A Queen

Chapter 1003 Qinghuang, Wind King!


Whispering, hundreds of streams of light rushed out from the bottom blockade. The flying swords and flying knives were still like streams of light themselves, forming a stream of light that fell on the luxurious ship. As soon as it landed, they smelled the strong smell of blood. Shang Biejie, who was lying on the ground, could no longer see his former appearance. The blood was flowing under his body, soaking the brown and smooth wooden board into a crimson red. Daili was half-kneeling on the ground, his expression...

Her hand was held gently by two fingers with visible bones.

Shang Biejie's breathing was very difficult, his breath was slow and weak, and cold sweat soaked his hair and clothes.

The blood is the vitality forced out from deep within the bone marrow.

Her life was flagging.

The original black hair has become dull one by one... (This is not abuse, it is excessive, okay?)

Yu Ji and others all felt uncomfortable at this moment, very uncomfortable, so they all turned around.

Is this the body that can save you? It’s so scary!

Why would God torture such a woman like this?

In fact, if you had never seen the former Shang Farewell before, you would not have such a sad feeling at this moment, just like you have never seen the perfect and beautiful blue and white porcelain. If you are obsessed with it, you will not be sad when it is smashed into pieces. .

Because I have seen beautiful things, the shock after the beautiful things are broken becomes more profound.

Dai Li felt how fragile the two fingers holding his hand were, and could break with just a touch.

The energy of Due's misfortune surged out of Shang Biejie's body uncontrollably, wrapping her up...

The final engulfment.

Everyone watched, but none of them could do anything. Even Xiangxi Palace, which boasted of possessing a large number of treasures, remained silent.

I could only watch the man on the ground gradually disappear, and also watch Dai Li kneeling there without saying a word...

"Loulanting" Dai Li suddenly shouted.

"Yeah" Lou Lanting responded.

"Whoever you are, help me once."

"No matter who I am? No matter what my intentions are? If my conditions are too big for you to bear.

Still want my help? "



The conversation between the two was so ordinary that it was difficult for people around to figure it out for a while, but they could hear some secrets in it.

Lou Lan Ting... is different from most people in Nanlin. They are not distracted and too deep.

Therefore, it must be extremely difficult for him to hand over the medical scroll, unless it is a transaction!

Using the one condition Junzi Li promised to trade... Judging from Lou Lanting's tone, I knew that Junzi Li's agreement would not be an easy condition...

Xiangxi Palace suddenly remembered the answer Ling Longling gave that day.

Three people must be willing to give up.

Presumably now is the time to let go.

Dai Li left. Got the first volume of medical knowledge. but...

"Where's Bai Jin!"

Daili raised his head, his eyes as wide as a distance!

She has everything ready, but this woman seems to be missing!

Where has she gone?

Daili shouted. The people present immediately felt something strange. Yes, it seemed that there were indeed fewer people...

As a wealthy ship owner, Xiangxi Palace had a cool word for these people who had just escaped.

"Some people are not here. But some people are always there, looking back."

Looking back?

Dai Li turned around and looked. At this moment, the Wanbaozhai luxury fleet has turned around and is preparing to escape from this place. After all, their main purpose is not to encircle and suppress people like Yuan Xiao, but to escape from the opponent's encirclement and suppression. Although it sounds unworthy of courage, there is nothing you can do about it, the opponent's siege is too strong. The longer time passes, the worse it will be for them, so...

Dai Li happened to be able to see when the ship's bow turned. A man and a woman were facing each other in the vast sky opposite.

That aura is much more powerful than their golden triangle.

"It's Long Yi." Jing Jingyuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

The opponent is Zhou Tai, Feng Zijun's first guard.

You can see the hand seal of Lun Yi in the distance, the Dharma seal is coming!

A seal countless times more terrifying than the magic circle appears!

Sweeping across the sky, it was a giant seal!

Press down!

As soon as this seal came, Zhou Tai's expression changed drastically. The identity of this woman was...

Boom, the terrifying seal suppressed Zhou Tai's panic and disbelief, suppressing it!

Zhou Tai was directly blasted out and hit the Crossship, smashing the bow of the ship. He fell to the ground in a panic, vomiting blood and being seriously injured. For a moment, he could not speak. He could only stare at the floating object in the distance.

How is it possible...she is obviously that age...

As soon as Lun Yi escaped, her terrifying power was revealed. The seals were like a heaven-defying plug-in, and they were printed one after another, which amazed everyone like the original poster.

"Is this the seal that is riding on the magic circle? It is indeed one of the most difficult powers to control in the world. If she grows up, it will be easy to rival us in the future. No wonder the Qinghuang clan keeps her secret."

The owner of Qingyuan Building and others had some speculations about Long Qi, but they also knew that the Qinghuang clan had never had such a figure among its descendants, and presumably some of them had deliberately concealed it. Otherwise, which family would be willing to give up the concealed bloodline? Outside, you can only protect her without leakage if you love her to the extreme.

Now when it breaks out, the effect is really scary. It kills Zhou Tai instantly, so it is at least a high-level distraction!

Zhou Tai was beaten, but Yuan Xiao was still strong, or in other words, he and Hui Gu, the two oldest ones, were still strong. Seeing this scene, Yuanyuan narrowed his eyes and chuckled: "As expected of the Qinghuang clan... The luck is at its peak to produce such a peerless enchantment..."

"I think now is not the time for you to express this emotion." The host and Emperor Ming stepped up their attacks, hoping to capture the thief first. However, since Yuan Xiao can shoulder the responsibility of this conspiracy, he will not be killed so easily. Kill, like now, he suddenly smiled.

"My opponents are not the Qinghuang clan. The Qinghuang has its own Wind King Mill... Look, they are coming!"

Yuanyi and Xiangxi Palace looked in the same direction at almost the same time.

It was a huge ship flying from the edge of the sea. Compared with the exquisite ships, it was not inferior. It seemed as if the clouds were torn from the clouds, towering and sharp, appearing in the sky.

Looking down at the chaos ahead and below.

The sign on the bow of the ship made Dai Li's eyes gleam.

Two bars.

The second-class disciple of the Wind King. It is also a guard ship owned by the most direct descendant.

Who is coming?

The gorgeous robe of white and purple blooms with auspicious clouds and flowers, the gorgeous long hair lightly held in a feather crown, the fair and handsome face, the tall and handsome figure, one foot on the bow statue, The wind blew brightly, and he watched coldly. It's like looking down at talent.

This man is very good looking. Of course, he is full of magnanimity and has the sense of splendor and elegance of a noble and noble family. The pride of a person under the splendor also rides over them like a ship.

An extremely proud person.

"Feng Shaoling of the Feng King is known as the Third Young Master of the Feng King... I didn't expect that Feng Zijun, a loser, would know to hire his third brother in advance~~" Xiangxi Palace sneered coldly, not knowing where he was. Who are you laughing at, you are still reminding Dai Li,

Dai Li soon saw the legendary Third Young Master of the Wind King. Although I don't know much about him, I can tell the other party's terrifying status from the appearance of this giant ship.

he. Feng Shaoling is as different as Feng Zijun.

But what surprised Dai Li was that... there was no one else on the ship.

There is only one Feng Shaoling.

Very strange.

Is it because of the master’s strong self-confidence? still...

Taking a closer look, there was indeed only one Feng Shaoling on the bow, and he was the only one on the ship. But there is a huge fleet behind this ship.

A luxurious spaceship with a momentum comparable to that of Wanbaozhai...

Is this the guard owned by the direct elite descendants of the Wind King clan?

It can simply overthrow most of the aristocratic families in medium-sized groups n times!

Yuan Qi thought about how his family... was still hostile to one of the enemy's bodyguards.

The gap is really big.

The fleet confronts each other in the air!

The escort team of Third Master Feng Wang did not directly join Dao Tuo and others. It should be said that he disdains cooperation with others, so he is like a third party interfering in. Outside, the sky fleet in front of us formed a three-legged confrontation!

But it is obvious that this situation is very unfavorable for them.

The Third Young Master of the Wind King surrounded them intentionally or unintentionally...

"Shopkeeper..." The people below came to ask for instructions from Xiangxi Palace,

"Let's see first... that Feng Shaoling is also a lunatic at heart. The weather is uncertain, so be prepared first." Xiangxi Palace waved his hand and leaned against the bow of the ship, asking his men to wait and see what happened, but everything is ready... .

After finishing speaking, he looked at Dai Li again and said, "Aren't you going to hide for a while?"


Dai Li sneered.

Feng Shaoling was standing on the bow of the ship, looking down, and glanced lightly. He was not attracted by the tragic situation of his brother, but only glanced at it lightly, with slightly darker eyes.

"Who is it?" His voice was a little cold, with the nobility and sternness created by nature and environment, and it was cool.

Naturally, he can despise countless people.

People like Bu Feiyang seemed to be inconspicuous to him like gravel on the beach.

"Third Young Master...it's her!" Zhou Tai's hand pointed directly at Dai Li!

It's her, it's her, it's her! That gourd boy in black!

Dai Li directly met Feng Shaoling's cold gaze, cold and contemptuous to the core, a look that seemed to drive her into dust.

In fact, Dai Li also directly blacklisted everyone in the Feng King clan.

But Feng Shaoling glanced at Dai Li's aura and raised an eyebrow slightly, looking at Feng Zijun on the cross, "Such a weak cultivation can be defeated, Feng Zijun, you are really incompetent to the extreme. ah.."

One sentence disgusted both of them, and the slow tone was a bit frivolous and casual like a famous Jiangnan actress.

Dai Li felt like he had met a nasty person like Liu Hongxiu again. No, maybe Liu Hongxiu was a little cuter. After all, they were really perverted, but this person was...

The name of the Wind King Clan was enough to make her unhappy with him no matter what.

Feng Zijun didn't have the strength to resist Feng Shaoling's sarcasm at this moment, not to mention he didn't dare to confront this person, so he could only whimper a few times...

Like a poor little white rabbit.

Okay now this little white rabbit is ugly and scary. (To be continued)

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