to [Jin Tong Ah] for the recommendation vote x2 (bow

Thanks to the fisherman for the 100-yuan reward!

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