A Queen

Chapter 1000 Rampage!

The eye of the moment explodes, the pupil technique sweeps over, the fire light gathers, Yama and Luo kill together, plus the four-way thunder formation, it is a complete four-way group killing technique!

Bang bang bang!

"Back off, back off!"

That's too late!

Except for Liu Zongyuan and three other stronger people, the others were all blocked by all directions.


He vomited blood and was seriously injured, his soul instantly withered, and his body was covered in light and fire... It was a symphonic feast of thunder and eye skills,

Terrorist suppression of the soul, absolute suppression of the body!

"No, it's soul magic!"


After the soul surged, Dai Li used his pupil technique not to be too powerful. He directly shocked several people with his soul, and then the pupil technique and the thunder formation broke out at the same time!

Boom boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, three people exploded!

Thunder roars...

Dai Li's body transformed into thunder and sprang out!


Suddenly, the body was restrained by a force like sand! Turning his head, Dai Li saw the famous swordsmen who were also trapped in the sand.

As far as the eye can see, it is a giant formation! The formation disk from Dao Tuo's palm is shining with gorgeous brilliance.

Yuli in the distance frowned, "This formation is not easy to break."

At least with the strength of Daili and others, it would be difficult for them to break through such a complex formation.

"There are so many talents in Split Cloud, and this Dao Tuo is very powerful!" Yue Shan said, but he couldn't free his hands to save people because they were already surrounded by zombies!

Being bound!

"Jun Zili, you are dead!" Liu Zongyuan's face was as elegant and peaceful as ever, but his eyes were filled with a ferocious smile. He raised his hand and performed the magic technique!

A large brown-green tree appeared in the sky.

The roots are intertwined, and with a hook of his fingertips, thick root vines shuttle through the sky, and the sky vines spiral up!

Bound! The cross and waist of Daili's body were suddenly entangled with thick and long vines!

Liu Zongyuan closed his palm, and the wild python twisted around him!


Dai Li's body was immediately strangled by a huge force, and his waist seemed to be strangled~~

But it didn’t stop!

Liu Zongyuan's expression changed with horror, this man's skeleton was too terrifying. It can't even be broken!

Not only did it not break. seem...

Dai Li held his palm, and the dragon's claws were clearly revealed, and the huge power solidified. Huge power and corrosive power formed a flame...


When the vine on his right wrist was completely broken open, he suddenly made a sudden move and cut it!

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

The roots are broken!

Sections of vines burst and exploded, and the uncontrollable force ejected these fragments. The power is terrifying, just like a sharp sword.

Liu Zongyuan frowned. Just when he was about to respond, at that moment, his pupils froze and couldn't even move. Because right on the opposite side, the huge pair of eyes of the moment were already staring directly at him, and at all of them.

The eleventh pupil technique. A moment of photography!


The real soul specializes in pupil skills!

not good!

Liu Zongyuan felt that his soul was shocked, and he was extremely frightened. It seemed that he was exiled at that moment, and most of his soul was deprived of him!

Everything is cut and annihilated...

At that time, he couldn't move, couldn't take the initiative to defend, let alone attack. He could only fall into that empty state, and only fear instantly occupied his heart...

When the time to relax passed and his body was still unable to move, his first instinct was to blink and look...

Like him, in front of him were all of them standing there dumbly, while the gentleman pressed his left hand on the ground and raised his right hand.

This posture is very familiar, it seems...

Thunder in the left hand and Thousand Planes in the right hand.

A standard group killing attack against the trend.

Does she want to kill us in a group again? Ridiculous, the defense power of us people is not comparable to that of the trash before. The worst we can do is have a combat power of 35,000, let alone other people. What can she use to kill us instantly?

It's better to sneak attack one or two people to save time!

This is the same in the eyes of others. What a terrifying Soul Eye Technique, but a prelude to such a strange and irrational attack...

"This Junzili is..." Qingyuan Host raised his eyebrows subconsciously. From the perspective of an absolute martial arts practitioner like him, Daili's melee combat and long-range attack are definitely developed in all aspects. He has an almost perfect way of fighting and can leapfrog. The challenge is natural, but I never thought that her pupil technique can be so powerful that it can directly attack the soul. It is the most terrifying and difficult power to control. The most confusing thing is that this is not something you can do just by practicing hard. pupil technique This thing is completely a combination of ninety-nine points of talent and one point of hard work~!

Her perfection is almost monstrous! ..But it hasn’t reached the point where we can instantly kill the few distracted people in front of us as a group.

Their average combat strength is at least 35,000!

"So what if it's thirty-five thousand? She never seems to do anything she's not sure about!" Xiangxi Palace subconsciously thought...

Suddenly, his eyes flickered to Nian Yi not far away. When he looked at it, his eyes suddenly darkened a little. Damn it, this woman is too scary. Her progress in the past two years was simply unbelievable. This strength is better than She is much stronger...

When his eyes wandered again, he saw a purple shadow.

Zi Weiyang, the palace master from Dongyuan, is far less outstanding in terms of status and strength than her reputation, so many people subconsciously ignore her strength, but now look...

The fluttering purple sword was strong, soft and magical, just like her noble and elegant person, and full of three-part demonic nature.

A very charming woman, an absolute queen.

What secrets does she hide?

By the way, something seems to be wrong...

There are fewer people!


On the other side, Liu Zongyuan, who was really facing generational separation, thought so in his head, but in his heart was an inexplicable fear, and he was also clamoring to break through the fear of having his soul captured!

Sure enough, his fears were confirmed...

Under the left hand, thunder light covered it.

The first formation, a thunder knife formation!

Only for a while?

I haven't had time to relax yet...

The second formation is the Double Dragon Thunder Sword Formation.

The third formation is the Three Evil Sword Formation.

Three formations overlap! It is equivalent to the overlap of six lightning methods! Six times more powerful! The weakening period after the Convergence of Souls...

The thirty-five thousand man vomited blood, and then his body was penetrated by thunder... and swelled, boom! burst!

burst! burst! burst!

Four of them exploded! There are three left!

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

Kill kill kill!

Absolute murderous intent, absolute calmness!

There is no limit to killing!


Stab him with a sword and kill another one!

When the man was penetrated by a sword...

"Attack!" Liu Zongyuan and the man with a combat power of 38,000 were finally able to move! He immediately left his original position and flashed in a flash!

The giant tree spreads out ever-changing vine roots, half of which are pierced! Half bound!

When tying up Dai Li's arms,

The other person's sword cut out the river of knives!

However...the tenth pupil technique, the shadow of an instant!

Shadow peeling!


Eye surgery. A moment of photography!

The swordsman's face suddenly became stiff and frightened. The expression is always fixed~~~

Dragon Claw Thunder!

boom! Explode!

The real body tore the swordsman's body apart, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and blood... but it instantly solidified in the air. Drifting with the passage of generations, it is strange, terrifying, and the clothes are fluttering. She seemed to be walking out of blood.

In fact, it is a rapid reverse flow...

Rushed towards Liu Zongyuan!

Liu Zongyuan, a strong man with 40,000 attacks! From the beginning to the end, Dai Li can use his speed to keep pace with it. Never dared to fight head on!

At this moment, she rushed towards him!

Because he was standing right in front of Feng Zijun!

Liu Zongyuan was no longer anxious, and was secretly happy that Jun Zili was indeed blinded by anger and wanted to confront him head-on. In this way, her speed will be useless!

"Jun Zili, I am protecting Mr. Feng. You are seeking death! I advise you to give up early so as not to regret it." He tried to reshape his image of elegance and righteousness.

Because of Liu Zongyuan's calmness and confidence, Feng Zijun, who was originally a little scared, calmed down. Looking at Dai Li, his eyes were cold, this person must not be left here, his fighting power is too terrifying!

"Are you protecting him?" Dai Li's pupils were a bit strangely red, filled with evil energy, and shattered into pieces, like swords.

"Then we'll kill them together."

Feng Zijun, she must kill him!

Liu Zongyuan is protecting him, so let’s kill him together!

Together with Dao Tuo who was shackling her, kill, kill, kill!

At the same time, Feng Zijun felt that the energy in his body was locked. More than one of him, Liu Zongyuan, Dao Tuo, and the other surviving distractions all felt an absolutely cold feeling. He wanted to know this. It’s the Qi lock of the absolute killing realm!

Once locked, he will be killed without a doubt!

It just locked up too quickly! They barely have time to react...

Ang~ The forehead of the bloodline colossus has opened two blood pupils, and they rotate in an instant...

Pupil technique, instant photo!


Shock, shock, shock!

Photo photo photo!

No, Liu Zongyuan used his remaining soul to summon the giant tree in the sky to form a defense in an instant... Everyone could only see the giant tree appearing behind Liu Zongyuan, stretching out thousands of vines to form a defense in front of him. A huge barrier...

At that moment, Dai Li had already unleashed his thunder and summoned his strongest speed...

The thunder shadow cuts the light.

Across space....

When he was about to rush towards the huge vine barrier...

After the shadow of an instant, a sword was sacrificed.

With a little fingertip, he offered blood between his eyebrows, and casually touched the dragon pattern on the sword blade.


The dragon is resurrected on the sword! Like blood swimming...

The breath of dragon blood!

The sixteenth sword technique of Qianji, sealing the blood of the sword!

The weakening after the Instant Photo was thirty-seven thousand, explosive, explosive, explosive!


A sword pierces...


A hole broke in the barrier... and then...



Break, break, break!

The huge tearing pain made Liu Zongyuan suddenly wake up from the hallucination of eye skills. The moment his defense was torn apart by Dai Li's brazen sword, his face turned ferocious, "Split Fist!"

When he closed his hands, his body was filled with a majestic brown halo...

A giant tree stood up in the sky, and the huge vines condensed into a huge fist, blasting down from the sky!

He smashed down on Dai Li who broke through the barrier!

"Jun Zili, no matter how talented you are, the gap is the gap. Defeat me!!"

Dao Tuo, who was far away, had just woken up. In his weakness, he happened to see that earth-shattering punch and the Junzi Li who tore everything apart...

Naturally, I also saw several other people who were still completely weak...(To be continued)



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