A Queen

Chapter 1002 Little 9 Sword! The power of the famous sword!

"Damn bitch!"

Zhou Tai has already rushed towards Yuan Yi, condensing all his strength... a powerful move!

And when he attacked Daili, Daili had already held Shangbieli and turned into a terrifying thunderbolt...

When they passed Xiangxi Palace, they had no intention of stopping at all. Xiangxi Palace gritted his teeth and said, "You are really heartless. You don't recognize people in the blink of an eye...Old man Chang Ying, I won't play with you anymore...you can go play alone." Bar!"

As soon as she waved her hand, twenty abacus beads popped out, doubling her power. Chang Ying couldn't deal with it for a while, and could only watch Xiangxi Palace fly away easily.

"That's unreasonable!" Chang Ying was unwilling and helpless. He could only secretly worry that he didn't have that top-notch magic weapon, otherwise he would have been so bullied by a junior who was not as good as him!

In the blink of an eye, Dai Li caught up with Nan Lin and others who were blocked. Below him was a swarm of zombies. Dai Li was like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth...

Xiangxi Palace, who caught up behind, waved his hand and smashed a large number of zombies with more than a dozen abacus beads. Dai Li only glanced at it and turned to look at Xiangxi Palace. The other party immediately gritted his teeth and shouted: "You still know how to look at me?" ?”

When Xiangxi Palace felt that he said such a sentence, he wanted to slap himself in the face. It was so cheap. I am the most wealthy rich man here!

He quickly added with a sneer: "Don't think that if you look at me, I will let you on board..."

"Then take a look?" someone said lightly. Then another look...

Xiangxi Palace: "...."

How can a person in such a violent state respond so tactfully!

It can only show that this person’s meanness goes deep into his bones!

But she would never admit that the guy's look just now... *exploded!

"Hurry to my ship..." Xiangxi Gong shouted, trying to lead Dai Li to fly forward, but Dai Li stopped her, "Please help me take care of her, I will save others."

Damn. Do you think you are Guanyin Bodhisattva? How many can be saved? Xiangxi Palace wanted to say something embarrassing, but still couldn't say it, so she could only carefully take Shang Biejie. When the blood came to her nose and wet her hands, she said, "Do you trust her? Or do you treat everyone like this?"

This question is a bit rude.

Maybe it was with some sarcasm, maybe it was to defend someone.

"There is a person down there that I must save... I can only save him. Only by separation can I be saved."

Daili left a sentence gently. It has already flown down.

Heading towards the swarming zombies...


Mass killing sweep!

Bravely rush into the two famous swordsmen, golden triangle, come on!

Killing. Dai Li saw Lou Lanting and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the other party was intact.

This person has a scroll of medical knowledge on his body, and there is absolutely no room for error. She must protect him...

certainly. People like Nan Lin... Dai Li looked up and could see Ming Jian's lowered gaze.

Don’t sanctify killing. Just to kill oneself and become enlightened!

Whether she has no regrets and kills her heart, whether she is perfect in Tai Chi, or whether she is a bloodthirsty murderer, she must follow the thought in her heart.

Fight your way out of the world!

Zombies from before your eyes. Kill a group of killers or traitors to create a world!

Dai Li raised his hand, the Thousand Machine Sword pointed at the sky, the blood spiral...

boom! The bloodline colossus rises and falls. The eye of the moment sweeps across...light, fire. Photo!

The attack of the soul is all over the place!

"Back off, back off!" Dao Tuo already knew that Dai Li's pupil technique was her biggest reliance on counterattacking him and Liu Zongyuan, otherwise she wouldn't be able to break through the defense even with her strongest combat power of thirty-seven thousand and seventy-eight!

But she knows eye magic!

And there are many kinds of pupil techniques!

Insight, speed increase, and soul absorption are undoubtedly not good!

this is too scary!

They can't stop them, let alone others...


This is the only order Dao Tuo, who was seriously injured but still holding his breath, gave to all the killers of Liyun...

The killer of the split cloud was obedient, so they all took steps to retreat at the same time, but...

The soul cannot retreat!

The soul is completely empty!

The body has withdrawn from the zombie swarm...

When flying...

Jing Jingyuan's hands are curled up in the Tai Chi circle, and the movement trajectory is roughly consistent with Tai Chi. The mysterious essence inside is in line with the martial arts of the Qingyuan Building owner. It is Zhongzheng, majestic, and magnificent!

Pisces rises, the spiral comes!

Tai Chi Vortex...


Wei Niang couldn't help but admire: "Awesome!"

She watched her host teach this girl from Jingjing Yuan with her own eyes, but within a few hours, she had already absorbed what he taught her, and what was rare was that she did not just follow the book but integrated it into her own... .

Awesome, so awesome!

People with strong talents are just willful!

Hundreds of killers and a large number of zombies were dragged back by this terrifying punch hole. When the soul was weakened...

Wow~ The white clothes floated up and rustled.

The figure of the famous sword has soared and punched like an eagle. One sword rises and nine swords fall!

That is not the ethereal sword shadow, but the real Nine Swords!

One sword is divided into nine swords!

Form a spiral sword momentum in nine directions!

Cut it off!

"Xiao Jiu Sword Power!" Yue Shan's eyes lit up!

The true return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Clan is a milestone in the way of kendo. All swordsmen who have returned to the Clan of Wanjian have established their own family of swordsmanship and are unique in the world. Before Wanjian returned to the Clan, there were the Little Nine Swords, the Big Nine Swords, and the Little Hundred Swords. The Big Hundred Sword, the Little Thousand Sword, the Big Thousand Sword, the Little Thousand Sword, the Big Thousand Sword, and finally the return to the clan!

The specifics cannot be measured by cultivation level, but it can be generally recognized that swordsmen who can reach the stage of Xiao Qianjian are at least Sword King or above, and most of them have not yet reached this level.

Swordsmanship is the most difficult way to learn between heaven and earth, and its mysteries are even more difficult to comprehend. What's more, there are celebrities in the world of swordsmanship like Wan Jiangui Zongshi. There are very few swordsmen in the world who can take this path and succeed. There are very few people who can understand...

Xiaojiu Sword is one of the study directions for sword masters who have already achieved some attainments in the way of swordsmanship, and now... famous swords are not distracting yet!

Before I was distracted, it was Xiao Jiujian!

Yue Shan felt that his heart felt like first love!

This feeling may be comparable to Xi Liuying's unextricable sinking feeling at this moment...

"This famous sword... is simply..." Bu Feiyang couldn't believe it but had to believe it. Just like swordsmen like Qin Lanfeng, they must admit that the recognized male god in front of them has been extremely low-key and has surpassed them in the way of swordsmanship by several levels!

Fortunately, his cultivation level is still low... ok, ok, ok...

Just when everyone is rejoicing that everything is fine...

Xiao Jiujian has come down!

Realm increase!

Absolutely heartbreaking!

Bang bang bang!

Thirty-three thousand violent attacks!


The Nine Swords Lotus is in full bloom...

The sword energy tore apart vertically and horizontally....

More than 300 people were torn apart on the spot, and thousands of others were blown away... Jingjing stood far away on the periphery, with his hands crossed, his eyes dimly gleaming, and two large Pisces swimming in the sky, grabbing the bodies of these people. . Say softly: "Tai Chi. Ju"


Squeeze in a terrifying spiral from the outside to the inside! Like a giant gear spinning...

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!

One by one, they were squeezed and crushed by the spiral gears...

Bang bang bang!

More than two hundred people were killed!

Swish, brush, brush!

The rest of the people finally escaped from the terrifying spiral sky disk, and also avoided the famous sword's irregular small nine-sword group killing...

But he avoided that sword.

It is the sword of the moment, and it is also the sword-sealing blood.

Stab over with a sword...

The double attack of Thousand Machine Sword and Soul Eye Technique!

Kill kill kill!

The dust has settled. Flesh and blood flying everywhere...

All instantly!

A rift appears!

The three of them did what Emperor Ming and others failed to do.

Because no one could have imagined that these three people could break out of the weakest siege of more than a thousand people!

If they had thought of it earlier, there would naturally be stronger people to intercept them, but now the opportunity has been missed.

These three people have already conquered the world by themselves!

"Let's go!" A hole was blown out of the dam. The torrent that had been blocked suddenly surged and charged towards this opening!

Thousands of strange things, each showing his magical powers!

behind. Wherever Xue Qiange passed, ice and snow spread... The ice peaks were like swords! The terrifying thing about Wanxue's top clan is the absolute coldness of the ice and the absolute killing power of the snow.

Wherever Baili Fengxue passed, there were bloody swords. His way was like this... just as he said. He likes Dai Li's sword, the blood-sealing sword...

Baili Fengjiang is a bit more domineering, one fist at a time and one explosion at a time. Blaze a path!

Qin Lanfeng had no cover at this moment, and his sword was like a sword. Tyrannical tearing!

Xiang Yunhong is a noble but has a murderous way of killing. Just like the Xiang family warlord's consistent killing style, he kills in a wise way!

Bu Feiyang's strength is no worse than these people. No, maybe he has a slight chance of winning. It comes from his secret method inheritance, so the effect is more powerful. But he is not compared with these people. His only enemy is Liu Zongyuan. Along with Su Li and Ming Jian, these geniuses from Fenchuan.

Now Liu Zongyuan has been deposed by Dai Li, and the famous sword has not yet been cultivated, and now there is only one Su Li...

Su Li... Xi Liuying looked subconsciously, and what he saw was the graceful figure of a beautiful woman with flying short hair.

The fingers are pressing the strings, and the eyes are looking at the smoke. At first glance, it seems that there is a bit of the ethereal air of Qin Zhige, but there is also some uninhibitedness and uniqueness floating in the world...

The sound was also very strange, but it just matched the strange sound of the xun.

To be honest, people who play music have always been a bit weird.

It is said that literati are aloof, but at first glance, it seems that people like Su Li and Yu Ji are more difficult to approach than Wen Zhiqiu and others.

Even Xi Zhixin is dull rather than indifferent, but people like Su Li are really not accessible to the same kind of people.

To put it simply, people whose brain structure is not very similar to ordinary people sometimes cannot keep up with each other's brain waves.

But now they are together... one after another, rushing towards the opening!


Break, break, break


Dai Li landed on the deck of a luxury ship and saw Xiangxi Palace and Shang BiEr who was placed on the deck by her.

Breathing loosened and then deepened.

Finally rushed out! (To be continued)

ps: Thank you He Shibi for following me. I won’t update today, but will update tomorrow~~~I have a cold and fell asleep again in the afternoon...Hey~~

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