Ji Sheng successfully cracked this drug trading chain and solved several major cases in recent years. This organization was less sophisticated than the organization that killed his parents. After capturing the boss behind the scenes, Ji Sheng asked him about the source of the drugs. As expected, he was a second-in-command who escaped from that criminal organization. , the foreshadowing before and after is recovered, and the clues are linked one after another.

However, the scary thing is that that person went to prison ten years ago. Who would have thought that a person who has been arrested and brought to justice can actually gather a new group of illegal forces without leaving home?

When this plot blind spot was revealed, it successfully stirred up a cold sweat in the audience.

"'It's dark under the light'..."

Fang Muquan clicked his tongue in admiration.

Immediately afterwards, the plot progressed to Ji Sheng's visit to the prison and a conversation with the hero in the monitoring room.


The man with an extraordinarily kind face recalled it for a moment and laughed twice strangely, "What did you ask him for?"

Ji Sheng has gone through dozens of experiences, and his ability to deal with others and obtain information is second to none, and he can deal with it quite comfortably.

The two went back and forth for several rounds, and their words were full of traps and counterattacks. Film critics who could follow the train of thought were delighted. Even those who couldn't, could still feel the tense atmosphere beneath the calmness of the two.

Finally, Ji Sheng laughed casually and said, "The thing you are looking for is in his hand."

The second in command's expression changed slightly.

"Your organization fell apart back then. The drug formulas, drug supply sources, and most of the boss's property are all missing." Ji Sheng kept smiling, slowly approached the other person's face through the glass, and said slowly, "Liu Sir, you must be very unwilling after ten years of searching and no results, right?"

"Besides, I heard that there are four levels of assassins in the organization." Ji Sheng returned his upper body to the back of the chair, "He is the only one who is the highest-level 'Chi Na', and he only takes orders from the boss. Why, Do you think... after you find him, you can make him listen to you?"

After using various means of coercion and inducement, especially after Ji Sheng showed photos of his lover and children, the second in command finally relented.

He clenched his fists tightly, but the force he hit the glass with was very light, and he gritted his teeth with forced restraint.

"That person has no name. He is only called 'China' in the organization. The boss is half Mongolian, and 'China' means wolf in Mongolian."

As the second in command spoke, the screen went dark.

"The boss found the formula somewhere and made potion No. AS03. That potion is quite terrifying. It can make people ignore pain. Even if there is only one head left, they can bite the enemy to death with all their strength.

"Aka is the only person who was injected with this medicine and survived. No, he is not a human, he is a...monster!"

A trembling tail tone sounded, and the screen suddenly lit up.

Amidst the rough shouts, the young man moved between several big men. The movements were full of murderous intent, and he struck fiercely and decisively. You can smell the strong smell of blood through the screen!

His aura was fierce and outstanding, like no other, his movements hit the flesh, and the sounds of broken bones exploded one after another. However, the most chilling thing was not his terrifying strength, nor his deformed and sharp fingers, but his From beginning to end, there is no trace of rehearsal at all!

Fang Muquan's pupils were constricted, and there was no trace of design in the scene. The whole scene was shot to the end. Where did Jiang Shuming find this actor?

Wait, was he there when he took the stage just now? Why don't you have any impression at all? !

Not long after, this period of brutal killing ended, and the scene was frozen on the back of young Chi Na after crushing the opponent's heart.

"This is really a 'killing' of memories!"

Someone in the front row whispered with lingering fear.

In a scene covered with flesh, blood and organ fragments, like a hell on earth, only the young China stood there, like a ferocious beast that had finished hunting and gone dormant again.

The picture is dark and depressing, with drops of red blood falling, and a pin quietly shining with a metallic light.

Chi Na's back completely overlapped with the shadow in Ji Sheng's dream, and he once again opened his eyes from the dream.

In the shabby little hotel, Ji Sheng, with faint dark circles under his eyes and light blue stubble, lifted the quilt and got out of bed and walked to the sink.

"I'll find you."

He washed his face vigorously, held his hands on the edge of the pool, and stared at the mirror like a demon.

"I will definitely find you."

The background music suddenly started playing!

The sound of drums breaks out, a female voice sings loudly like an aria, and the scene transitions smoothly, depicting the figure of Ji Sheng moving around.

"No news, really."

"That famous killer? He died in the explosion."

"It is said that a body was found at the scene, a cemetery? How could there be a cemetery? People in such a place would naturally just throw it away..."

"It is very likely that the remains are still being preserved. The boss of the organization is now missing, but the formula of AS03 is still in his hands. I think a person like him will definitely not let his 'experimental materials' fall into the hands of others. "

The voices of various people mixed together, and the screen stopped in the office.

"This is not, this is not..."

While mumbling like he was dying, his mood reached its peak. The extremely irritable Ji Sheng raised the information in his hand that he had read countless times!

Papers were scattered all over the room, and two sheets were half smashed and half left on the ashtray where the unextinguished cigarette butts were.

The flames rose.

Ji Sheng reacted suddenly and reached out to save him, but was suddenly stunned.

The beating firelight reflected in his bloodshot eyes, like a key to inspiration.

The close-up of the flames zoomed in on the screen, and the scene once again moved to another place.

That was the boss of a criminal organization, with only the lower half of his face exposed.

He listened carefully and smiled meaningfully.

"He should grow up."

It was Chi Na who was standing in the punishment field with an indifferent expression, his eyes falling on Ji Hai and Zhou Aiping who were tied up by Wu Hua Da.

That was Ji Tao with a sullen face, carefully installing explosives.

That was Zhou Aiping saying something silently, but before she could finish her words, Chi Na grabbed her by the neck, lifted her up, and hit her head on a nail post.

In the dull and suffocating silence, the explosion suddenly burst out!

It's dangerous! !

Chi Na arched his body and ran wildly amidst the raging fire and collapsed beams!

The flames engulfed his body, burning blindingly, leaving only a blurry and twisted figure.


"He's not dead! It's just that his face is not the same as before!"

Ji Sheng, who was wearing a police uniform, stood up suddenly.

Chi Na, whose whole body was charred, suddenly fell to the ground.

"Is this a suspense movie? This is clearly a fucking thriller!"

Someone underneath was rubbing their arms wildly, and their heart was beating fast.

"You two, have you calmed down?"

In the first row of the auditorium, Qin Jue spoke helplessly.

She waited quietly for a few seconds before Lin Xiaohan let go of her left hand and Wu Ang let go of her right hand.

Good guy, each nail is getting longer than the other.

Qin Jue retracted his arm on the armrest and sighed.

It doesn't hurt at all, but I feel that the child's character still needs to be cultivated.

If this is the case when watching a movie, what should I do if something big happens?

As thoughts flowed, the screen came back on. What was a bit surprising was that a straight line was used to divide the picture into two places in the later stage.

"Two parallel lines?"

Fang Muquan said suspiciously, but after a few minutes he immediately denied himself, "No, this is not a simple two lines running in parallel."

The picture on the left is Ji Sheng's present tense, while the right side is Chi Na's past tense!

What a bold approach!

Many reporters sitting in the audience looked confused. So far, the information given in the movie is that Ji Sheng and Chi Na are about the same age, so now this scene looks like there is a bug, which is confusing for a moment. Confused.

Even among film critics, there are not many who can react as quickly as Fang Muquan.

Ji Sheng, who has gained a new breakthrough, once again embarks on the path of pursuing Chi Na.

China, who was disfigured by the explosion and underwent skin grafting and plastic surgery, continued to stay with her boss.

The boss did not let go of this accident, and took advantage of the situation to change the appearance of Chi Na from a killer on the surface to a hidden stake behind the scenes.

The explosion accidentally destroyed an extremely important secret laboratory and seriously damaged the vitality of the organization.

The defection of Ji Tao, the apparent third-in-command but actually a special police officer, further intensified the blow to the boss.

Not long after, chaos arose within the criminal organization, and even such a large organization struggled to escape.

The boss noticed the betrayal of his confidant, told China the core secrets of the organization in advance, and then disappeared...

Chi Na was thrown somewhere and couldn't wait for someone to pick her up for a long time. When she was hungry, she walked out of the house and gradually became a homeless man on the street...

Ji Sheng reorganized the clues and traces about the drug chain, and Wang Ziqian's photo flashed across the file.

——The sloppy Chi Na hunched her shoulders and walked slowly through an alley.

Ji Sheng opened the information booklet.

——The girl’s scream came.

Ji Sheng's eyes fell on a few notes, which contained information from the visit.

——A few gangsters blocked her at the entrance of the alley and were tearing her clothes off.

On the back of each note was a simple sketch of the informant's face, noting the features.

——While struggling, the girl’s face was exposed to the moonlight, and her earrings sparkled.

The sketch and her face were frozen at the same time, overlapping!

It's Lin Ling!

Thanks to [tubcsfybct] for the recommendation vote x6 (bow

Thanks to [Su Xiaozhi] for the recommendation ticket x10 (bow

Thanks to [Fisherman’s Fish] for the recommendation vote (bow

Thanks to [Feng Yang Xian Gou] for recommending votes x5 (bow

Thanks to [Weiyang Changle] for the recommendation ticket x2 (bow

Thanks to [Rain Curtain Autumn] for the recommendation ticket x4 (bow

Thanks to [Yifeng] for the recommendation vote x4 (bow

Thanks to [self-proclaimed Fulmo Cannon] for the recommendation vote (bow (I am a new friend, thank you~

Thanks to [·Guyue·] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow (another new friend, thank you!

Thanks to [Pig is chanting ^~^] for the recommendation vote x5 (bow

The list is getting longer and longer, and the time to type thank you is also getting longer and longer, hahahaha, thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

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