A Queen

Chapter 1004 History repeats itself? (As you wish He's Bi+)

His eyes were also staring straight at Dai Li, very resentful, terrifying, and bloodshot...

That is the ultimate hatred.

Dai Li carefully placed Shang Biel's hand, then raised his body and watched Feng Shaoling's man put what seemed to be an extremely expensive pill into Feng Zijun's mouth, and also removed him from the cross.

The people in Nanlin secretly said it was a pity, they should have killed this kid long ago! How could he be saved!

However, Dai Li didn't seem to be upset at all. Instead, he walked to the bow of the ship, put his feet down, and jumped to the bow. Feng Shaoling, who was facing him from a distance, also formed the appearance of three kings standing side by side with Dao Tuo.

They are thousands of meters apart.

The majestic spacecraft covered the sky in a triangular disk pattern, and each muzzle was aimed at the target...

Killing is imminent!

"Feng Shaoling" Dai Li suddenly called him by his name, gently.

In fact, there was already murderous intent in Feng Shaoling's eyes, because he really didn't like that the man opposite him with such stunning charm wanted to talk to him on an equal footing. Does she have this qualification?

And she called her by her first name...

So Feng Shaoling just glanced at Dai Li quietly, his eyes slid over Shang Biejie on the ground, and then looked at Feng Zijun who had recovered his body, with a playful look in his eyes: "The one on the ground is the one you had a conflict with before. Toy? You are so excited for such a dilapidated object..."

The elixir seemed to be extremely powerful. Feng Zijun had recovered half of his physical body and could speak: "Third brother, this kid is extremely hateful. You must kill her!"

Feng Shaoling glanced at him sideways, and suddenly flicked her wrist...pop! With a slap, Feng Zijun flew away, "Are you ordering me?"

"No...no..." Feng Zijun hid under the railing in fear, while Feng Shaoling lazily raised his eyes. Looking at Dai Li: "We, the Feng King clan, are incompetent. It is one thing to repair our own family, but we cannot tolerate being bullied by an irrelevant and humble person... tell me your name."

Uncertain, shady, cruel and cunning, he is indeed a character of Liu Hongxiu's line.

But the murderous intent is also revealed!

Dai Li stood facing the wind and saw Feng Shaoling's murderous intention. Isn't he filled with murderous intent? When our eyes meet,

It means that each understands the other's murderous intention.


Before Dai Li even reported his name, Feng Zijun grabbed the railing like crazy and screamed: "I won't let you go! Just wait to die!! Our Feng King clan is going to be destroyed." You. It’s so easy! I will definitely kill you..."

Feng Zijun was almost crazy about the previous painful torture. Without personal experience, you really can't understand the pain that tortures your flesh and blood inch by inch. It was a hell that was difficult to escape from. Even now, he still has seven or eight heart palpitations and is trapped in that kind of terror.

Therefore, I feel even more unforgettable resentment towards the initiator, Dai Li.

Now Feng Shaoling comes. Naturally, this means that the situation has turned upside down!

The emboldened clan, Feng Zijun's resentment amplified infinitely... It made Yu Ji and others feel cold, wondering how Dai Li, who had become a prisoner, would be treated if the situation was decided...

Look at his hysteria. Dai Li just had a look of sorrow in his eyes, sighed softly, and said: "Those who are my enemies have never left any roots, so I didn't kill you completely. Don't you think it's strange?"

This sentence made Feng Zijun stunned. Feng Shaoling and Dao Tuo were also slightly surprised. After thinking about it carefully, they suddenly looked at Feng Zijun.

At this moment, Feng Zijun was still in a daze and was just about to ridicule Dai Li for speaking so brazenly...

Suddenly his body twitched! Blood energy escaped from his seven orifices, and there was also a wisp of gray energy...

ah! ! Horrible screams erupted from the deck. The people from the Wind King family immediately stepped forward to take a look, and their faces were horrified!

"The energy of disaster!"

"She actually left a wisp of the aura that will bring about disaster in Master Zijun's body!"

"Vicious, really vicious!"

How terrifying is the body of Due? Shang's separation was so miserable, and now it is re-evolved for everyone to see.

From dying to recovering completely by taking the best elixir, to the outbreak of Due's poison, Feng Zijun experienced it personally...

This is the cruelty of Dai Li!

Is it enough to torture you once?

When Dao Tuo and the others were all shocked and the Feng King clan was helpless, Feng Shaoling turned around and saw the bow of the ship in the distance.

The man slowly rubbed his fingers, lowered his eyes and smiled softly, with peach blossoms flying behind his back...

"If the person who is my enemy is immortal, either I love you to the extreme, or I hate you to eternity, so I would like to let you live forever and suffer from this for the rest of your life... By the way, you members of the Wind King clan The elixir is good and the effect is really good.”

Lend your hands to save his life, so that he can live but not die!

In the ferocious pain of Feng Zijun who was completely crazy, the stench of rotting flesh and blood spread, and her stunning beauty appeared to be incomparable. On the Wanbaozhai spaceship, Yu Ji gently held Shang Biejie's hand. If Feng Zijun was like this A grown man couldn't bear the pain when he was first tortured by the body of Due, so how could he not let out a moan when they parted?

Her tenacity and forbearance may exceed the limits of their imagination.

Xiangxi Palace felt a little resentful at first, but now she felt a little pity for him. She shook her head and looked at Dai Li... just in time to hear Feng Shaoling's calm and restrained voice suppressing murderous intent.

"Jun Zili... You are a very interesting person. I will give you two choices."

"Death, or hand over the scrolls and treasures"

Oops! Finally getting to the point! Not many people believe that Feng Shaoling came here simply to save Feng Zijun. After all, the family has no true feelings, let alone not being a sibling, so he can only come here for the treasure!

Obviously the other party also knew about "Chen Gong's Secret Record".

Who is more important, Feng Zijun or Dao Juan?

No need to think about it!


Feng Zijun is wailing and the wind is howling.

Feng Shaoling's perfectly manicured fingernails tapped the jade pendant hanging by her legs... her expression was casual and elegant.

That's oppression from an absolute advantage.

Dai Li raised his eyebrows and turned to look when a wisp of fragrance came from beside him. When he saw the other person, the corner of his mouth curled up.



Standing next to Dai Li, Nuan Yi rolled up his sleeves and looked at Feng Shaoling opposite. Eyes like water: "Feng Shaoling, are you sure?"

What else are you unsure about?

Feng Shaoling stared straight at Lian Yi and frowned slightly. Suddenly Zhou Tai lay on the railing and shouted loudly: "Third Young Master, she is..."

Before she could shout out, Feng Shaoling already twitched the corner of her mouth. Smiling lightly: "So it's you..."

"it's me"

"It seems that Qinghuang's punishment for you is not enough...you are not afraid of making a mess."

"It's just what my heart wishes." These words are very gentle and elegant. The vernacular explanation is that I do things based on my heart, and the vernacular explanation is... I like it, it's none of your business!

Feng Shaoling sneered. "It's a pity that I can't do it"

"Already in time." With one fingertip and a hook in the air, that extremely familiar movement...teared off the covering curtain.

Just like what I saw on the beach.

After the torn curtain, there is...

The entire spaceship surrounded Feng Shaoqing, Dao Tuo and the others' spaceships...

Quantity suppression! The distance is too close! And the opponent has already concentrated all its offensive... As soon as the green light is emitted...

The fluttering green flag. The elegant ancient logo on it undoubtedly tells everyone where it comes from.

The guards of the Qinghuang clan.


"Close your green clothes..." Feng Shaoling stroked the corner of her mouth. Narrowing his eyes, "You're good at this."

Yuan Xiao also frowned. It was indeed a beautiful move. He didn't expect that they would be played a second time.

No wonder Na Luan Yi could defeat Zhou Tai with one move before. But he was stunned to deal with him, thinking that he secretly arranged the seal through a fierce fight with him...

Silently, her guards surrounded their people.

What a terrible junior.

But wearing Tsing Yi...

Lun is the original surname of the Qinghuang clan, and she is indeed a member of the Qinghuang clan. It’s just that I’ve never heard of the name Qing Yi. It seems that she is not the leader of the younger generation of the Qing Huang clan.

But the size of her guard was larger than that of Feng Shaoqing. Obviously, his status in the Qinghuang clan is very noble.

"It's indeed her!"

"I just said it was her..."

The people in Nanlin had already guessed a bit, and they were not surprised at the moment, but they were very emotional. It turned out that the girl who was the same age as Dai Li had become such a monster.

The two years of transformation are so obvious in her body, like Qingluan turning into a phoenix from nirvana!

The powerful appearance of the Wind King Clan and the Qing Huang Clan made the situation weird for a while. The Gray Skeleton at the top of the peak chuckled, but was not anxious anymore, "There is a good show to watch... Qing Huang and Feng King. .Maybe we can benefit from it."

Qing Huang and Feng Wang are old enemies.

Although the fight is now between the younger generation, it seems that they can roughly represent the two races, but can they fight?

If there were a fight, the significance would be extraordinary.

The scene condensed.

Feng Shaoling seemed to be trying to figure out the gains and losses. He stared blankly, while Dai Li also seemed careless.

She is fully aware of everything about Yuan Yi, including her arrangements and the arrival of the guards, and she also has a tacit understanding of the other party's thoughts, but this situation...

Daili always feels uneasy.

Two people are not here.

Yuan Xiao's reaction was also a bit strange.

And this world...

Maybe she would have to take that step in the end.

Suddenly, Feng Shaoling's words came out.

"Luan Qingyi, I won't fight with you, but I will kill this gentleman and leave that merchant."

"History will repeat itself. I want to see if you choose like you did two years ago, continue to disobey the purposes of the two races for unrelated people, and take the initiative to attack me... If so, this time it will not only last two years. Purgatory is closed"

"What will you choose..."

Feng Shaoling smiled, raised his hand, smiled wildly, and waved his fingers!

He suddenly pointed in the direction of Dai Li!

"Kill her at all costs and say goodbye to that Shang!"

"Kill!" (To be continued)


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