A Queen

Chapter 999: Three levels of pupil technique!

Every time one is moved, a dark gold flowing boulder as big as a small house is formed in the sky, and it strikes down at a terrifying speed like a meteorite!

Boom boom boom! It's like thunder falling from the sky!

The quality of that stone is by no means comparable to that of ordinary minerals. To put it bluntly, an egg the size of an egg weighs a thousand pounds. Now such a stone weighs a thousand tons. The speed at which it hits it is so fierce, and the effect is extremely powerful. !

That lethality...

Ming Jian and the others behind him all had to change their flight trajectories, otherwise they would definitely die if they got closer than a thousand meters!

Advanced distraction battle? !

Baili Fengxue noticed that there were eighty-one abacus beads on the abacus in Xiangxi Palace, and she had only moved ten of them now!

That abacus is definitely a magic weapon at the peak level of Zijin!

I have always regarded myself as a genius, but after seeing Xiangxi Palace, you realize that there is no absolute genius in this world. Geniuses are all determined by comparison.

Compared with some people, they are just mediocre!

Just when the remaining power was about to affect them, the Dharma Seal came!

Boom, the invisible seal blocked them firmly, Jingjing Yuan turned around to look, whew~~ the one behind them lightly passed over their heads, and landed lightly on the bow of the ship. The long sleeves of his green clothes were fluttering, and his figure was graceful. .

There are miniature seals floating between the ten fingers, which look very mysterious.

But Zhou Tai also came to kill quickly.

But she turned her head and looked somewhere.

A black shadow floats, and a bloody sword sacrifices blood.

Feng Zijun had retreated to the front of the cross, watching the fighting on the deck in front from a distance.

After all, Liu Zongyuan and others were experienced in distractions, and they quickly formed a blockade and siege. Their cooperation gradually became tacit, so it seemed that Daili was becoming more and more disadvantaged!

Attack, attack, attack!

These people desperately used their special skills to attack them from all directions from 360-degree angles.

Twenty thousand one. Twenty-five thousand...twenty-seven thousand, thirty thousand, thirty-one, thirty-three thousand...thirty-seven thousand,

Thirty-nine thousand~~

All kinds of attacks with varying degrees of power come flying in non-stop!

Birds flying swords!

The fire dragon roars!

The ice peak spreads!

The sword light is sharp!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Death, death!"

The dragon claws on Dai Li's left and right hands flashed, thunder and blood flew together, and he ducked like a ghost. If you can't avoid it. Just don't block and counterattack!

Boom, boom. boom!

The bombardment continued, and some of the aftermath hit the body surface, causing slight numbness but no pain.

Than separation. It doesn't hurt!

The people who besieged him were the ones from afar who had to push back the luxurious ship. It feels weird at the moment.

Because she is so calm.

Even if those attacks hit her and blood flowed from her body, there was no fluctuation in her eyebrows or eyes.

Looks...more zombie than zombie.

This feeling is very uncomfortable, as if you are not in control.

Liu Zongyuan's eyes darkened. "Can't delay any longer, increase your attack!"

He shouted in a deep voice, and everyone subconsciously increased the intensity and frequency of their attacks.

Seeing a stronger wave of attacks covering the sky. Ming Jian and Jing Jingyuan wanted to rush over, but suddenly their feet sank!

Mud formation!

As soon as Ming Jian raised his eyes, he saw Dao Tuo's half-smiling face.

Damn it!

boom! ! !

Covered by huge light. Mushroom giant group.

Inside is a terrifying power like nuclear fusion.

Kill one person just to bind him!

While flying and the macro light was dispersing, Dai Li raised his eyes and saw Shang Bieliang on the cross.

A drop of blood condensed from the chin exposed by her bowed head, like the most beautiful blood jade. When the sunlight fell on it through the gaps in the black silk, it reflected a fascinating stream of light.

Red and bright...like cinnabar tears.

Slowly dripping.

The moment he fell to the floor and landed on the solidified blood tofu, Daili's originally peaceful heart was stunned, and many memories came flooding in! Trample your heart!

All the calmness has been condensed, and all the depression has been sealed.

The next second, bounce up! Destroyed!


At that moment, the soul went from drifting to condensation, expansion, condensation, and drastic changes! Tianchen soul refining!


The dual core suddenly expands and condenses, like a spiral!

Dual nuclear explosion?

Explodes for a long time!

Double the blood can surge!

After the soul expanded, his pupils hurt, and the lines of the pupil technique seemed to imprint the entire brain!

The pain stimulated everything, and the body suddenly became hot.

Evil spirit, blood energy, thunder.

The moment Dai Li blinked, he stared at Feng Zijun.

"I will kill you"

It does not contain any temperature, does not have any fluctuations, and the sound is extremely light, but it strangely penetrates into the depths of everyone's souls.

That comes from the special nature of Tianchen Soul Refining. Her soul has begun to grow beautifully...

One sentence.




The bloodline colossus squirmed and changed dramatically from behind her, its dragon claws doubled in size, its body lengthened and solidified... This was a process, a process of transforming a flying eagle into a giant eagle.

She couldn't wait for the results after the process, she could only explode during the process!

After the breakthrough of the soul surge and Tianchen soul refining secret method, the control of the soul entered a new realm in an instant, so all the functions of the body that accepted the command of the soul started to move!

The dual cores and Nascent Soul are close together, forming a power supply system that is connected to both sides!

The dragon bones, dragon tail, dragon claws, and part of the dragon blood are also connected in an instant, directly forming a flesh-and-blood defense system like a dragon body in the body, and the defense is horribly enhanced!

Technical systems at the soul level such as the Brain Domain, Bloodline Colossus, Mystery, Thousand Machine Techniques, Eye Techniques, etc. are undergoing transformation...

It was a completely new feeling, as if the whole world was growing, and vigorous vitality and strength occupied the whole body...

Dai Li took hold of Qianji and made a flash of his right hand!


Five thousand clouds of blood can explode, causing terrifying waves of blood!

Thousands of birds flew away, thousands of human clans were wiped out, the wildly flying sword killed everyone! The roaring blood owl spit out the sword from the dragon's mouth!


That was a group kill that was more than twice as large as before, directly covering the entire attack!

The blood owls are like blood eagles! Thousands of them are flying wildly!

During the fight, Dai Li's body was wrapped in the evil energy of blood and lightning, forming a mist-like spiral protection. And, open your pupils! Dragon tail swing! Shadow Mystery explodes! Perfect level of control! Shadow Mystic Perfection Level 1!

brush! The body was torn apart from the erosion of these lights.

That momentum is overwhelming! All attacks, those below 40,000, were blocked by them and spirally eroded away!


Feng Zijun's breath tightened, and before he could call Liu Zongyuan and others, Liu Zongyuan and others had already rushed over very hard. Blocked in front...

Exactly twelve distractions!

Although they did not capture the flight path of the generation. But...it's always right to block Feng Zijun!

If she wants to kill him, she must pass their test!


A beacon fire breaks out for hundreds of miles, and the smoke disappears for thousands of miles!

A line of blocking. It’s a line-breaking fight!

At the front was a tall and handsome man. He used a broad sword, just like the knights of the Round Table in ancient Europe. He used both shield and attack. A sword as powerful as Mount Tai!

"Wanjun kill! Boy, defeated!"

Thirty thousand attacks with one sword? Let me lose?

Dai Lixiu made a move. He raised his eyebrows, turned around, and sneered: "A wolf rises in one night."

A sword comes out!

Sirius blocks one man's sword!

Sword to sword!

The man was waiting for the person next to him to take the opportunity to kill Dai Li, but... thunder struck!

Dai Li presses the thunder seal with his left hand. The first formation, a thunder knife formation, the knife is coming!

There is a knife!

The knife is like a thin shadow. Before anyone could react...

The thunder knife has cut through the neck fiercely... and the head flies up!

With a kick, Dai Li's body spurting blood exploded with a kick!

Meat foam splashed all over her pant legs. But in the blink of an eye, the evil spirit, blood, energy, etc. were torn apart and disappeared, but it was blurred by the distracted faces of others who did not react.

They were all frightened!

Damn it! Is this the power of man?

That person just now is a good shooter who specializes in defense. Don't be too thick, okay? You'll blow it up with just one kick! !

But they still don't know that the girl's feet are equivalent to the dragon's tail...that kick is equivalent to the swing of the dragon's tail!

Even if it's not as good as a real dragon, it really turns a lot of physical skills into rubbish in seconds!

It was also from this moment that Daili launched the bloody and violent PK mode in all aspects!

Twelve people, one dead...

There are eleven more!

"One Sword and Two Moon Festival!"

Sonorous! Double sword spiral strangulation! Tai Chi Hun~Yuanshi!

The second formation is the Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation.

Double dragons, double moons, dragon moon kill!

Liu Zongyuan and others only felt that in the blink of an eye, the person who had replaced them had disappeared, and there were two dragons. Once they crossed, the two weakest ones died!

But an attack landed on her...it didn't break the defense! It was like a mud cow entering the sea, being digested directly outside the body surface!

Many people want to burst into tears. Is this the kind of defense a person can have? This is a rhinoceros!

"Quickly avoid it! Her speed and defense are great! Surround her from a distance!" Liu Zongyuan immediately saw through the disadvantages of close combat for them. This Junzili's speed and defense are too powerful! You can only use magic from a distance to hit him while hanging!

Swish, brush, brush!

A group of people blinked and wanted to disperse to form a tug-of-war, but...

Dai Li is not allowed!

Thunder and magnetism exploded in the palm of my hand!

The majestic spiral suction force sucked five of those who wanted to retreat back in the blink of an eye.

Liu Zongyuan and the other one were stronger, and they pulled the two of them. Only three of them were sucked back... and then...

The fifteenth sword! Chaotianque!

Three evil sword formations!

Bang bang bang!

One person died and two were seriously injured!

The two of them held the chest that was broken by a sword and flew back. While vomiting blood, Chao Daili cast two restraining powers. At the same time, the six people who retreated also formed a hexagon...

Come on!

Four people tied up! One person is the main attacker!

The main attacker was not Liu Zongyuan, but a red-faced swordsman. When many powerful restraint methods were surrounding Dai Li, he had already accumulated a sword, and the strongest sword had reached the level of 40,000...

But before he even sent it, his face turned green!

What is that?

Ahead, the bound Dai Li caused many people to worry. They all looked very worried, but...

The fourth formation is the Sifang Suppression and Killing Formation.

The pupils are open.

The seventh pupil technique - Yama in all directions.

The eighth pupil technique - the fire of a moment.

The ninth pupil technique - the light of an instant.

Triple pupil technique concurrently!

The power is more than triple the level! (To be continued)



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