A Queen

Chapter 998: Perfect control, the state of absolute killing!

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It seems that only the famous swordsmen and the two can keep up.

This is the difference in strength. If she is not strong, she will always protect you behind her instead of letting you fight side by side.

There cannot be another Shang Farewell that makes her feel so sad and angry that she becomes crazy about it.

Yu Ji and others were frustrated and could only avoid going to the luxury ship because of the zombies behind them.

brush! A Xiangxi palace easily entered the barrier and said, "Don't worry, my sister will protect her...she is mine!"

My chef!

Is this comfort? People like Ying Zheng were immediately heartbroken!

There are a lot of wolves in this world.

Then she felt even more heartbroken, because Su Li also stepped over directly. Facing the stiff eyes of Yu Ji and others, she said softly: "Uncle's friends are our own."

Miss Su, it’s actually better if you don’t explain, otherwise we wouldn’t just block our hearts.

Qin Zhi Ge? That's the biggest and most beautiful mountain, right? It's better than capitalism and feudalism, even Alexander!

Then, Baili Fengxue Shishiran passed by, flicking his sleeves and said, "Don't worry, it's not because of her."

That's because of who? Some people realized something, but they frowned. If you set your sights on the famous sword, it would be the same as provoking Dai Li, because this guy has always been protective of his shortcomings. He is a good gay friend who cannot be broken down!

I'll tear my good friend apart and strip you of your bones!

"Go over there. As long as I'm here, she'll be fine." He gently folded his sleeves and flicked them at everyone, gently pushing them away.

A fatal blow! This woman is so powerful!

Chu Xiuling and Ying Zheng instantly felt their own powerlessness. This powerlessness was similar to that in Daxia more than two years ago...

Preserving yourself is the best way to treat her...

This feeling is really bad...

Lost in thought and flying away,

As soon as the two turned around, they could see the person flying in the front.

Dai Li stared straight at Feng Zijun, and could see the contempt and cruelty on his face. You can also see the cross standing alone not far behind him.

There are no less than a hundred attacks targeting her from nearby spaceships. How many of them are distracted?

She lost count and only had one thought in her mind.

"Feng Zijun...I will kill you!"

Turning her palm over, there was an extra stone in her hand, the murderous stone!

Blood energy filled the palm of the hand, and the two cores were released to swallow... Wow, the blood energy immediately wrapped the murderous stone!

Hiss! Devour!

Have you ever seen a murderous stone that can be swallowed? It can be swallowed!

But the entity's ownerless and sharp murderous aura was enough to run wildly. Cut off all the meridians in the body!

She is really crazy!

Xiangxi Palace, who was approaching rapidly from behind, all changed their expressions. "This madman!" Xiangxi Palace yelled, but he was suddenly surprised.


The overwhelming evil spirit! A monstrous murderous intention!

Incomparable black and red arrogance roared from her body. Inhaled by the Bloodline Colossus...

The breath changes rapidly!


.. Feng Zijun waved his hand, and Liu Zongyuan and others had already shot behind Feng Zijun, and all attacked downwards..

There are too many attacks, too strong, too strong... The murderous stone in the palm of my hand is rapidly getting smaller... and it is melting into the palm of my hand, burning hot. The murderous intent was sharp and sharp, piercing the flesh and blood in the palm of his hand. Blood flowed down, the pain stimulated the nerves, and the large attack in front of him stimulated the soul.

The soul is burning!

Tianchen soul refining!

The soul is being condensed and burned...

The eyes of the moment also burn... see through them. see through! see through!

Go through it!

Kill him!

Save her! ! !

"Ah~~" Daili groaned slightly in his throat.


The bloodline colossus has a dragon tail, explores the dragon's claws, and presses down with its claws. Five thunderbolts under the five dragon claws.

boom! Something seems broken!

Shadow Xuan'ao exploded!

Dragon is coming!

That's a dragon shadow...a dragon shadow!

Perfect level of control! Shadow Mystic Perfection Level 1!

"Perfect Level Control!" Those who were watching the fight in the distance were stunned for a moment, and then became frightened. It is said that except for the special people like Xiangxi Palace, the people here are considered to be geniuses if we look at the younger generation, even including people like Rukawa, but the average level of mysticism is only at the Xiaocheng level, and the outstanding ones are generally at the Dacheng level. , those who have reached the level of Perfection are definitely very rare, even Liu Zongyuan has not reached this point yet, but...Jun Zili was beaten by a group of people, and he was able to take the lead.

This really made people like Yuan Xiao feel nauseous, and people like Xue Qiange were really drunk.

This is a rhythm that doesn’t give them a way to survive!


The dragon shadow passed through everything, like a dream, amidst the chaotic attacks and the absolute murderous intent.

A person, with a dragon shadow, passed through everything in an instant, with a torrent of murderous intent...

When they came to Liu Zongyuan, Feng Zijun, Ruchuan and hundreds of others, at least twenty of them were distracted...


Dai Li held Qianji in his hand, leaped up from below, and jumped onto the bow of the ship. The murderous stone in the palm of his left hand completely integrated into his body at that moment, and the evil spirit also merged into the murderous spirit in an instant!

kill! Sha!


The realm is broken!

The killing realm suppressed by the absolute calm realm is broken!

The realm of absolute killing!

Two realms, two absolutes!

Absolutely calm killing situation!


The 15th Thousand Chances - Chaotian Tower!

A sword pointed towards the sky!

Directly cut out a sword river...


Thirty-five thousand lethality, explosion!


One hundred people were suppressed by one sword in the blink of an eye, and eighty people were suppressed!

Distracted, die!

There are twenty more people!

Puff puff!

After thirty thousand battles, he will die or be dying! Five died! Three serious injuries! There are twelve more who are resisting!


"It's too strong, I can't bear it!"

"Get out of the way!"

The people who originally planned to join forces to fight against each other suddenly changed their expressions. Damn it, this explosive power is too terrifying, not because of their combat power. There are a few people in their group who have a fighting strength between 30,000 and 40,000. For example, Liu Zongyuan has a fighting strength of 40,000. The main reason is that the opponent is too fast. The sword speed is completely beyond all their expectations. Know. ,

Tricky, too tricky!


Ten people in succession were unable to retreat... Only Liu Zongyuan and the three of them blocked the sword. "If your strength is only like this, then Jun Zili. You are dead!" Liu Zongyuan raised his palm!

rise! !

Forty thousand people fighting are still too strong. Plus there are two people behind him who are slightly stronger than Dai Li...


Chaotianque was hit with a sword and flew up!

"Come again!" A man yelled in a distracted voice, and then he leaped up with a little step of his feet. Cut it off with a long knife!

The other three distractions on the side control spells from a distance, whether it is sky fire, thunder ball, or wood restraint, all kinds of attacks!

Are you still afraid of you? !

Dai Li took a step forward. Don’t retreat but advance!

Right hand sword energy!

The wolf rises in the clouds!

Thunder energy in the right hand!

Dragon Claw Thunder!


One round trip, flat!

draw? Liu Zongyuan's spell has been sent out! Meteorite falling from the sky!

One by one they crashed down!

With fire. With murderous intent and hatred!

"The hypocritical villain is disgusting." Dai Li sneered and waved his left and right hands. Swish! Two swords!

One night double moon festival!

Crossover kill!

Peng! ! ! Liu Zongyuan's attack broke through the cross, but... didn't hit anyone, and he ducked to the left for a certain period of time. A black shadow suddenly appeared from the side to assassinate...

"Compare me to assassination? Where's your brain?" Dai Li didn't even look at it, and just slapped him down...

Kartsa. The floor is cracked...

Rukawa's arms burst apart and turned into blood foam... His body was blown away... He hit the bow railing and his whole body burst into blood...

He gritted his teeth and looked around, only to see that Dai Li was once again surrounded by a dozen people, among whom Liu Zongyuan was the main force. Forty thousand attacks were too strong, but...

Not as fast!

Her speed is so abnormal!

It was obviously a siege with a huge gap in winning, but she was forced to swim in it like a loach!

angry! So annoying!

"You restrain her, I'll do it!" Chang Ying from the next boat hated Dai Li very much, so he shouted from a distance, preparing to personally deliver a fatal blow!

To sum it up, he is a high-level distraction, and his strength is much more powerful than Liu Zongyuan. If he takes action, he will definitely be able to catch him!


"You don't have to come, because I'm here!" A cool sound came, like a flowing spring in the world...

Xiangxi Palace stood on the pole of the boat, her long legs stepped on the stone pier, her clothes were swaying in the wind, her tall and exquisite figure was very conspicuous, and the fragrance that swept over her body in the wind... was as if it could enchant people to death...

The rich woman is really beautiful.

Chang Yi gritted his teeth and sneered: "Xiangxi Palace, she will definitely die, what's the use of protecting her?"

It is said that Xiangmei people are definitely two-faced characters. From a casual perspective, they appear to be quite upright people. On weekdays, they are 100% elegant, noble and classy in front of others. However, when they turn around, they are greedy, lazy and arrogant. They are always shameless and turn against guests. When she is in a bad mood, her mouth can attack viciously and randomly. When she wants to eat, she can mash up her integrity and chastity into a ball and stuff it into the toilet, then twist her waist and say, "I want it, I want it, I want it~"

So at this moment, she sneered at Chang Yi and said, "I like it, I'm happy to do it, it's none of your business!"

This is really strange.

Although it scared people like Chang Ying.

However, Xiangxi Palace made a move with its long sleeves, and the whole aura instantly became awe-inspiring. What was used under the palm was not the long whip or sword used in daily life, but the exquisite bracelet on the wrist that made a crisp sound. The light shined brightly. If you look carefully, you can see Under the chain hangs a beautiful and indescribable ruby ​​pendant, which is a small and cute abacus.

Well, accessories can still show your personal style. If you say it’s an abacus, it’s an abacus!

After the abacus was injected with energy and thoughts in the Xiangxi Palace, it suddenly broke away from the chain and turned directly into an abacus as big as a piano. It was shining with dark gold and covered with dense dragon patterns. The dragon patterns caught the attention of the famous swordsman who rushed up later. In a flash, these dragon patterns must be related to dragon scales. Is the dragon scales that Xiangxi Palace asked Wanbaozhai to collect for this purpose?

Pressing the palms of both hands, he made a piano-playing gesture... Xiangxi Palace smiled: "Let you see the unique secret technique passed down by my Xiang family! One or two moves can move a thousand pounds!"

Then, the fingers moved...

Bang bang bang! (To be continued)

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