A Queen

Chapter 1001: Moment 1 Sword (SuiㄛYiㄘ and Shibi+)

The gap is the gap, this sentence is the supreme truth.

Jun Zili, are you going to trample on this truth and achieve a shocking counterattack?

Everyone is watching...

I saw Liu Zongyuan, I saw Feng Zijun behind Liu Zongyuan, and I saw Dao Tuo behind Feng Zijun... There were three powerful distractions next to him...

They saw so much, but they could only see one person.

Say goodbye to the drop of blood dripping from your chin

--It's cold.

She must be very cold too...then use more blood to warm her...

"Here comes blood!"

The blood core rotates, and the aura of the Grand Duke's blood family is released. It is the desire for blood. For blood, she is also the greatest temptation.

It's a whirlpool.

Countless blood, splattered within a thousand miles around, is still attached to the sword, or all the blood on clothes, stones, water, and peach blossoms, all spiraling in one direction in a strange state, rolling up countless The light peach petals are like a giant bloody lotus...

Gathering around the man in the black robe stained with blood, devouring the forehead of the bloodline giant statue, blooming!

The Eye of Moment suddenly made a terrifying whistling sound, and almost everyone in the audience could see the bright light emitting from the giant statue's forehead, crossing in the sky...


The blood light solidified, like a chemical reaction, forming a giant sword in the sky...

The 12th Eye Technique--The Sword of the Moment!

Zi Weiyang holds the sword in her palm, her slender fingers lightly hook the outline of the sword hilt, her delicate and slightly pink lips straighten...

Perhaps this battle will become the most dazzling color of this exquisite feast.

She waited.

Sure enough, when a sword appeared at that moment, it shocked countless people.

A moment of surprise, a moment of sword.

Instant shadow.

The blood of the sword is sealed in an instant with one sword strike!

Cut off the giant tree in the sky!

Liu Zongyuan was cut in half with a sword...

Without stopping, Ru Guhong came to Feng Zijun... In front of him was a large restraint formation arranged by Dao Tuo.

Still not stopping!

In an instant, he tore it apart with a sword!


The slender palms directly pressed on Feng Zijun's face with a frightened expression, grabbed his face, and condensed it into dragon claws. Sprint past..

In front of Dao Tuo who was vomiting blood due to the backlash from the formation...

In front of the cross...

In front of everyone...

lift. Smash it down!

boom! ! !

The head was facing down, and it hit the deck hard... The huge force smashed the deck into pieces... and the wooden boards were tilted. Smashed, sawdust flew up...

That blood, that flesh splashing!

Feng Zijun's head was smashed into the hole, and his legs and feet were twitching on the ground...

Dao Tuo watched. She also saw Dai Li lowering her head, her hand still pressing on Feng Zijun's face. Blood energy and thunder input...corrosion!

Hissing, corrosion started from her face, and she screamed. She let go of her hand and grabbed Feng Zijun's shoulder with her palm. Slowly and elegantly, he used his dragon claw fingertips to pick out Feng Zijun's clavicle bone, and then cut off the meridians. Behind the shoulders are the arms. Pick up the meridians, one by one, not sparing any of them, and then crush every inch of the bones, rub, rub, rub...

The speed is actually very coherent, and the expression on her face is strangely calm and gentle, as if she is performing a sacred work...

Xue Qiange and others could not breathe smoothly, and suddenly felt that these zombies in front of them were so cute...

This is not the first time that people like Nan Lin have seen Dai Li's ruthless methods, but they secretly agree that Shang Bi Li's importance to her is indeed very important. It seems that the only few times she went ruthless were because a close relative was killed. harm...

Rampage, yes, that's the word.

The destructive power of the generation after the rampage is outrageous, and the effect is naturally terrifying.

Kill as a warning to thousands! !

Even the zombies roared eerily for such blood.

If you are an ordinary person, you will still be afraid of such methods as Daili, but everyone in Nanlin has some experience, and they are not flowers raised in a greenhouse. How can they be so pretentious? To put it harshly, Ying Zheng and Jing Jing are far away. Countless people have been killed, even innocent children, they can kill them without blinking an eye - anything that hinders their purpose will not be spared!

This is the iron rule of the world of the strong. Absolute ruthlessness when necessary is one of the qualities that a strong man must possess, not to mention dealing with the enemy...

Emperor Ming and others felt that Daili was more qualified to be a superior.

Even people like Yuan Yi and Qin Mingyue, who are usually like fairies, are 100% ok with such a scene!

This is the world of Xianxia, ​​where weak people are like dogs, and killing enemies is like killing dogs!

On the Peach Blossom Mountain wall, Qin Zhige's brows slightly furrowed. The handsome young man squatting by the field that day had red lips and white teeth, and eyes as bright as the sun...

Who is it now?

Less than a minute.

Feng Zijun, who had become a piece of rotten flesh on the deck, was already breathing heavily. Blood was flowing gurglingly, extremely hot and steaming...

Dai Li stood up with ferocious blood in his hands, shook the tendons wrapped around his fingers, walked under the cross, and looked down at Shang Bi Li who was hanging on it.

From this angle, you can see Shang Bie's furrowed brows and bitten lips that were bloody. His forehead was covered with blood, but it was diluted clear by the cold sweat that kept coming out of his body.

She was nearly dry, drained of life force by the torment of pain.

This kind of pain was countless times more painful than in previous years. She couldn't hear or see anything, and it was chaotic and ups and downs. She suddenly felt a hand gently caressing her face that was covered in flesh and blood, and a cool breeze blew over her face. There is a particularly familiar feeling in front of me...unconsciously, maybe subconsciously, or maybe in a dream.

It seemed that they were back in the jewelry store again. The sun was just right. They smiled and watched the young man dressed in men's clothing walking into the store and smiling brightly at them.

He just broke into her world and became another belief besides her brother.

Since when has she been so far away from her faith? Was it when all the catastrophe was wiped out in that one day, or was it when she had to go far away to the Peach Blossom Garden to watch the flowers bloom and fall day and night, or was it when she was so far away from her faith? It was before she saw her stagger out of the water. He looked at her with misty eyes, then bumped into a tree with peach blossoms flying...

Or when she told her that my name was Cai Qing...

Tears suddenly burst into tears.

She heard herself say: "Li, I'm so tired."

Then the body fell, landing on a person.

She fell into a deep dream.

After hugging Shang BiLi, Dai Li could feel the vague flesh and blood under Shang BiLi's clothes, and his tentacles were wet with blood...

Slender bones can be felt.

With his eyes slightly hot, Dai Li said softly: "Then take a nap. But remember when I told you to wake up. You must wake up..."

Holding Shang and turning around, Daili turned around and put up the chain. He picked up Feng Zijun from the ground, tied him up, impaled him and nailed him to the cross.

The hot blood flows down...

Then raise your eyes and look ahead.

Liu Zongyuan with half his body, Dao Tuo with a solemn face, Rukawa who was seriously injured and dying. There are also a few other distracted people with pale faces...

Their hearts were cold and their bodies were even colder as they looked at the man standing under the cross in front of them, holding the woman. His face was as white as snow, and a drop of blood between his brows was like cinnabar.

Hands dripping with blood...

Like a demon!

The whole deck is full of flesh and blood!

"I'll borrow some blood from you first, okay?"

It is very polite to say this when you are away. All these people's faces changed!


Liu Zongyuan escapes!

Dao Tuo Shadow Escape!

Escape from flowing rivers of blood!

Several distracted people fled in all directions!

Run like crazy to escape from that terrifying madman!

Escape from that hell-like killing field, escape from Jun Zili who really entered the state of killing.

Run away!

"Just borrow some blood. Do you need to be so ruthless?" Dai Li smiled softly and stepped out. Thousands of machines are flying, a giant bloodline statue is rising, and the eyes of an instant are opening!

On the left, Thousand Machines Sealing Sword Blood! Chasing half of Liu Zongyuan's body!

On the right, the sword of moment! Kill Dao Tuo!

In the middle, as soon as he raised his eyes, everyone was captured in an instant! Then there is the group triple pupil technique group attack!

Bang bang bang!

Those distracted bodies exploded! Soul elimination...

With just one pair of eyes, she can instantly kill three distractions with a combat power of over 35,000!

Liu Zongyuan's body also exploded...but his head was wrapped in a ball of green, and he quickly escaped to Yuan Xiao's ship, and landed on the board of the ship with a clatter, landing at Yuan Qi's feet. He was weak and frightened. Panting, he suddenly saw the contemptuous and indifferent eyes of Yuan Qi looking down at him...

At the same time, Dao Tuo landed on Liyun's boat, took two steps, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

As for Rukawa... he can't come back.

Turning his head, he could see the sky full of flesh and blood. A person walked out of the boat. The crazy people of the Wind King clan wanted to surround her and kill her, but...

With one person in my arms, one sword, and one pair of eyes, I can kill tens of thousands of people, and I will go.

Kill kill kill!

Thunder, evil spirit, blood light, eye skills, cross to kill!

The blood was hot and poured into the entire ship plank, which really covered the original blood of Shang Biejie. It burned the gorgeous spaceship and hung Feng Zijun on the cross.

At this moment, the blood energy and thunder had corroded his bones and flesh to seven or eight points. The miserable howl roared out from the hideous and ugly face, and the male marks were completely rotten...

A dying Liu Zongyuan, the dead Rukawa and everyone else, and him who was seriously injured...

This is Junzili's reverse scale. If it is moved, it will be so miserable!

Ten times, a hundred times more miserable than Shang Farewell!

Nuo Shanbei and other former enemies took a deep breath, not knowing whether they felt happy or frightened...

But Feng Zijun's tragic situation definitely angered someone.

Zhou Tai!

This guy's strength is not comparable to ordinary distractions. At this moment, the muscles on his face are trembling, and Chao Daili roars: "Junzili!!"

"Your opponent is me, what did you ask her to do?" Yuanyi made such an understatement and easily angered Zhou Tai!

It's this woman. If she hadn't implicated him all the way, how could he have no time to save Feng Zijun!

At this moment, Feng Zijun is on the verge of death. If he really dies, he will definitely be severely punished by the Feng King clan and will most likely be executed!

This hatred is irreconcilable! (To be continued)

ps: Thank you Suiyiㄘ for the New Year and Shibi. I have added one more chapter. So far, all the owed updates have been paid off... I suddenly realized that it was already one thousand and one chapters, a number worth remembering~~ Also I'm sorry for the abuse I caused you during the Chinese New Year... Now that the abuse has passed, let's start having fun!

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